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Showing 1–22 of 168 results
  • New!
    <b style="color:red;">WE ARE MOVING: Shop closed till 01-04-2025 | All orders will be shipped on 03-04-2025!</b>

    WE ARE MOVING: Shop closed till 01-04-2025 | All orders will be shipped on 03-04-2025!

    As you know renovations of the new shop space have been going on for quite a while now, but the time to move has finally come! This is of course has to be done with a lot of care, not only for the products but also the big furniture and .....
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  • Kiev 88 SLR camera with Volna-3 80mm f/2.8 MC lens

    Kiev 88 SLR camera with Volna-3 80mm f/2.8 MC lens

    Price: 250,00
    This Kiev 88 was produced in the early 1990s, and is actually still in very good cosmetical condition. The camera also fires and speeds change but as usual with soviet equipment we cannot give any warranty on the exact functionality of the camera. The curtains show some minimal crinkles but .....
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  • Leica I (model C) w/ Elmar 3.5 / 5cm (CHROME)

    Leica I (model C) w/ Elmar 3.5 / 5cm (CHROME)

    Price: 300,00
    This Leica I Model C has been modified in a very peculiar way, which also makes it rather unique. The camera was originally black paint but at some point in it’s life got a chrome job done which looks very shiny. The rewind button also got “upgraded” to a Leica .....
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  • Leica III black paint outfit in leather case, collectors kit

    Leica III black paint outfit in leather case, collectors kit

    Price: 999,00
    This Leica III comes in the most amazing black paint finish matched with 2 LTM lenses. The Nickel accents on the body and standard lens are just the perfect combination with its slightly worn yet shiny black paint finish. Elmar 5cm has quite decent optics, a light haze is present .....
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  • Leica IIIC K Chrome + Elmar 3.5 / 5cm

    Leica IIIC K Chrome + Elmar 3.5 / 5cm

    Price: 1.000,00
    According to serial number lists this Leica IIIC K stepper started it’s life as a grey painted example, but somewhere in it’s life someone decided it was a good idea to rechrome this camera, probably due to the wearing down of the paint, making this a rather interesting proposition for .....
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  • Leica III rangefinder + Summar 50mm F/2 lens

    Leica III rangefinder + Summar 50mm F/2 lens

    Price: 400,00
    This Leica III kit has been made in 1936 and comes in a well preserved condition considering it’s age. Some regular wear to body and lens. The shutter fires and sound good on hearing though not verified by our test equipment. Slow speeds sometimes irregular. Finder is pretty bright though .....
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  • KMZ Zenit FS-122-2 Fotosnaiper, complete kit in leather case

    KMZ Zenit FS-122-2 Fotosnaiper, complete kit in leather case

    Price: 250,00
    Late production mid 90s production Zenit Photosniper kit, consisting of the Tair-3S 300mm lens and a rather uncommon Zenit 122S body with special coupling for the stock where the kit is mounted in. The kit comes complete in it’s suitcase with lens hood, filters, 2 bulk film cassettes. No helios .....
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  • Beautyflex 2.8 TLR w/ 80mm f/2.8 Canter F.C. lens

    Beautyflex 2.8 TLR w/ 80mm f/2.8 Canter F.C. lens

    Price: 300,00
    The Beautyflex 2.8 is a interesting TLR camera because of the fact it features a 80mm f/2.8 Canter F.C. lens which is a faster lens than you usually see with the “copy” TLR cameras from japan. The lenses also have a bay 3 filter system. The camera has some wear .....
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  • Nikonos II + W-Nikkor 2.5 / 35mm

    Nikonos II + W-Nikkor 2.5 / 35mm

    Price: 180,00
    A Nikonos II underwater camera with W-Nikkor 35mm f/2.5 standard lens which can be used both above and under water. The camera body looks good, the II type badge is missing on the top plate. The camera fires on all speeds and seems accurate but it was not machine tested. .....
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  • Leica MDa camera with data imprint connector

    Leica MDa camera with data imprint connector

    Price: 350,00
    This Leica MDa has been slightly modified for industrial use. The bottom plate is not flat, there is a metal notch mounted in which a data imprint strip could be inserted. On the left hand of the image plane a small cutout can be seen where this strip/insert is located. .....
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  • Voigtlander Bessa RF with Helomar lens version

    Voigtlander Bessa RF with Helomar lens version

    Price: 250,00
    Voigtlander Bessa RF with a Helomar 10.5cm f/3.5 lens in compur rapid shutter. The camera looks well preserved with some regular wear considering it’s age. The rangefinder is a bit dim and finder lenses are somewhat dirty internally with dust inside. The bellows look good and from what we can .....
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  • Rollei Rolleicord IIb with Triotar taking lens, collectible TLR

    Rollei Rolleicord IIb with Triotar taking lens, collectible TLR

    Price: 150,00
    Rolleicord IIb camera with Zeiss Triotar lens from the 1930s. Cosmetically with some general wear, small leather patch missing on one of the knobs to the side. Aperture lever bent inwards but still moves freely. We sell this one as a collectible camera and we have not thoroughly tested it. .....
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  • Leica “Postcamera 1968” with close focus Summaron 2.8 / 35mm

    Leica “Postcamera 1968” with close focus Summaron 2.8 / 35mm

    Price: 500,00
    Collectors piece Leica Postcamera 1968. This camera is based on the Leica MD system camera. It has been modified (by leica) to use as a camera for postal services. These companies often needed to capture or reproduce letters, enveloppes or other things for archiving purposes. The camera is modified to .....
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  • Leica M5 body black, 2-lug version, needs service, OUTLET

    Leica M5 body black, 2-lug version, needs service, OUTLET

    Price: 750,00
    Leica M5 rangefinder camera in OUTLET condition. Needs service before being a good user again, or to be used as donor for its parts or of course for collectors, it does look that good still! The camera has some issues that need sorting out first: 1. advance is very heavy, .....
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  • Canon new F1 + Speed finder FN + AE motor drive FN + FN-100 bulk film back kit

    Canon new F1 + Speed finder FN + AE motor drive FN + FN-100 bulk film back kit

    Price: 1.000,00
    This impressive Canon new F-1 kit with Speed Finder FN, AE Motordrive FN and FN100 bulk back is one of the biggest setups you can have the new F-1 in. Cosmetically still in stunning condition with almost no wear. The camera is perfectly working and the meter is accurate as .....
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  • Tanack Type V3 + Tanar H.C. 50mm f/2

    Tanack Type V3 + Tanar H.C. 50mm f/2

    Price: 600,00
    This Tanack V3 is a rather odd and rare camera, having introduced a bayonet type mount very similar to a Leica M mount, but bigger and differently keyed, this bayonet had the potential to be a japanse answer to the Leica M mount, but they never released lenses for this .....
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  • Voigtlander Ultramatic CS kit + Septon 2 / 50mm

    Voigtlander Ultramatic CS kit + Septon 2 / 50mm

    Price: 180,00
    Very well regarded Voigtlander Septon 50mm f/2 lens on it’s original Ultramatic CS camera. The camera fires but is only included as a free bonus. The lens has a good looking barrel and focus turns smoothly with good dampening. aperture works correctly as well when set from the body. This .....
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  • Rollop II TLR camera, with original packaging

    Rollop II TLR camera, with original packaging

    Price: 125,00
    This TLR camera was made in Germany by the Lippische Kamerafabrik. The camera shows some similarities compared to the Rolleiflex but was aimed to be a more affordable TLR camera. Not as good as quality as the Rollei but it was certainly a good user camera. It takes 120 film .....
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  • Contax 1d black + Tessar 5cm f/2.8 lens

    Contax 1d black + Tessar 5cm f/2.8 lens

    Price: 400,00
    1933/34 produced Contax 1d with CZJ Tessar 5cm f/2.8 collapsible lens with some wear but still a nice collectors piece. There is some paint loss and wear the sides of the body with both strap lugs missing leaving holes there. The shutter fires but not tested for accuracy and probably .....
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  • Leica 1c + Leitz Elmar f=5cm F/3.5 lens

    Leica 1c + Leitz Elmar f=5cm F/3.5 lens

    Price: 350,00
    Leica 1c model with a matching Elmar 50mm F/3.5 lens on it. This kit is sold as-is since it usually mainly belongs to serious Leica collectors. The camera was inspected by our technician which mentioned the camera would need new shutter curtains since the current (original) ones don’t appear to .....
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  • Rolleicord Ia model 3 w/ Triotar 4.5 lens

    Rolleicord Ia model 3 w/ Triotar 4.5 lens

    Price: 150,00
    A Rolleicord Ia model 3 which has the later model plate. The camera is in good condition considering its age and comes in a slightly worn leather case which pribably protected it most its life. Finder opens and closes correctly and focusing screen has is dim but clear to see .....
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  • Canon Model L1 rangefinder + 50mm F/1.8 lens

    Canon Model L1 rangefinder + 50mm F/1.8 lens

    Price: 250,00
    A budget friendly rangefinder camera with LTM mount by Canon. This kit is fitted with the common, well performing and compact 50mm F/1.8 lens which has perfect optics. No issues in the lens which would affect image quality. The lens focuses well and aperture works as intended. Some light wear .....
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