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  • Pentax 6×7 + Super-Takumar 105mm F/2.4 lens, fully CLA’d

    Pentax 6×7 + Super-Takumar 105mm F/2.4 lens, fully CLA’d

    Price: 2.000,00
    This Pentax 6×7 comes with the holy grail of medium format lenses: the Super-Takumar/6×7 105mm F/2.4. This lens alone is one of many reasons why this system is so popular and sought after. The DOF rendition of this lens combined with the huge 6×7 negatives is a true unique look .....
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  • Pentax 67II with Metered Prism Finder + SMC 90mm F/2.8 lens

    Pentax 67II with Metered Prism Finder + SMC 90mm F/2.8 lens

    Price: 3.000,00
    The Pentax 67 does not need introduction. This version II has very different during shooting than its older brothers. The main difference is its hugely advanced light metering system, making it possible to shoot on aperture priority mode. Great for types of photography where good exposure and speed can be .....
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  • Pentax 67II + SMC 105mm F/2.4 lens – Rental

    Pentax 67II + SMC 105mm F/2.4 lens – Rental

    Price: 160,00 per week
    The Pentax 6×7 series are definately amongst the very famous medium format camera systems. The system became especially famous because of its legendary rendering 105mm F/2.4 lens. The system is often reffered to as ”the tank” or similar nicknames because of its large size and weight. It basically is a .....
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  • Pentax 67 + Takumar 105mm F/2.4 lens – Rental

    Pentax 67 + Takumar 105mm F/2.4 lens – Rental

    Price: 90,00 per week
    The Pentax 67 is a BIG medium format with all the usability and convenience of an SLR. The camera operates the same as a regular 35mm film camera but is just a bit bigger. The camera can be a bit heavy and its maybe not ideal for when you are .....
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