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Showing 1–22 of 121 results
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    <b style="color:red;">WE ARE MOVING: Shop closed till 01-04-2025 | All orders will be shipped on 03-04-2025!</b>

    WE ARE MOVING: Shop closed till 01-04-2025 | All orders will be shipped on 03-04-2025!

    As you know renovations of the new shop space have been going on for quite a while now, but the time to move has finally come! This is of course has to be done with a lot of care, not only for the products but also the big furniture and .....
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    Hasselblad 553ELX black + CF Planar 80mm f/2.8 T*+ WLF + A12 back

    Hasselblad 553ELX black + CF Planar 80mm f/2.8 T*+ WLF + A12 back

    Price: 1.600,00
    Good working Hasselblad 553ELX kit with CF Planar 80mm f/2.8 T* and a A12 back, fully in black finish. The camera kit is in excellent shape with just some light wear. The camera body is perfectly working and comes with a Acute matte focusing screen and a modern type waist .....
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    Leica R8 silver + Summicron-R 50mm F/2 lens

    Leica R8 silver + Summicron-R 50mm F/2 lens

    Price: 1.000,00
    This Leica R8 kit comes in perfect user shape. The camera is machine tested by ACR and all functions were found to be perfect. The light meter is spot on and even the 1/8000th is in factory spec. Wonderful camera which allows shooting with F/1.4 lenses in bright daylight. The .....
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    Mamiya RZ67 Pro + Z 110mm F/2.8 lens + 120 backRESERVED

    Mamiya RZ67 Pro + Z 110mm F/2.8 lens + 120 back

    Price: 1.500,00
    Mamiya RZ67 kit with Sekor Z 110mm f/2.8 and 120 back in good working condition. The camera has some regular wear, the bottom cover rubbers have crumbled a bit on one side. The camera works perfectly, with smooth turning focus and good looking bellows. The focusing screen installed is a .....
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    Hasselblad SWC/M black with Biogon T* 38mm F/4.5 lens

    Hasselblad SWC/M black with Biogon T* 38mm F/4.5 lens

    Price: 1.250,00
    1977 produced black finish Hasselblad SWC/M with T* coated Biogon 38mm f/4.5 lens. The camera is very worn cosmetically but does work just fine. The winding crank has some chips off the plastic and missing 1 screw off the metal plate inside. but still works. Excessive paint wear on the .....
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  • Nikon F3P Press + Nikkor 50mm F/1.4 AI lens

    Nikon F3P Press + Nikkor 50mm F/1.4 AI lens

    Price: 750,00
    Nikon F3 Press version with some modifications specifically for press photographers and comes with a Nikkor 50mm f/1.4 AI lens. Body has some regular wear and brassing on mostly the top plate edges and a tiny bump near the counter which shifted the red indicator for the counter a tiny .....
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  • Rollei SL66 camera (CLA’d) + 80mm F/4 LS lens and 120 back

    Rollei SL66 camera (CLA’d) + 80mm F/4 LS lens and 120 back

    Price: 1.000,00
    This SL66 kit comes in a much more rare configuration than usually. The 80mm F/4 lens has a leaf shutter inside which is used for high speed flash operation. This is not a feature that must be used all the time of course, since the camera still has its own .....
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  • Nikon F2a black + Nikkor 50mm f/1.8 AI

    Nikon F2a black + Nikkor 50mm f/1.8 AI

    Price: 400,00
    Nice looking black finish Nikon F2a, in perfect working order. The body is in very good shape, just a two shallow dents on the side edge near the advance lever. The shutter speeds are all accurate and the lightmeter is accurate. Viewfinder gives a good bright image and has a .....
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  • Canon A-1 + nFD 35-70mm f/3.5-4.5 lens kit

    Canon A-1 + nFD 35-70mm f/3.5-4.5 lens kit

    Price: 300,00
    Good working Canon A-1 with nFD 35-70mm f/3.5-4.5 lens. Body has some light wear on body edges but no damage. Perfectly working on all shutter speeds, and the lightmeter also gives good readings. The lightseals are in excellent shape and seem recently replaced. The 35-70mm f/3.5-4.5 newFD lens is in .....
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  • Hasselblad 500C/M black with 80mm F/2.8 T* lens and A12 back, serviced

    Hasselblad 500C/M black with 80mm F/2.8 T* lens and A12 back, serviced

    Price: 2.350,00
    This Hasselblad 500CM is just back from a body service by ACR. The winding mech and aux shutter have been disassembled, cleaned and lubricated. New dampers have been placed. Mirror angle/focus is checked and spot on. The shutter in the lens is tested and found to be perfect on all .....
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  • Bronica ETRSi kit + Zenzanon MC 40mm f/4 lens

    Bronica ETRSi kit + Zenzanon MC 40mm f/4 lens

    Price: 650,00
    This Bronica ETRSi kit is a somewhat unusual one, coming with a rotary finder and a Zenzanon MC 40mm f/4 lens this is a good landscape photographer kit for someone that works from a tripod, or a good kit to build out from. The kit is in good condition with .....
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  • Pentax LX + Pentax-M 50mm F/1.4 PK lens

    Pentax LX + Pentax-M 50mm F/1.4 PK lens

    Price: 500,00
    Good working Pentax LX camera with a SMC-M 50mm f/1.4 lens. Cosmetically the camera has some regular wear which is mostly visible on the bottom plate, some lighter wear on the top plate but nothing too big. Shutter works accurately on all speeds and the lightmeter also gives good readings. .....
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  • Olympus OM-1n kit + Zuiko 1:1.8 / 50mm lens

    Olympus OM-1n kit + Zuiko 1:1.8 / 50mm lens

    Price: 300,00
    Good working and still nice looking Olympus OM-1n camera with standard OM Zuiko 50mm f/1.8. The body has some light wear on mostly the bottom plate. Shutter speeds are working correctly and the finder gives a clear imag e with just minimal foaming which is hardly visible when looking through .....
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  • Hasselblad 503CW + WLF + 80/2.8 CF lens + New A12 magazine, boxed kit

    Hasselblad 503CW + WLF + 80/2.8 CF lens + New A12 magazine, boxed kit

    Price: 3.500,00
    A beautiful and fully working kit. This 503CW comes with a modern waist level finder, CF 80mm lens, new style A12 (that holds the darkslide when not in use) and of course bright screen. The body was having some tension issues so we had it serviced by ACR, it now .....
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  • Mamiya RZ67 Pro II kit w/ Sekor Z 110mm f/2.8 W

    Mamiya RZ67 Pro II kit w/ Sekor Z 110mm f/2.8 W

    Price: 1.800,00
    Mamiya RZ67 Pro II kit with Sekor Z 110mm f/2.8 W lens and 120 film back. Kit has regular wear from normal use. The kit has been fully checked over and focus gear in the body has been replaced with a metal one by ACR. Bellows also in excellent shape. .....
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  • Nikon F90X body with MB-10 + AF Nikkor 28-85mm F/3.5-4.5 zoomlens

    Nikon F90X body with MB-10 + AF Nikkor 28-85mm F/3.5-4.5 zoomlens

    Price: 180,00
    The Nikon F90x is the perfect kit if you are already used to shooting digital with Nikon and are in the market for an easy to use film camera. For many this is as close as it can get to digital since the F90 offers so much automation and auto .....
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  • Nikon F3P Press + MD-4 + Nikkor 50mm F/1.8 AI kit

    Nikon F3P Press + MD-4 + Nikkor 50mm F/1.8 AI kit

    Price: 650,00
    Nikon F3 Press version kit with a MD-4 motordrive, MF-6B film door and a AI Nikkor 50mm f/1.8 lens. Some regular wear on the camera which is mostly on the base plate and handle of the motordrive. The shutter speeds are all accurate and the lightmeter gives accurate readings too. .....
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  • Canon AE-1 black + nFD 50mm f/1.8 lens kit

    Canon AE-1 black + nFD 50mm f/1.8 lens kit

    Price: 300,00
    Good working black finish Canon AE-1 kit with the standard newFD 50mm f/1.8 lens. We calibrated the shutter and all speeds are accurate again. The lightmeter also gives accurate readings when tested against our testing equipment. The light seals and mirror dampener have have been replaced. Finder gives a clear .....
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  • Bronica ETR body Titanium with 2 backs and right hand grip

    Bronica ETR body Titanium with 2 backs and right hand grip

    Price: 400,00
    Bronica ETR body in titanium color with 2 matching 120 backs and the right hand speed grip. The kit is tested and inspected by our technicians and found to be working as intended. We installed new seals in the back and the body works great. Some minu dust specs on .....
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  • Hasselblad 500C/M black + Planar 80mm F/2.8 lens and A12

    Hasselblad 500C/M black + Planar 80mm F/2.8 lens and A12

    Price: 2.500,00
    Nice black Hasselblad 500C/M kit with a Planar 80mm f/2.8 T* C lens and A12 back. The whole kit was checked over by ACR and the body received a service where needed. and the body seals were also replaced. Some light wear mostly on the bottom of the camera and .....
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  • Canon AE-1 silver + FD 50mm f/1.8 Chrome nose

    Canon AE-1 silver + FD 50mm f/1.8 Chrome nose

    Price: 300,00
    Canon AE-1 kit with Chrome nosed FD 50mm f/1.8 lens, both in nice looking shape with just light wear. The shutter is accurate on all speeds, just as the lightmeter which gives good readings. Clear finder with split prism focusing aid. Light seals have been replaced by us. The chrome .....
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  • Nikon F Photomic FTN + Nippon Kogaku 50mm F/1.4 lens

    Nikon F Photomic FTN + Nippon Kogaku 50mm F/1.4 lens

    Price: 300,00
    Chrome finish Nikon F with Photomic FTN finder and a Nikkor-S 50mm f/1.4 lens. The kit comes in good looking condition with some regular wear. Shutter speeds on our shutterspeed tester proved to be all accurate, which is somewhat special for an unserviced camera from the 60s. The lightmeter however .....
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