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Showing 23–44 of 399 results
  • Rolleiflex 2.8E Planar TLR camera

    Rolleiflex 2.8E Planar TLR camera

    Price: 650,00
    Rolleiflex 2.8E with Planar taking lens. Has some cosmetical wear mostly on the advance crank side but looks pretty good considering it’s age. Shutter works accurately on all speeds and the self-timer also works properly. Focus can be turned smoothly and is well aligned. Clear focusing screen and the hood .....
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  • Nikon F3 35mm SLR body

    Nikon F3 35mm SLR body

    Price: 400,00
    A Nikon F3 with normal DE-2 eyelevel finder which is slightly more compac than the later HP finder. Cosmetically with some regular wear on edges of the body from normal use. No dents however. All shutterspeeds are working accurately and the lightmeter is also, verified by our measuring equipment. Finder .....
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  • MPP England Microcord with Ross Xpress lens, collectible TLR

    MPP England Microcord with Ross Xpress lens, collectible TLR

    Price: 170,00
    The MPP Microcord is a english made TLR which is partly based on the rolleiflex but also on the Rolleicord cameras. It has 2 dials for setting your aperture and shutterspeed on the front like a rolleiflex, but the transport is done with a knob like a rolleicord, as well .....
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  • Bronica ETRSi kit + Zenzanon MC 40mm f/4 lens

    Bronica ETRSi kit + Zenzanon MC 40mm f/4 lens

    Price: 650,00
    This Bronica ETRSi kit is a somewhat unusual one, coming with a rotary finder and a Zenzanon MC 40mm f/4 lens this is a good landscape photographer kit for someone that works from a tripod, or a good kit to build out from. The kit is in good condition with .....
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  • Nikon F3P Press + MD-4 + Nikkor 50mm F/1.8 AI kit

    Nikon F3P Press + MD-4 + Nikkor 50mm F/1.8 AI kit

    Price: 650,00
    Nikon F3 Press version kit with a MD-4 motordrive, MF-6B film door and a AI Nikkor 50mm f/1.8 lens. Some regular wear on the camera which is mostly on the base plate and handle of the motordrive. The shutter speeds are all accurate and the lightmeter gives accurate readings too. .....
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  • Canon AE-1 black + nFD 50mm f/1.8 lens kit

    Canon AE-1 black + nFD 50mm f/1.8 lens kit

    Price: 300,00
    Good working black finish Canon AE-1 kit with the standard newFD 50mm f/1.8 lens. We calibrated the shutter and all speeds are accurate again. The lightmeter also gives accurate readings when tested against our testing equipment. The light seals and mirror dampener have have been replaced. Finder gives a clear .....
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  • Mamiya RB67 Professional S + 90mm F/3.5 lens

    Mamiya RB67 Professional S + 90mm F/3.5 lens

    Price: 750,00
    Mamiya RB67 Professional S kit with a Sekor 90mm f/3.8 lens and a 120 back. The kit was fully checked over by us and given new lightseals in both the rotating back adapter and the 120 back. The camera was regularly used by the previous owner and works correctly. The .....
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  • Contax G1 + Zeiss Biogon 28mm f/2.8

    Contax G1 + Zeiss Biogon 28mm f/2.8

    Price: 1.000,00
    Green label version Contax G1 with a Zeiss Biogon 28mm f/2.8 wide angle lens kit, still in excellent shape with light wear. Body has some minimal wear near the shutter button but looks almost unused. Perfect working condition with accurate shutter and lightmeter also working fine in both auto and .....
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  • Olympus OM-2 + Zuiko 50mm f/1.8 standard lens

    Olympus OM-2 + Zuiko 50mm f/1.8 standard lens

    Price: 250,00
    Chrome finish Olympus OM-2 with the OM Zuiko 50mm f/1.8 kit lens in good working condition with regular signs of previous use. We checked the camera on our shutter speed tested and the shutterspeeds are very usable and shoot evenly. The shutterspeed dial does not click like it usually does .....
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  • Mamiya RZ67 Pro II kit w/ Sekor Z 110mm f/2.8 W

    Mamiya RZ67 Pro II kit w/ Sekor Z 110mm f/2.8 W

    Price: 1.800,00
    Mamiya RZ67 Pro II kit with Sekor Z 110mm f/2.8 W lens and 120 film back. Kit has regular wear from normal use. The kit has been fully checked over and focus gear in the body has been replaced with a metal one by ACR. Bellows also in excellent shape. .....
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  • Leica M2 body (button rewind) + Elmar 50mm F/2.8 lens

    Leica M2 body (button rewind) + Elmar 50mm F/2.8 lens

    Price: 2.500,00
    This M2 kit is in a lovely condition with fresh service. This M2 button rewind is quite sought after since it has some nicer cosmetics and an overall cleaner appearance. The rewind lever switch was replaced with a button. No selftimer system and the smaller rangefinder illuminator window adds to .....
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  • Nikon F90X body with MB-10 + AF Nikkor 28-85mm F/3.5-4.5 zoomlens

    Nikon F90X body with MB-10 + AF Nikkor 28-85mm F/3.5-4.5 zoomlens

    Price: 180,00
    The Nikon F90x is the perfect kit if you are already used to shooting digital with Nikon and are in the market for an easy to use film camera. For many this is as close as it can get to digital since the F90 offers so much automation and auto .....
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  • Graflex Super Graphic kit with Optar 135mm f/4.5 lens

    Graflex Super Graphic kit with Optar 135mm f/4.5 lens

    Price: 450,00
    The Graflex Super Graphic is a continuation of the Speed graphic camera which introduced some modernisations like a all metal body instead of the wooden housing the older ones had. Also special for the time was the shutter on the lens that is supplied with this camera which even has .....
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  • Leica III black paint outfit in leather case, collectors kit

    Leica III black paint outfit in leather case, collectors kit

    Price: 999,00
    This Leica III comes in the most amazing black paint finish matched with 2 LTM lenses. The Nickel accents on the body and standard lens are just the perfect combination with its slightly worn yet shiny black paint finish. Elmar 5cm has quite decent optics, a light haze is present .....
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  • Leica IIIC K Chrome + Elmar 3.5 / 5cm

    Leica IIIC K Chrome + Elmar 3.5 / 5cm

    Price: 1.000,00
    According to serial number lists this Leica IIIC K stepper started it’s life as a grey painted example, but somewhere in it’s life someone decided it was a good idea to rechrome this camera, probably due to the wearing down of the paint, making this a rather interesting proposition for .....
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  • Rolleiflex Wide TLR with fresh CLA and new front panel

    Rolleiflex Wide TLR with fresh CLA and new front panel

    Price: 4.000,00
    This Rolleiflex Wide has recently been serivced by Rollei specialist Hans Klinkhamer. It functions perfect again and is ready for its new wide angle enthousiast. The release mechanism has been cleaned and made smooth again, the shutter speeds have been calibrated, some parts have been replaced for new ones, part .....
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  • Bronica ETR body Titanium with 2 backs and right hand grip

    Bronica ETR body Titanium with 2 backs and right hand grip

    Price: 400,00
    Bronica ETR body in titanium color with 2 matching 120 backs and the right hand speed grip. The kit is tested and inspected by our technicians and found to be working as intended. We installed new seals in the back and the body works great. Some minu dust specs on .....
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  • Hasselblad 500C/M black + Planar 80mm F/2.8 lens and A12

    Hasselblad 500C/M black + Planar 80mm F/2.8 lens and A12

    Price: 2.500,00
    Nice black Hasselblad 500C/M kit with a Planar 80mm f/2.8 T* C lens and A12 back. The whole kit was checked over by ACR and the body received a service where needed. and the body seals were also replaced. Some light wear mostly on the bottom of the camera and .....
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  • Nikon F Photomic FTN + Nippon Kogaku 50mm F/1.4 lens

    Nikon F Photomic FTN + Nippon Kogaku 50mm F/1.4 lens

    Price: 300,00
    Chrome finish Nikon F with Photomic FTN finder and a Nikkor-S 50mm f/1.4 lens. The kit comes in good looking condition with some regular wear. Shutter speeds on our shutterspeed tester proved to be all accurate, which is somewhat special for an unserviced camera from the 60s. The lightmeter however .....
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  • Nikon F4s (F4+MB-21) body

    Nikon F4s (F4+MB-21) body

    Price: 300,00
    Good working Nikon F4s body with regular signs of previous use but not abused. Has the regular wear on corners, mostly on the bottom on the grip near the vertical release. Shutter speeds are all accurate and the lightmeter gives good readings too. Finder information is all readable, some light .....
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  • Leica M3 body chrome, single stroke, CLA

    Leica M3 body chrome, single stroke, CLA

    Price: 1.700,00
    Single stroke Leica M3 manufactured in 1962 with a fresh CLA from ACR. Cosmetically the camera is in very nice looking condition with just some minimal wear. Top cover has just minimal meter wear, fully intact vulcanite and otherwise just minimal wear all around, definitely above average cosmetics we usually .....
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  • Hasselblad 500C/M kit + A12 + 2.8 / 80mm T* Chrome

    Hasselblad 500C/M kit + A12 + 2.8 / 80mm T* Chrome

    Price: 2.000,00
    Early Hasselblad 500C/M kit which is still marked a 500C but already has interchangable focusing screens. It comes with a chrome finish Planar 80mm f/2.8 but already with T* coatings and a A12 back. The kit was fully checked and got given a small service where needed. We serviced the .....
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