Fotohandel Delfshaven
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Fotohandel Delfshaven / MK Optics. Vintage cameras and lenses

Film Camera Rental service

At Fotohandel Delfshaven you can rent every type of film camera imaginable and for all budgets. We have some of the most desirable 35mm SLRs, rangefinders and medium format cameras.

Whether you are a seasoned film pro needing a specific camera for an upcoming shoot or a  beginner looking to experiment, we’ve got something to meet your needs. All our camera’s are frequently serviced and maintained prior to your rental period.

Hasselblad Xpan camera

Renting for 14 days or longer? Receive a 30% discount!

More time, more pictures, now fore even more affordable rates.
  • Hasselblad Xpan camera

    Hasselblad XPan with 45mm F/4 lens – Rental

    Price: 180,00 per week
    The Hasselblad Xpan is one of the most iconic cameras ever made. It shoots in a true wide panoramic aspect ratio with basically 2 regular 35mm frames stitched togheter. This dual format rangefinder camera which has the ability to shoot conventional 24x36mm as well as full panorama 24x 65mm frames. .....
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  • Contax G2 rental

    Contax G2 + Carl Zeiss 28/45/90mm lenses – Rental

    Price: 140,00 per week
    The Contax G2 is an amazing rangefinder-styled 35mm camera with autofocus. When Contax designed this camera they really made sure to make it a very easy to use camera without reducing its functionality. The camera has a bright finder and loads of automation such as lightmetering, transport and DX readout, .....
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  • Fuji GW690 Professional, medium format rangefinder – Rental

    Fuji GW690 Professional, medium format rangefinder – Rental

    Price: 70,00 per week
    The Fujica GW690 is a medium format rangefinder. Its also nicknamed the ”Texas Leica” because it’s very simmilar in looks and operation to a regular Leica M camera, but just way bigger. It shoots huge 6x9cm negatives on 120 film, a rare format since most medium format camera’s of this .....
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  • Hasselblad SWC/M with Carl Zeiss 38mm F4.5 Biogon – Rental

    Hasselblad SWC/M with Carl Zeiss 38mm F4.5 Biogon – Rental

    Price: 100,00 per week
    If you love Hasselblad cameras and also love the shoot wide lenses the Hasselblad SWC/M is the camera for you. This camera houses one of the best wide angle lenses available for medium format photography. It was specially designed for this camera. SWC stands for ”supreme wide camera” this camera .....
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  • Pentax 67II + SMC 105mm F/2.4 lens – Rental

    Pentax 67II + SMC 105mm F/2.4 lens – Rental

    Price: 160,00 per week
    The Pentax 6×7 series are definately amongst the very famous medium format camera systems. The system became especially famous because of its legendary rendering 105mm F/2.4 lens. The system is often reffered to as ”the tank” or similar nicknames because of its large size and weight. It basically is a .....
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  • Fuji GA645 Professional, medium format point & shoot – Rental

    Fuji GA645 Professional, medium format point & shoot – Rental

    Price: 80,00 per week
    The Fujifilm GA645 has been introduced in the mid 1990s and basically is a medium format point and shoot camera. Always sold out but thats why we have them for rent for anyone to enjoy! Its a professional camera but also beginners can take good and sharp pictures with this .....
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  • Mamiya 7II + N 80mm F/4 L Sekor lens – Rental

    Mamiya 7II + N 80mm F/4 L Sekor lens – Rental

    Price: 180,00 per week
    The Mamiya is probably the best 6×7 camera ever made. It is a rangefinder camera made from high quality plastic materials. Therefor it is small, lightweight, super easy to use and uses. The camera has a huge rangefinder that makes it easy to nail focus with the 80mm F/4 lens. .....
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  • Pentax 67 + Takumar 105mm F/2.4 lens – Rental

    Pentax 67 + Takumar 105mm F/2.4 lens – Rental

    Price: 90,00 per week
    The Pentax 67 is a BIG medium format with all the usability and convenience of an SLR. The camera operates the same as a regular 35mm film camera but is just a bit bigger. The camera can be a bit heavy and its maybe not ideal for when you are .....
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  • Mamiya C330 Pro F TLR + Mamiya Sekor 80mm F/2.8 lens – Rental

    Mamiya C330 Pro F TLR + Mamiya Sekor 80mm F/2.8 lens – Rental

    Price: 70,00 per week
    The Mamiya C330 Pro F is a high-end medium format TLR. It shoots 12 square 6x6cm images on a roll of 120 film. Manufactured in the 60s, the C330 comes with the well renowned 80mm 2.8 Mamiya Sekor lens. The camera has a very smooth operation and delivers beautiful dreamy .....
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  • Canon AE-1 Program + Canon FD 50mm F/1.4 – Rental

    Canon AE-1 Program + Canon FD 50mm F/1.4 – Rental

    Price: 30,00 per week
    The Canon AE-1 is a compact and lightweight 35mm SLR camera. Its very easy to learn and use and therefore the perfect camera for people getting started in filmphotography. The camera comes with a Program mode, so it can figure out all exposure settings on its own to get you .....
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  • leicam6

    Leica M6 + 35mm F/2 Summicron lens – Rental

    Price: 160,00 per week
    The Leica M6 is the most famous rangefinder camera around. Its compact size and built in lightmeter make it the perfect travel or walk around camera. If you are after the real Leica rangefinder experience and need a built in lightmeter this is the camera to get. Originally manufactured from .....
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  • Mamiya M645 PRO + 80mm F/2.8 N lens  – Rental

    Mamiya M645 PRO + 80mm F/2.8 N lens – Rental

    Price: 90,00 per week
    The Mamiya 645 Super is the successor to the excellent and world famous Mamiya 645. It was introduced in 1985 and houses some handy extra features. This ‘Super’ model provides faster shutter speeds, interchangeable back, a more ergonomic design and additional metering modes. The Mamiya 645 lineup is one of .....
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  • Voigtlander Bessa R3m + Nokton 40mm F/1.4 – Rental

    Voigtlander Bessa R3m + Nokton 40mm F/1.4 – Rental

    Price: 100,00 per week
    The Voigtlander Bessa R3m is a 35mm rangefinder camera with a fully mechanical shutter operation. The camera does have a built in lightmeter with a very easy LED readout in the viewfinder. The viewfinder of this camera is very big, its a 1:1 magnification and was the first to have .....
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  • Mamiya M645+ 80mm F/2.8 + WLF & Prism finder – Rental

    Mamiya M645+ 80mm F/2.8 + WLF & Prism finder – Rental

    Price: 70,00 per week
    The Mamiya 645 is a compact and easy to use medium format camera. Its the perfect entry into the world of medium format photography and by far our most rented out kit. Its small and lightweight design and easy operation make it a perfect choice if you want to experiment .....
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  • Nikon F3HP + Nikkor 50mm F/1.4 AI-S lens – Rental

    Nikon F3HP + Nikkor 50mm F/1.4 AI-S lens – Rental

    Price: 40,00 per week
    The Nikon F3 was regarded as one of Nikons best pro film cameras, ever. The HP version (high-eyepoint) has a slightly larger eyepiece for easier use. The F3 is a classic pro-grade SLR, with manual and auto (aperture priority) modes. The 80/20 centre-weighted metering system is very capable and delivery .....
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  • Fuji GS645S medium format rangefinder – Rental

    Fuji GS645S medium format rangefinder – Rental

    Price: 60,00 per week
    The Fujifilm GS645s is an incredibly light and compact 6×4.5 medium format rangefinder camera. The built in light meter makes it very easy to get good exposures. The camera shoots in portrait orientation as standard. Its 60mm lens (35mm equivalent on 35mm film) is perfect for travel, street or landscape .....
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  • Pre-Owned - Hasselblad camera's kopen we graag in. Fotohandel Delfshaven is ook altijd op zoek naar Analoog Leica M3, M2, M4, M6, Mamiya RZ67, M645, Nikon F, F2, FM3a, FM2, Olympus OM, We horen het graag indien u iets bijzonders in de aanbieding heeft

    Hasselblad 500 C/M with Zeiss Planar 80mm f/2.8 – Rental

    Price: 100,00 per week
    Manufactured from 1974 to 1994, the Hasselblad 500 C/M is regarded as the best modular medium format system ever made. Used by photographers like Ansel Adams, Bert Stern, Helmut Newton and Diane Arbus, the Hasselblad 500 system is an icon within film photography, and a must have for any film .....
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  • Mamiya RB67 + 90mm F/3.8 Sekor lens – Rental

    Mamiya RB67 + 90mm F/3.8 Sekor lens – Rental

    Price: 70,00 per week
    The Mamiya RB67 is an all mechanical medium format film camera. The camera shoots huge 6x7cm sized negatives, 10 images on a regular roll of 120 film. Combined with some of the best lenses Mamiya ever produced this really is a perfect choice if you need negatives with loads of .....
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  • Leica M4 + 35mm F/2.8 Summaron lens – Rental

    Leica M4 + 35mm F/2.8 Summaron lens – Rental

    Price: 120,00 per week
    Produced from 1967 – 1975, the Leica M4 was introduced as the successor to the M3 and at a time when M2 production was being wound down. The M4 quickly became a favourite of amateurs and professionals alike and over 60,000 pieces were produced. Whilst the M3 is a better .....
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  • Leica M3 + 50mm F/2 Rigid Summicron lens – Rental

    Leica M3 + 50mm F/2 Rigid Summicron lens – Rental

    Price: 100,00 per week
    First produced in 1954, the Leica M3 is regarded as the best Leica ever made and possibly one of the best cameras of all time. It is perfectly suited to the more experienced photographer, who enjoys street and travel photograpahy. Made of the best materials for its time, it just .....
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  • Mamiya RZ67 Pro II + Mamiya 2.8 / 110mm lens – Rental

    Mamiya RZ67 Pro II + Mamiya 2.8 / 110mm lens – Rental

    Price: 150,00 per week
    Like its fully mechanical sibling, the Mamiya RB67, the RZ67 is a modular medium format SLR camera. It shoots huge 6x7cm negatives and also has the rotating back to easily change from landscape to portrait orientation mid shoot. The RZ67 is a electronic controlled camera that is more quiet when .....
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  • Rolleiflex 2.8F TLR with Carl Zeiss Planar 80mm F/2.8 lens – Rental

    Rolleiflex 2.8F TLR with Carl Zeiss Planar 80mm F/2.8 lens – Rental

    Price: 100,00 per week
    The Rolleflex 2.8F is the best Twin Lens Reflex ever made – no debate. Its beautiful design, build quality and engineering are second to none. Because of its Carl Zeiss Planar 80mm f/2.8 the Rolleiflex 2.8F gives the ultimate TLR experience, this lens has a unique and lovely image rendering. .....
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Fotohandel Delfshaven – We sell, buy, rent and restore vintage camera’s since 2009

Rental terms and conditions

Terms and Conditions – Rental service version 2022.02

  1. Deposit:
    – The deposit will be paid in store by debit card or credit card.
    – The deposit might vary per rental and period or person. First time rentees might be charged a higher deposit covering replacement values.
    – For known or regular customers we can decide to not charge a deposit prior to renting.
    – Providing the rental product is/are returned in the same condition in which they were rented, your deposit will be returned within 5 business days. Each rented product will be tested after the rental period. Should any damage or defects be found, then the repair cost will be covered in full or in part by your deposit.

  2. -Insurance:
    – All rental prices include insurance for unintended damages or defects.*
    – Own risk of €350,00 applies to all rental contracs, unless stated and discussed otherwise.
    *All external force damages such as dropping, water damage, sand damage, use of wrong film or accessoires and theft are not covered by our provided insurance. For professional shoots or less camera friendly environment we advise getting a liability or rental insurance yourself.
  3. Prices:
    – All rental prices on contract or website include 21% VAT.
    – Deposit and rental fee are specified on the contract given to you on the pickup day.
    – Deposit and renta lfee are payed up front before or during pickup.
  4. Pickup:
    – At this moment in time we don’t ship out rentals and they can only collected in our Delft store in person.
    – Rentals can only be picked up by the person who has booked the contract.
    – Rentals can only be picked up and returned during opening hours. (please see website for current opening hours)
    Upon collection, you will be required to show two physical forms of identification. 1. Valid form of ID, drivers license or passport. 2. Government, tax or utility letters or bill addressed to you and not older than 2 months.
    – Each rental is inspected for its function and (cosmetic) condition at pickup and at return.
  5. Cancellation:
    – For cancellations more than 24h before the first rental day we will provide a full refund.
    – Based on provided details or information, or the lack of providing of these, we have the full right to refuse any rental prior to pickup.
  6. Rental period:
    – The minimum rental period is 7 days.
    – If you would like to extend your rental period when already having picked up the products please contact us by phone or mail at least 48h prior to the last rental day. If there are no other bookings in the period you would like to extend to we can arrange an additional rental period for you.
  7. Returns:
    – All products must be returned before 17:00 on the last rental day.
    – Each rental is inspected for its function and (cosmetic) condition at pickup and at return.
    – Only when you have asked and gotten a confirmation from our side (mail or telephone) there can be a different pickup return moment.
    – For too late returns additional fees will apply.
  8. Usage/Instruction:
    – If you are new to the rental product or even filmphotography we can give you a quick start up guide in the store when picking up your rental product(s).
    – During the rental period you are responsible for proper use of the goods. Please refer to a user manual or instructions online. Any damages or non-reasonable user marks due incorrect use can be charged to the customer.
  9. Other/Legal:
    – Under all circumstances all supplied products and accessoires remain property of MK Optics / Fotohandel Delfshaven.
    – Under no circumstance it is allowed to open up and internally inspect any item rented from Fotohandel Delfshaven.
    – Legal actions will be taken when nescessary, all additional costs will be charged on customer in question.
    – We do our very best to maintain the cameras on a regular bases with the help of Amsterdam Camera Repairs. However, like all vintage equipment it can sometimes fail. In the unfortunate case of technical issues we will do our best to find a proper solution* together with you. *We can not be held responsible for any other costs than the rented equipment. For professional shoots or productions we advise always bringing some sort of a backup
Why rent a film camera?
Try before you buy: Every photographer is unique and there is no perfect camera for everyone. By renting a camera first you will 100% sure know if its the one for you.
Professional shoots: We also rent out to professional photographers who are looking for a certain look for their short time project. Whether you need a big medium format or a small travel camera, we have the one for any kind of project or shoot!
  • New: receive 30% discount on all long rental bookings!
    New: receive 30% discount on all long rental bookings! From now on you will receive a 30% discount when you book a rental for 14 days or longer. With this discount you will have more time to get to know the camera well and shoot more rolls with it during your rental period. We know a lot our renting customers take the camera kits on their holidays or trips but sometimes had to hurry with pickups or return dates. No more need to rush, now you will have more time for the same ammount of money! How to receive the...
  • Film Development & Scanning service
    Film Development & Scanning Service Since the beginning of 2023 our friends over at Cameralisatie have been working hard to open a new professional darkroom and filmlab. Owner, Woody, has years of experience teaching classes in the darkroom and did many development jobs for customers from his home. The Rotterdam-Delft region was really lacking some good quality dev & scan options so when we heard their plans we immidiately offered to collab and help. From now on you can drop off your film in the Delft store and have it processed by Cameralisatie! Extensive options You can bring us your...
  • A pentacon Six camera from our OUtlet
    Voorjaars schoonmaak: meer dan 200 artikelen toegevoegd aan de OUTLET!
    Voorjaars schoonmaak: meer dan 200 artikelen toegevoegd aan de OUTLET! 4 april 2023De zon schijnt, de lente is begonnen. De afgelopen weken hebben wij wederom diverse prachtige camera collecties kunnen aankopen van o.a. Leica, Nikon, Contax en Hasselblad. Om ruimte te maken voor nieuwe voorraad zijn we daarom flink aan het opruimen geslagen. Wij hebben een mooie selectie kunnen maken van meer dan 200 analoge camera’s, vintage lenzen en handige accessoires die in onze OUTLET zijn geplaatst.Al deze artikelen hebben wat liefde nodig of hebben een ''gebruiksaanwijzing''. Sommigen zijn ondanks wat kleine beperkingen vaak nog prima bruikbaar. Anderen kunnen enkel...