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Showing 1783–1804 of 9642 results
  • Kodak Portra 800 / 120 (5-pack)

    Price: Sold
    Kodak Portra 800 is a high speed ISO color negative film. It provides great colors and a very fine grain regarding its ISO rating. Suited for shooting handheld in low light situations, renders both light and darker skintones exceptionally well. 5-pack of Kodak Portra 800 in 120 format.
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  • Kodak T-max TMX 100 / 120 (single roll)

    Kodak T-max TMX 100 / 120 (single roll)

    Price: 14,00
    Kodak T-max 100 is a fine grain low speed ISO film, suited for many kinds of photography. Very sharp rendering film that is loved by professional photographers who need maximum resoltuion and low grain. Single roll of 120 format film.
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  • Kodak T-max TMX 100 / 120 (5-pack)

    Kodak T-max TMX 100 / 120 (5-pack)

    Price: 69,00
    Kodak T-max 100 is a fine grain low speed ISO film, suited for many kinds of photography. Very sharp rendering film that is loved by professional photographers who need maximum resoltuion and low grain. 5-pack of Kodak T-max 100 films in 120 roll film format.
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  • Kodak Tri-X 400 / 120 (5-pack)

    Price: Sold
    Kodak Tri-X is a fine grain high speed ISO black and white photography film. It has been the industry standard for many decades and is loved for its great versatility. Wheter its shooting indoors or in cloudy conditions, this beautiful film does a great job. It prints and scans super .....
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  • Kodak Gold 200 / 120 5-pack

    Kodak Gold 200 / 120 5-pack

    Price: 65,00
    Kodak Gold 200 in 120 format is a color negative medium format film. It’s is a great alternative to the more expensive Portra films, very similar in terms of color rendering but with slightly higher contrast and a bit more grain. Despite being named the same, the 120 formula is .....
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  • Kodak Gold 200 / 120 – single roll

    Kodak Gold 200 / 120 – single roll

    Price: 13,00
    Kodak Gold 200 in 120 format is a color negative medium format film. It’s is a great alternative to the more expensive Portra films, very similar in terms of color rendering but with slightly higher contrast and a bit more grain. Despite being named the same, the 120 formula is .....
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  • Ilford FP4 Plus 125 / 135-36

    Price: Sold
    Ilford FP4 Plus is a low speed ISO black and white film. Suited for many applications due its fine grain and neutral contrast. Ilford films have an unique look to them and became an industry standard decades ago. Single roll of FP4 in 35mm format, with 36 exposures.
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  • Kodak Gold 200 / 135-24

    Price: Original price was: €10,00.Current price is: €7,50.
    Kodak Gold 200 is a color negative film with nice warm colors and fine grain. Probably one of the most used films around the world and very well suited for many applications. This film is a great alternative to the much more expensive Portra series, but has some more noticable .....
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  • CineStill 800T Tungsten C41 / 135-36

    CineStill 800T Tungsten C41 / 135-36

    Price: 18,50
    Cinestill 800T is the perfect film for night time photography. It’s a tungsten balanced color negative film that has a unique rendering of very bright highlights. Being a C41 process film its easy to get developed compared to other cine films. Depending on the lighting situation and the color of .....
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  • CineStill BWxx Double X 250 ISO / 120

    CineStill BWxx Double X 250 ISO / 120

    Price: 15,00
    CineStill Double X is a variable speed ISO black and white film. Despite being rated at ISO 250, it actually can be shot on different ISO’s, resulting in different looks. The CineStill film lineup is loved for its cinematic rendering films that are quite unique and different to the traditional .....
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  • CineStill BWxx Double X 250 ISO / 135-36

    Price: Sold
    CineStill Double X is a variable speed ISO black and white film. Despite being rated at ISO 250, it actually can be shot on different ISO’s, resulting in different looks. The CineStill film lineup is loved for its cinematic rendering films that are quite unique and different to the traditional .....
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  • CineStill 50D Daylight / 120

    CineStill 50D Daylight / 120

    Price: 15,00
    CineStill 50D is a beautiful low ISO film with cinematic/filmic rendering. Uses regular C-41 process. Suited for very sunny and bright situations due its light ISO. Daylight balanced for natural colors whilst offering the famous Cinestill glow and halation in the highlights. 1X roll of 120 format CineStill 50D film.
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  • CineStill 800T Tungsten / 120

    CineStill 800T Tungsten / 120

    Price: 17,00
    Cinestill 800T is the perfect film for night time photography. It’s a tungsten balanced color negative film that has a unique rendering of very bright highlights. Being a C41 process film its easy to get developed compared to other cine films. Depending on the lighting situation and the color of .....
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  • FujiFilm Neopan 100 Acros II / 135-36

    Price: Sold
    Fujifilm Across 100 is the most beautiful black and white film Fuji has ever produced. Loved for its fine grain and beautiful contrast. Fujifilm has stopped the production of the original Acros somewhere in 2017 but it was reintroduced some years later. Maybe not the cheapest black and white film .....
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  • FujiFilm Neopan 100 Acros II / 120

    Price: Sold
    Fujifilm Across 100 is the most beautiful black and white film Fuji has ever produced. Loved for its fine grain and beautiful contrast. Fujifilm has stopped the production of the original Acros somewhere in 2017 but it was reintroduced some years later. Maybe not the cheapest black and white film .....
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  • Ilford Ortho Plus 80 B&W / 135-36

    Price: Sold
    Ilford Ortho 80 Plus is a low speed and very fine grain black and white film. Aimed at photographers who want the maximum resolution a black and white film can provide, making it very suited for fine art and landscape photography. 1X Roll of 36 exposures in 35mm format.
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  • Ilford PAN 100 / 135-36

    Price: Sold
    Ilford PAN 100 is a budget friendly black and white film. It offers a fine grain and neutral contrast, great for scanning or printing in the darkroom. 1X roll of Ilford PAN 100 in 35mm format
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  • Kodak Ultramax 400 / 135-36

    Kodak Ultramax 400 / 135-36

    Price: 13,00
    Kodak Ultramax 400 is a higher speed color negative film. Great for cloudy days or indoor use. It has a bit more grain than other lower speed films such as Gold but we think it gives a nice touch to the overall look of this film. Works also great with .....
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  • CineStill 400D Dynamic C41 / 135-36

    CineStill 400D Dynamic C41 / 135-36

    Price: 17,50
    CineStill 400D is a color negative film with some special characteristics. It provides lovely warm colors, very similar to Kodak Portra and Gold. When shooting directly into lightsources, the shots get a nice red halation glow around the very highlights, making your shots look extra cinematic. CineStill 400D is called .....
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  • CineStill 50D Daylight / 135-36

    CineStill 50D Daylight / 135-36

    Price: 17,50
    CineStill 50D is a beautiful low ISO film with cinematic/filmic rendering. Uses regular C-41 process. Suited for very sunny and bright situations due its light ISO. Daylight balanced for natural colors whilst offering the famous Cinestill glow and halation in the highlights. 1X roll of 120 format CineStill 50D film.
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  • CineStill 400D Dynamic C41 / 120

    CineStill 400D Dynamic C41 / 120

    Price: 19,00
    CineStill 400D is a color negative film with some special characteristics. It provides lovely warm colors, very similar to Kodak Portra and Gold. When shooting directly into lightsources, the shots get a nice red halation glow around the very highlights, making your shots look extra cinematic. CineStill 400D is called .....
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  • Contax IIa rangefinder + Carl Zeiss Jena Sonnar 5cm 1:2 lens

    Price: Sold
    Set comes with signs of regular use externally, there are some deteriorations and some patina to chrome parts, mostly bottom plate. Finder is a bit dim which is normal for a non-serviced camera, RF spot is visible and looks accurate. Shutter in most cases is not released, it just clicks .....
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