ShopMay 14, 2024
Voigtlander Ultra Wide Heliar 12mm F/5.6 silver for LTM + viewfinder, boxed
Price: SoldUltra wide lens for Leica Screw Mount cameras. 12mm F/5.6 by voigtlander in chrome finish. Comes with the original caps, hood, finder and box. The lens has superb cosmetics and basically looks brand new still. Focus is well damepened, aperture works as intendend and there is no oil on the .....Voigtlander Ultra Wide Heliar 12mm F/5.6 silver for LTM + viewfinder, boxedMay 14, 2024 -
Voigtlander Ultra Wide-Heliar 12mm F5.6, Leica M
Price: SoldSecond version of the Ultra wide Voigtlander 12mm lens in Leica M mount. This lens was supplied without finder. The lens comes in an excellent shape with some light sings of previous use. Smooth focus and good aperture. Glass in excellent shape. Original caps missing, supplied with generic capsVoigtlander Ultra Wide-Heliar 12mm F5.6, Leica MJanuary 25, 2022 -
Voigtlander Ultra-Wide Heliar 12mm f/5.6 LTM + Finder
Price: SoldThe 12mm for LTM is a very compact ultra-wide lens for Leica screw mount, even wider than the way more common 15mm. It is in very good cosmetical condition with no visible traces of use. Smooth focus with detent points for scale focusing on f/5.6 and f/11. Optics are good .....Voigtlander Ultra-Wide Heliar 12mm f/5.6 LTM + FinderSeptember 19, 2023 -
Samyang 12mm F/2 NCS CS lens black for Fujifilm X-mount, boxed
Price: SoldFast wide angle lens for digital Fujifilm X-mount cameras. Manual focus only. A very budget friendly alternative to the original fuji wide angle lenses. Super fast F/2 aperture makes it suited for shooting night time scenes or starscapes as well. Comes in perfect condition. Good glass and smooth focus. All .....Samyang 12mm F/2 NCS CS lens black for Fujifilm X-mount, boxedMarch 5, 2024 -
Voigtlander Ultra Wide Heliar 12mm F/5.6, with M adapter, boxed
Price: SoldUltra wide angle lens for LTM / M39 screw mount cameras. No rangefinder coupling but this of course is not needed with this focal lengt. The focusing ring works smoothly and has hard stops at infinity, 1m and 0.5m. This helps with setting it to a fixed distance and shoot .....Voigtlander Ultra Wide Heliar 12mm F/5.6, with M adapter, boxedDecember 12, 2023 -
Voigtlander Ultra Wide-Heliar 12mm F5.6, Leica screw mount
Price: SoldImpressive ultra wide angle lens from Voigtlander, first version. Leica screw mount but fits Leica M cameras as well with adapter. The lens comes with the finder in a dedicated leather case.This Ultra Wide-Heliar comes in an excellent shape. some light sings of previous use. Smooth focus and good aperture. .....Voigtlander Ultra Wide-Heliar 12mm F5.6, Leica screw mountDecember 13, 2021 -
Kern Switar 13mm F/0.9 lens, D-mount 8mm movie
Price: SoldThis very fast lens by Kern is suited for use on a D-mount camera. The lens has a super fast F0,9 aperture, which is quite uncommon for small lenses like these. It has a small coverage for 8mm movie cameras such as the Bolex 8mm. Can be adapted to digital .....Kern Switar 13mm F/0.9 lens, D-mount 8mm movieMay 23, 2023 -
Canon TV-16 13mm F/1.5 lens for C-mount, OUTLET
Price: SoldThis TV lens by Canon has a 13mm focal length with a F/1.5 aperture. Suited for 16mm movie cameras. The lens has a small dent in the front element, chip in the coating. The front filter ring is a bit dented inwards, filters can not be used anymore. Focus is .....Canon TV-16 13mm F/1.5 lens for C-mount, OUTLETMay 16, 2023 -
Samyang MF 14mm F/2.8 ED AS IF UMC for Nikon FX and DX (AI-S)
Price: SoldManual focus ultra wide angle lens for Nikon F mount cameras. Works on analog camera’s since it has its own aperture ring. Designed for use on digital bodies in FX or DX format. Manual focus with large and precise focus throw. Bulbus front element and built on lenshood. Good sharp .....Samyang MF 14mm F/2.8 ED AS IF UMC for Nikon FX and DX (AI-S)January 2, 2024 -
Canon FD 14mm F/2.8 L series wide angle lens
Price: €5.000,00Impressive and highly sought after Super-wide Canon FD 14mm 1:2.8 L lens. Introduced in the early 1980s this is the widest, non fisheye lens from the Canon FD lens line-up. This vintage Canon lens comes in a good condition for it’s age. Smooth focus and good functional aperture. Glass in .....Canon FD 14mm F/2.8 L series wide angle lensJune 21, 2022 -
Sigma AF 14mm F/2.8 D EX HSM ASPH. wide angle lens for Nikon FX
Price: SoldThe Sigma 14mm F/2.8 HSM is an ultra wide autofocus lens suited for Nikon fullframe DSLR camera’s. This lens offers a crazy wide field of view with a fast F/2.8 aperture. The built in HSM motor is reasonable fast and silent. The lens has a big bulbus front element and .....Sigma AF 14mm F/2.8 D EX HSM ASPH. wide angle lens for Nikon FXMarch 14, 2023 -
Canon Fish-Eye lens FD 15mm 1:2.8
Price: SoldFish-eye lens for Canon FD cameras. Hard to find nowadays and this lens comes in an excellent condition. Smooth focus and good aperture. Built in filter turret is smooth to set. Glass in excellent shape. Impressive glass and impressive results, complete with the original capsCanon Fish-Eye lens FD 15mm 1:2.8October 4, 2022 -
Voigtlander SW Heliar 15mm f/4.5 + LTM-M adapter + Finder
Price: SoldThe lens comes in excellent condition with light signs of previous use. The barrel looks good with only minimal wear. The focus is smooth and the aperture ring turns smooth with distinct clicks. Comes with original voigtlander LTM to M adapter (35-135) and finder. Finder in good shape with good .....Voigtlander SW Heliar 15mm f/4.5 + LTM-M adapter + FinderJune 28, 2021 -
Nikon Nikkor 15mm F/3.5 AI lens
Price: SoldThe widest straight/corrected Nikkor lens available for the Nikon F mount. (There is a 13mm but that costs 30x more than this so we don’t count it) Often used for landscape and architecture photograhpy. Very well corrected lens as well, minimal vignetting and barrel distortion. Nowadays a sought after piece .....Nikon Nikkor 15mm F/3.5 AI lensSeptember 5, 2023 -
Yashica ML 15mm f/2.8 fish-eye CY mount
Price: SoldThe lens is in very good condition with regular signs of use on the barrel. Focus turns smoothly and aperture works fine. Glass in good condition with light dust and some minor marks on the front lens from cleaning. We can rate the lens 7.5 out of 10.Yashica ML 15mm f/2.8 fish-eye CY mountJanuary 6, 2021 -
Pentax SMC Takumar 1:3.5 / 15mm M42
Price: SoldVery hard to find lens in M42 mount. This is the aspherical version, to be recognized by the focusing scale marked as 7 4 2 instead of 7 3 2. The lens has a somewhat worn appearance but the glass is all excellent. Some paint loss and decoloration of enscriptions. .....Pentax SMC Takumar 1:3.5 / 15mm M42June 28, 2021 -
Nikon Nikkor 15mm F/3.5 AI-S lens
Price: SoldSuper well preserved wide angle Nikkor lens with AI-S coupling. The 15mm is regarded as the widest rectiliniear Nikkor you can get for decent money. Of course there is the 13mm but this is ultra rare and idiotly expensive. This 15mm is in perfect shape with only minimal signs of .....Nikon Nikkor 15mm F/3.5 AI-S lensDecember 3, 2024 -
Leica Leitz Super-Elmar-R 3.5 / 15mm, 3-cam
Price: SoldSuper waide angle lens for the Leica-R system. Very hard to find nowadays and highly sought after by cinematographers. Also this lens has seen recent cine use it it has the Vocas gear attached to it’s focus ring. Ofcourse will do great on every Leica R camera as well since .....Leica Leitz Super-Elmar-R 3.5 / 15mm, 3-camMay 23, 2023 -
Voigtlander Super Wide Heliar 15mm f4.5, for Leica M
Price: SoldUltra wide lens in Leica M mount. With 15mm view finder. The lens comes in a good condition with regular sings of preivous use. Smooth focus and good aperture. Glass all excellent and bright vision to finder. Nice add on for any Leica kit but also great to use on .....Voigtlander Super Wide Heliar 15mm f4.5, for Leica MJuly 26, 2021 -
Voigtlander Super Wide-Heliar 15mm F4.5 asph III, Leica M, Boxed
Price: SoldThird version of the Voigtlander Super Wide-Heliar 15mm lens in excellent shape. some regular sings of previous use. Smooth focus and good aperture. Glass all excellent. Comes with original box and caps. This version was sold without the finder. Nice super wide angle lens to fit Leica M or many .....Voigtlander Super Wide-Heliar 15mm F4.5 asph III, Leica M, BoxedJanuary 25, 2022 -
Carl Zeiss Distagon 3.5 / 15mm AE for Contax/Yashica, worn
Price: SoldThis super wide angle lens was made by Carl Zeiss and suited for use on the Contax Yashica mount. It offers a crazy wide angle with a decent fast F/3.5 aperture. This lens focuses down to a very near 16cm from the filmplane/sensor and therefor almost hits the subject. Luckily .....Carl Zeiss Distagon 3.5 / 15mm AE for Contax/Yashica, wornNovember 22, 2022 -
Contax Carl Zeiss Distagon 15mm f/3.5 T* AEG
Price: SoldThe 15mm Carl Zeiss Distagon is the widest non-fisheye Contax Yashica lens for the system. Cosmetically in excellent condition with light visible wear on the barrel. Focus is smooth and well dampened and free of play. The aperture works correctly. Optics in excellent condition, no haze or fungus.Impressive wide angle .....Contax Carl Zeiss Distagon 15mm f/3.5 T* AEGOctober 10, 2023