Leica M2 Black Paint, 1965 rangefinder camera body
Price: €16.500,00
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Condition report:
Rare original black paint Leica M2 body, manufactured in a batch of 300pc in 1965. The camera shows some beautiful brassing and patina, which can only be achieved by years of intensive use on the original Leica black paint that was used back then. These black paint models were often sold to professionals and age way nicer than the regular chrome versions. The camera shows brassing al over the edges of the topplate, rewind knob and the common touched places. Every black paint Leica is unique in its own way, they all age differently and have a certain personality to them. The paint wears and loses depending on how it was handled or shot. These black paint models have become very popular over the last years and finding one can be quite a challenge. They have proven to be an excellent investment as well.
This camera is by no means working perfect, but that is not goal for many collectors buying into these rare items. The camera’s shutter does fire but occasionally jams on the slower speeds. No L-seal. The rangefinder patch and parallax correction does move well but as well is not tested for accuracy. Shutter curtain a bit dirty and wrinkly. Foggy viewfinder. We can conclude that it would need a proper CLA in order to be fully working again but we will leave this one to decide by its new owner. Comes with the quick loading spool installed.
Because of the nature of these camera’s and its current (mechanical) condition we can not provide a warranty on this body.
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*Not applicable for as-is and OUTLET products or camera’s aged 65 years and older.
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Main specs of the Leica M2:
The Leica M2 is a fully mechanical rangefinder camera for 35mm film. No batteries required since there is no built in lightmeter. The viewfinder shows both framelines and the focusing patch for its rangefinder system. There are 4 different framelines, for 35mm, 50mm, 90mm and 135mm lenses. As mentioned, the M2 framecounter is a bit different than the M3. In stead of being recessed in the body, the metail dail counter is located around the shutter release button and has to be reset by hand after changing films. Shutter speeds range from 1s up to 1/1000th and bulb mode.Leica M2 variants:
There is multiple versions of the M2, most of them have a selftimer and standard rewind lever switch on the front of the camera. Some versions are lacking the selftimer and even more rare versions have a button rewind operation. They all feature the manual reset framecounter. Black Leica M2 bodies are very rare to find and can be 5 times the price of a regular chrome version one.If you want a Leica rangefinder suited for 35mm lenses but with an easier film loading experience, the M4 is the one for you!