ShopJune 18, 2024
Leica Meter MR chrome
Price: SoldLeicameter in non-functional condition. Tested on our machine but the meter cell does not seem to respond to light at all. A common thing for these old leica lightmeters. We sell this copy for parts/repair/display. Very nice cosmetics for its age, usually they are quite worn but this one is .....Leica Meter MR chromeJune 18, 2024 -
Canon 50mm f/1.5 in Leica screw mount
Price: SoldThis Canon 50mm f/1.5 has the Sonnar formula and is famous for it’s beautiful rendering and bokeh. Nice cosmetics with only light wear on the chrome barrel. Focus turns smoothly. Focus scale marked in feet. Aperture works correctly with full click stops. Optics are in good shape. Just some light .....Canon 50mm f/1.5 in Leica screw mountJune 18, 2024 -
Nikon FG + E 50mm f/1.8 AIS
Price: SoldThe Nikon FG is kind of a more advanced Nikon EM with manual speed control as well as aperture priority and P mode. All housed in a nice and small body. The camera comes in excellent cosmetical condition with just some light wear mostly on the bottom plate. The shutter .....Nikon FG + E 50mm f/1.8 AISJune 18, 2024 -
Robot + Schneider Xenar 2.8 / 38
Price: €120,00This Robot camera comes with the Schneider Xenar 38mm f/2.8 lens and is a nice addition to any camera collection. The camera still looks pretty good with some age related wear. Leatherette on back has been replaced. Winding still works fine, feather tension gives around 10 shots. Shutter speeds werent .....Robot + Schneider Xenar 2.8 / 38June 18, 2024 -
Canon 35mm f/2.8 Leica screw mount lens.
Price: SoldThis 35mm Canon lens has similar specs as the Leica Summaron however it is way more affordable and a beautiful performer as well. Barrel looks good with only light wear. Focus turns smoothly and the aperture works like it should with clicks on the full stops. Optics in good shape .....Canon 35mm f/2.8 Leica screw mount lens.June 18, 2024 -
Leica Leitz Elmar 65mm on Visoflex III kit, OUTLET
Price: SoldThis lot contains a Visoflex III, the Elmar 65mm F/3.5 macro lens, the OTZFO adapter, prism finder for the Visoflex III. The lens has some internal fungus and needs to be cleaned to be perfect again. The focus is smooth and aperture is working as intended. Sold as bargain lot.Leica Leitz Elmar 65mm on Visoflex III kit, OUTLETJune 18, 2024 -
3x Lens adapter for FujiFilm X mount: Canon FD, Nikon F and Leica M
Price: SoldThis lot contains 3x lens adapters for Fujifilm X mount APS-C sized mirrorless cameras. Including 2 very well build metabones adapters in their original boxes. These are Canon FD to FX and Nikon F to FX. The third adapter is a somewhat more budget Fusnid Leica M to Fuji X .....3x Lens adapter for FujiFilm X mount: Canon FD, Nikon F and Leica MJune 18, 2024 -
Mamiya M645 auto bellows w/ movements for M645
Price: SoldMacro bellows for the Mamiya 645 system. These bellows also have swing and tilt movements to optimize DOF and change perspective without the need of tilting the whole setup or camera. Very handy for serious macro work. The bellows are in perfect shape. Healthy material and smooth operation. They come .....Mamiya M645 auto bellows w/ movements for M645June 18, 2024 -
Seagull 4A-1, Boxed
Price: SoldNice affordable Twin lens reflex camera made in China. In good working order, complete with it’s original packaging. probably hardly ever used. Shutter is accurate and all is smooth to set. Nice starter TLRSeagull 4A-1, BoxedJune 18, 2024 -
lubitel 2, Boxed
Price: SoldNice affordable medium format camera made in the former USSR. Pretty limited in functionality and the finder is not getting close to the original Rolleiflex but still great fun to use. This Lubitel comes in a good condition and comes even with it’s original box. some mild fungus in viewing .....lubitel 2, BoxedJune 18, 2024 -
Minox 35 GT-E, Boxed
Price: SoldNice compact Minox camera. fully boxed in in good working order. Around the smallest you can get for 35mm. and full manual controls. Nice travel cameraMinox 35 GT-E, BoxedJune 18, 2024 -
Nikon AF250SV, Boxed
Price: SoldNice affordable Nikon compact camera in fully working order. even comes with the boxNikon AF250SV, BoxedJune 18, 2024 -
Nikon L35AF2 point and shoot
Price: SoldNice Nikon compact camera in good user condition. Fully working and seals seem light tight. geaneral wear from previous useNikon L35AF2 point and shootJune 18, 2024 -
Revue 400SE compact fixed lens rangefinder camera
Price: SoldNice compact rangefinder with fixed lens. nearly identical to the Minolta Himatic 7sII. fast lens and integrated mete. Good working order, everything runs as intended. shutter all within tolerance when testing it on our shutter speed machines. Meter slightly overexposes by 1ev. Rangefinder well adjusted. good optics without remarks about .....Revue 400SE compact fixed lens rangefinder cameraJune 18, 2024 -
Olympus AF10 compact
Price: SoldNice affordable compact camera made by Olympus. Mostly known for it’s high end Mju series. The lens on this camera is probably the same as on the MJu1 but the AF-10 is not that hyped at the moment so it can be found at a way lower price. The camera .....Olympus AF10 compactJune 18, 2024 -
Olympus OM type 1-1 focusing screen
Price: SoldOlympus OM focusing screen, marked ”1”. Comes in original box and with the pliers to install them. Small centre spot in the middle, no split image focusing patch.Olympus OM type 1-1 focusing screenJune 18, 2024 -
Graflex 4×5 Pacemaker Speed Graphic + Kodak Ektar 127mm f/4.7 lens kit
Price: SoldThe Graflex Speed is the side mounted rangefinder pacemaker version. The camera comes mounted with a Kodak Ektar 127mm f/4.7 lens and has been fully checked and calibrated by our in house technician. He spent over 3 hours making this camera look this good again as it came in pretty .....Graflex 4×5 Pacemaker Speed Graphic + Kodak Ektar 127mm f/4.7 lens kitJune 18, 2024 -
Leica IIf + Red Scale Elmar 3.5 / 5cm + Leicavit SYOOM Rapidwinder
Price: €1.050,00A Leica IIf with matching red scale Elmar 50mm F/3.5 lens and Leicavit (SYOOM) rapidwinder attachment on the bottom. Very nice collectible Leica LTM camera in nice cosmetic condition. Vulcanite is 99% there, only 1 mini part near the slow speed button cover is missing. Minimal wear on the body, .....Leica IIf + Red Scale Elmar 3.5 / 5cm + Leicavit SYOOM RapidwinderJune 18, 2024 -
Leica APO-Telyt R 2.8 / 280mm E112 + Apo-extender-R 1.4x in case
Price: SoldImpressive and super fast Leica tele lens in excellent condition. Heavy weight optic but with it’s own strap lugs it is still easy to handle in the field. Complete with it’s dedicated 1.4 Apo-R extender, making it an almost 400mm lens. Super high quality optic which is just seldom encountered. .....Leica APO-Telyt R 2.8 / 280mm E112 + Apo-extender-R 1.4x in caseJune 18, 2024 -
Leica CL body + Leitz Summicron 50mm F/2 V3 DUMMY KIT, boxed
Price: €450,00This Leica CL is not able to take pictures. It’s a dummy camera that was used by retailers to demonstrate or fill cabinets with the release of the CL. Its’s fitted with a dummy Summicron 50mm F/2 version 3 lens as well. The camera has exactly the same housing as .....Leica CL body + Leitz Summicron 50mm F/2 V3 DUMMY KIT, boxedJune 18, 2024 -
Leica screw mount camera box with 2 smaller ones inside
Price: €50,00This beautiful red and gold lined cardboard box was originally made for a LTM camera. Its marked IIIa on the bottom. some damage to closing lid. The 2 smaller boxes include a slide out one marked ”rahmensucher” and the other one is the case for the IUFOO lenshood for the .....Leica screw mount camera box with 2 smaller ones insideJune 18, 2024 -
Linhof technika III, early
Price: €300,00This early Linhof Technica III camera shows its age with allround wear. it got some diy modification on the top. Bellows seem original and are not checked for light tightness. It shows some crinkles in the front part so ight need replacement. Rangefinder cam installed for 90mm only. rf moves .....Linhof technika III, earlyJune 18, 2024