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Showing 7613–7634 of 9642 results
  • Canon FD zoom 24-35mm f/3.5 L nFD

    Price: Sold
    The Canon FD 24-35mm is the first L series “ultrawide” zoom lens in the FD lineup and first offered as a SSC Aspherical lens, this is the updated newFD variant, but optically still the same. The barrel comes in an excellent looking condition. minimal wear. Focus and zoom rings turn .....
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  • Canon FD 20mm f/2.8 SSC

    Price: Sold
    This is an early Canon FD 20mm f/2.8 SSC lens with the green 0 engraving. The barrel has minimal wear and looks very well cared for. The focus turns smoothly and the aperture is working correctly without oil on the blades. Optics are in good shape without haze or fungus. .....
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  • Canon FD 17mm f/4 SSC

    Price: Sold
    The FD 17mm f/4 SSC is the widest rectalinear lens in the SSC lineup and in appearance looks very much like the 20mm f/2.8 SSC. The lens comes in excellent condition with some light wear on mostly the aperture ring but looks lightly used otherwise. The focus turns smooth with .....
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  • Leica If chrome + Elmar 50mm F/3.5 lens

    Leica If chrome + Elmar 50mm F/3.5 lens

    Price: 450,00
    Leica If camera in chrome with matching 50mm lens. No rangefinder and now slow speeds, a very simple camera within the LTM lineup. This copy has nice cosmetics but some remarks to be made: the right strap lug seems to be removed by someone, maybe to improve grip. The bottom .....
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  • Rolleiflex 4×4 w/ 60mm F/3.5 Tessar lens, one of the first original baby Rolleiflex

    Rolleiflex 4×4 w/ 60mm F/3.5 Tessar lens, one of the first original baby Rolleiflex

    Price: 450,00
    A very early and beautiful Rolleiflex TLR with 4×4 image capture. The production started in 1931 and the first serial of that batch is not far off from this one. Started on 127000, this is number 127164. Sold as collectors item. The camera’s shutter does not fire accordingly and is .....
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  • Olympus Mju zoom 35mm point and shoot camera

    Price: Sold
    Classic point and shoot camera made by Olympus. The MJU probably is the best known 35mm point and shoot on the market. This is the zoom version with a lens that can zoom from 35mm to 70mm, making it the perfect everyday or travel camera. Has a built in flash .....
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  • Mamiya C220 + 80mm F/2.8 lenses

    Price: Sold
    This Mamiya C220 Twin lens reflex camera comes with blue dot Sekor 80mm f/2.8 standard lens. The camera comes in good condition with regular wear. The focus turns smooth with good dampening and the bellows are in good looking condition. Transport works properly and the spacing is correct. Finder opens .....
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  • Yashica Mat-124G TLR with 80/3.5 lens

    Price: Sold
    Perfect working Yashica Mat 124G TLR camera with amazing rendering 80mm F/3.5 lens. A very nice dreamy look when shot wide open but it becomes razor sharp when stopped down a bit. Very budget friendly yet good quality TLR camera with built in meter which we tested and calibrated for .....
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  • FujiFilm GSW690 III rangefinder camera, boxed

    Price: Sold
    The 3rd and last version within Fuji’s GSW690 lineup. A medium format rangefinder camera with fixed 65mm lens. It shoots 8 exposures on 120 film and the lens has the equivalent FOV of a 24mm lens on 35mm film. The mark III is a modern looking upgrade compared to the .....
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  • Contax 159MM body

    Price: Sold
    The Contax 159MM is a very compact and light SLR with CY mount. The camera has a shutter that goes up to 1/4000 and can shoot in Manual, Aperture priority and has 3 Program modes too if you put a MM lens on the camera. The camera is in excellent .....
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  • Leicaflex SL body silver

    Price: Sold
    Good looking Leicaflex SL in silver. Shutter speeds have been machine tested and are all within tolerance. Quite unique for a Leicaflex SL. Meter testing works, but the needle won’t move in use as intended. We sell this camera as unmetered one. Nice prism, no desilvering.
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  • Minolta X-700 + MD 50mm F/1.7 lens, serviced

    Price: Sold
    A freshly serviced X700. Done by our Levi under the supervision of ACR. The camera is working perfect on all speeds, meter is good. Very rare to find a freshly serviced minolta x700 camera. Comes with razor sharp and nice rendering 50mm kitlens. Good starter kit, one of the best .....
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  • Nikon FM2n chrome + AI-S 50mm F/1.8 Nikkor lens, serviced by ACR

    Price: Sold
    A Nikon FM2n kit in chrome finish. Comes with the pancake 50mm F/1.8 lens. The kit was recently serviced by ACR so works like new again. Accurate on all speeds. Accurate light meter, new seals and new greases in the mechanics. Cosmetics wise a very well looking kit as well, .....
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  • Rollei Rolleiflex T black w/ Tessar 75mm F/3.5 lens

    Price: Sold
    This Rolleiflex T camera comes in a very nice condition. It is a later variant with speed selector. The exterior looks beautiful with minimal only wear. that because it was probably stored in it’s leather case most of it’s life. Focus turns smoothly with good dampening. Shutter speeds all accurate .....
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  • Minolta XD7 chrome w/ MD 50mm f/1.7

    Price: Sold
    Chrome finish Minolta XD7 with matching MD 50mm f/1.7 lens. The camera comes in good cosmetical condition with regular wear. The shutter speeds are in within tolerance and the lightmeter is accurate. Good bright focusing screen with split prism focusing aid in the middle. cover from flash shoe missing but .....
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  • Canon AE-1 Program + FD 50mm f/1.8

    Price: Sold
    Freshly serviced Canon AE-1 Program with a nFD 50mm f/1.8 lens. Cosmetically in good shape with some regular wear from previous use. The shutter speeds are all accurate and the lightmeter also works fine as well as the program modes. Hand grip/battery cover is also installed on the camera. The .....
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  • Leica M2 body, serviced 2024

    Price: Sold
    A freshly serviced Leica M2 body in chrome. This M2 received a big overhaul in early 2024. Nothing was left untouched and the camera now feels and shoots like new again. The outside of the camera shows some normal age related wear on the brass parts. We have replaced the .....
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  • Mamiya RB67 kit w/ Sekor C 90mm f/3.8 lens

    Price: Sold
    This Mamiya RB67 kit comes with 120 back, waist level finder and a Sekor C 90mm f/3.8 lens. The camera is in good shape with regular signs of previous use. Slight peeling leather on some edges. The finder is an older variant. Focusing screen has a split prism center spot, .....
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  • Rolleiflex SL66 SE kit w/ Planar 80mm f/2.8

    Rolleiflex SL66 SE kit w/ Planar 80mm f/2.8

    Price: 2.000,00
    This SL66SE comes with an earlier but updated Planar 80mm f/2.8 which has been adjusted for correct coupling for the built in meter. The camera has good cosmetics with just some light wear on the top edges of the waist level finder. Shutter speeds and lightmeter were checked on our .....
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  • Hasselblad 501 CM kit + A12 6×6 + 80mm CB, Boxed

    Price: Sold
    Here we have nice modern 501CM kit with matching modern A12 back with darkslide holder and a 80mm f/2.8 Planar CB lens. Excellent cosmetics. Just light signs of previous use. The body has a super bright Acute matte D screen installed with just the alignment arrows in the form of .....
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  • Pentax KX + 50mm F/1.7 lens, use without meter or for parts/repair, OUTLET

    Price: Sold
    This Pentax KX camera has some issues hence sold as an outlet item. It got rejected due to following: leatherette missing on front of camera. Camera was probably disassembled since there are some things wrong. The shutter speeds sound correct on all times but were not machine tested extensively. Meter .....
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  • Bronica Zenzanon-PS 150mm f4, for SQ-AI, Boxed

    Price: Sold
    Portrait lens for the Bronica SQ 6×6 system like the SQ-Ai and others. Good looking barrel with some regular wear, mostly around the hood mount. The focus turns smoothly and with good dampening. Aperture works correctly and shutter speed times are accurate on all speeds as veriied by our test .....
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