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Showing 1651–1672 of 9642 results
  • Canon lens FD 85mm 1:1.8 S.S.C.

    Price: Sold
    Portrait lens for Canon FD in a very well preserved condition. The lens shows just light sings of previous use. Smooth focus and good aperture. Glass all excellent. Simply a stunning lens for your Canon FD
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  • Contax G1 kit with Zeiss Planar 1:2 / 45mm T* lens

    Price: Sold
    The Contax G1 is often referred to as a rangefinder camera but it more has the feel of a highly advanced compact camera with Autofocus capability and interchangable lenses. Definately a highly popular today and a true one of a kind. Though not as small as the Contax T2 and .....
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  • Nikon Nikkor 28mm 1:2 pre-ai

    Price: Sold
    Fast wide angle lens for Nikon F. Originally non-ai but shaved to fit later cameras as well. coupling fork for metering with early cameras missing. Smooth focus but slightly irregular. Snappy aperture. Good glass, few very faint marks which won’t show on images. somewhat worn appearance but a good user
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  • Leica Leitz Summicron 1:2 / 35mm, M3, Canada

    Leica Leitz Summicron 1:2 / 35mm, M3, Canada

    Price: 2.200,00
    The 8-element Summicron 35mm f/2 lens has a legendary status. Compared to modern lenses it is rather soft wide open but it shows the typical Leica glow at fullest and has amazing bokeh. The 8-element Summicron gives a very special signature to your images and nowadays is one of the .....
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  • Voigtlander Color-Skopar 21mm F4, for Leica M

    Price: Sold
    Wide angle Voigtlander lens which comes in Leica M mount. it does not include the 21mm finder. The lens comes in excellent shape, just light sings of previous use. Smooth focus and good aperture. Glass, also to finder in excellent shape. Great choice for a super wide for any Leica .....
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  • Hasselblad 500C/M + Carl Zeiss Planar 80mm *T + A12 back

    Price: Sold
    This Hasselblad 500C/M has been made in the late 1970s. It has just received a full overhaul and comes in fully working condition. It has a bright screen installed with split image and gridlines. and all work smooth as should. The kit shows obvious signs of use. Body with regular .....
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  • Nikon FA Boxed + Nikkor 50mm 1:2 lens

    Price: Sold
    The Nikon FA is a very advanced though light weight 35mm SLR camera. All settings can be set fully manual but it also has the Aperture priority as well as Program and shutter priority modes to chose from. The meter readout is very similar as found in the professional line .....
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  • Mamiya 645 Super + Mamiya 2.8 / 110mm

    Price: Sold
    This Mamiya 645 super comes in fully working condition. It shows it’s age with signs of use. We see marks and scratches to to body. it has a worn appearance. The camera has been checked by our in house technician and all is working smooth as should. The lens focus .....
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  • Rollei Rolleicord I (tapeten)

    Price: Sold
    A highly decorative Rollei camera made in the early 1930s. this is the slightly later version with removable back. Considering it’s age the camera comes in a beautiful condition. Wear due to age. some marks and paint loss to body. greenish cast to door. The camera comes in a working .....
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  • Komura Komuranon f=90 1:5.6 in Copal No.0 shutter

    Price: Sold
    Rather unusual Komura 5.6 / 90mm large format lens in copal 0 shutter. Should cover 4×5 as well as 5x7inch. The lens is pretty large and will not fit all 4×5 inch camera’s due to it’s big rear block.The lens comes in a good condition. Probably it did not see .....
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  • Bolex H16 Reflex + Kern 1.8 / 16mm H16rx lens

    Price: Sold
    This Bolex H16 reflex camera has been made in the late 1950s and comes with the Kern Switar 1.8 / 16mm H16 RX lens. This is the first version of the H16 Reflex with round base. Fully mechanical spring driven movie camera.For use we recommend the later H16 Rex 4 .....
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  • Rolleiflex Bay 1 filter kit, 10 pieces, housed in home-made filter case for 24x Bay 1 Rollei filters

    Rolleiflex Bay 1 filter kit, 10 pieces, housed in home-made filter case for 24x Bay 1 Rollei filters

    Price: 80,00
    Home made case for lots of Rollei Bay I filters, partially fitted with third-party filters in used, fully functional condition. Possible tiny marks to filters, but no scratches or cracks. Case is a bit fatigued, but also fully functional.
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  • Bell and Howell movie camera with a Taylor Hobson Cooke Kinic 1 inch 1:1.5 D-mount lens

    Bell and Howell movie camera with a Taylor Hobson Cooke Kinic 1 inch 1:1.5 D-mount lens

    Price: 200,00
    Camera comes in really good condition for its age, leather strap is broken and missing. Motor runs, but camera is untested with film. Lens with just slightly hazy optics, good user – focusing is smooth, aperture works. D-mount lens but the whole kit is mainly sold as a collectors piece .....
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  • Leica Leitz Summicron-R 90mm f/2 3cam

    Leica Leitz Summicron-R 90mm f/2 3cam

    Price: 650,00
    This Summicron-R 90mm lens comes in a good user condition. Obvious wear and paint loss to barrel but good glass. Focus is smooth and well dampened. Hood slides in and out smoothly. The aperture functions correctly. Glass looks good with slight dust and a spot on front element but it .....
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  • Minolta RF Rokkor 5.6 / 250mm

    Price: Sold
    Highly sought after miniature reflex lens. A telelens the size of a standard lens. No other brand made a similar lens in the days. The lens comes in good condition with light signs of previous use. Some slight marks on the barrel from normal use. Focus is smooth. Filter present. .....
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  • Canon lens FD 1.2 / 50mm L

    Price: Sold
    Nice fast Canon 50mm L lens in good condition. Some obvious wear from previous use. some marks to housing. Smooth focus and the aperture works correctly. Good glass. some light internal dust which wont affect images. namering to front with two additional screws. sought after lens in a good user .....
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  • Mamiya N 1:4.5 / 43mm L lens for Mamiya 7 / 7II

    Price: Sold
    Wide angle 43mm lens for the Mamiya 7II complete with the finder and hood. Excellent condition. some regular wear. Smooth focus and good aperture. Excellent glass. Shutter works correctly at all times. regular wear from previous use but seem well kept. Great add-on for any Mamiya 7 or 7II kit
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  • Olympus OM Zuiko Auto-Macro 50mm 1:2 lens

    Price: Sold
    This is the hard to find f/2 version of the 50mm Olympus OM macro lens. It comes in an excellent condition with some ight sings of previous use. The focus turns smoothly and the aperture works all correctly. Glass all excellent. A high quality and fast macro lens for the .....
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  • Konica Hexar AF silver, Boxed

    Price: Sold
    The Konica Hexar AF is an interesting compact camera. Definately not the most compact but it comes with the fast 35mm f/2 Hexar lens which has outstanding optical quality. It has a separate detachable flash, full control over it’s aperture. auto focus and a large finder. fastest shutter speed is .....
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  • Leica Leitz Summilux 1:1.4 / 35mm v2, M, Infinity lock

    Price: Sold
    The second version of the Summilux 1:1.4 / 35mm lens was in production from 1967 up to 1995. it has a beautiful rendering wide open, rather soft but with a very special glow. Stopped down it has excellent sharpness but still a beautiful bokeh. Also the size makes this a .....
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  • Leica M4 with Leitz 50mm f/2.8 Elmar

    Price: Sold
    A very nice classic Leica M set. This Leica M4 is paired with a period correct Leica 50mm f/2.8 Elmar and is ready to shoot. The Leica M4 features the 35, 50 and 90mm framelines and has the same quickload system that’s still being used in film Leica’s that are .....
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  • Canon lens FD 200mm 1:4 S.S.C.

    Canon lens FD 200mm 1:4 S.S.C.

    Price: 80,00
    Tele lens in Canon FD mount. Regular signs of previous use. Smooth focus and good working aperture. Good glass but light haze behind front element. we do not expect influence to images
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