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Showing 1651–1672 of 8384 results
  • Pentax MZ-5 kit + Pentax 28-70 OUTLET

    Price: Sold
    Sold as outlet product. The mirror jams and therefore the camera wont be able to take a photo. No warranty, can be used to repair or for its parts and lens.
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  • Minolta XD5 body + MD 50mm F/1.7 lens

    Price: Sold
    The Minolta XD5 is a 35mm SLR camera with MD mount. Simple to use camera but quite advanced, it has some handy exposure modes like M, A and S modes. Shutterspeeds go up to 1/1000th and as low as 1s. Lens can stop down to F/16 and due its large .....
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  • Leica M5 black body, full service

    Price: Sold
    The Leica M5 is the ugliest Leica M ever made, or is it? Its a hate it or love it camera and the opinions seem be spread to the 2 extremes. For long the M5 was the underdog due its kind of awkward larger size, different lightmeter and battery use. .....
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  • Konica Hexar AF + free HX-14 Auto flash

    Price: Sold
    The Konicsa Hexar AF is a fixed 35mm F/2 lens point and shoot camera with manual exposure controls. The camera takes 35mm film and auto advances between shots, combined with the autofocus lens this makes for a very easy and fast to work with system. The camera uses a fixed .....
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  • Nikon F4 + MB-21 with AF Nikkor 50mm F/1.8

    Price: Sold
    The Nikon F4 was the first professional SLR camera from Nikon to feature fully working autofocus. With it a bunch of AF Nikkor lenses were released but the camera still works with manual lenses as well. The camera is made of very solid aluminum housing covered with durable plastics. Compared .....
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  • Hasselblad XPAN with 45mm F/4 lens, 35mm rangefinder panoramic camera

    Hasselblad XPAN with 45mm F/4 lens, 35mm rangefinder panoramic camera

    Price: 4.500,00
    The Hasselblad XPAN is rangefinder and true panoramic camera. It shoots on regular 35mm film and produces 65x24mm images, resulting in 18 shots per roll. This is a true classic and unique in its kind. The lenses are specially designed for this camera system and are focused by hand using .....
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  • Mamiya M645 + Sekor 80mm F/2.8 lens

    Price: Sold
    The Mamiya 645 is probably the most popular medium format around nowadays. It offers very good quality for the money and its very easy to operate. The waste level finder is beautifil to look trough and compose your images with. The camera has a built in filmback that uses 120 .....
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  • Olympus OM10 + OM 50mm F/1.8 kitlens

    Price: Sold
    The OM10 is a very easy to use and understand 35mm SLR camera. The camera is aperture priority only, meaning you set the aperture and the camera will figure out exposure times for you. Small in size and easy to take with you on a daily bases. The 50mm F/1.8 .....
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  • Rolleiflex 2.8F TLR camera

    Rolleiflex 2.8F TLR camera

    Price: 2.000,00
    One of the latest classic Rolleiflex models. This 2.8F has a lightmeter, all the features you’d want in a Rolleiflex and a fast and sharp 80mm f/2.8 Carl Zeiss Planar lens. This camera is in good condition with some minor wear. The leatherette has some edges coming loose but overall .....
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  • Bronica ETRS with Zenzanon 75mm F/2.8 lens, Boxed

    Bronica ETRS with Zenzanon 75mm F/2.8 lens, Boxed

    Price: 700,00
    The bronica ETRS is a medium format SLR camera that shoots 6×4.5cm negatives on 120 film. Combined with the 75mm F/2.8 you are able to make beautiful images with a nice shallow depth of field. With the 120 back you can take 15 exposures on a roll of 120 film. .....
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  • Pentax K2 chrome + SMC Pentax-M 28mm F/3.5 lens OUTLET

    Price: Sold
    Pentax K2 SLR camera with some remarks and therefore sold as OUTLET product. Shutter has over exposure on bottom half of frame on higher speeds: looks like shutter bounce since only bottom part of frame is overexposed by 1 stop on those speeds, other speeds are perfectly accurate. Lightmeter as .....
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  • Nikon S2 rangefinder + W-Nikkor-C 35mm F/3.5 lens

    Price: Sold
    The Nikon S2 is a fully mechanical 35mm rangefinder camera. Based on the earlier Contax rangefinders but not with the exact same mount, so lenses can not be fully interchanged. A beautiful and well made rangefinder that has its own fanbase. Often compared with the more common Leica M models, .....
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  • Pentax KM kit + 50mm lens OUTLET

    Price: Sold
    Pentax KM kit as outlet product. We have a shutterspeed machine and therefore can just tell you whats wrong with it: Meter off by 2 stops, 1/1000 fully blank, 1/500=1/1000, 1/250=1/400, 1/8=1/15, rest of the speeds are within tolerance. Camera to be used with caution but it is usuable.
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  • Canon F-1 + AE prism finder + Motordrive + FD 50mm F/1.8

    Price: Sold
    The Canon F1 is a true icon in 35mm SLR photography. Rival of the Nikon F3 it has a huge fanbase in the Canon community. Built like a tank and very well looking. This newer model of the F1 is compatible with the AE prism which is attached to this .....
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  • Pentax K1000 kit + 55mm lens OUTLET

    Price: Sold
    Pentax K1000 kit with a shutter issue. The 2nd curtain is bad, it jams at every speed below 1/250. Therefore can only be shot above that speed, making it a bit limiting. Prism degredation starting. Lens in good condition, no issues there. Can be used on other models.
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  • Olympus OM-1 + OM 50mm F/1.8 lens kit

    Price: Sold
    The OM-1 is a mechanical 35mm SLR camera with a built in lightmeter. The camera does not need batteries to operate, only to power the lightmeter. Settings have to be adjusted by hand, there is no aperture priority mode like on the OM-2. The OM-1 is loved for its simplistic .....
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  • Nikon F3 + Nikkor 50mm F/1.8 pancake lens

    Price: Sold
    The Nikon F3 is a professional grade 35mm SLR camera with built in meter and aperture priority. It came out after the Nikon F2 and was the first to feature a built in meter into the body in stead of the viewfinders. The camera can shoot up to 1/2000th of .....
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  • Leica M3 Single Stroke + Dual Range 50mm F/2 Summicron lens

    Price: Sold
    The Leica M3 was the first Leica rangefinder to feature the Leica M mount. The camera has 3 framelines, for 50mm 90mm and 135mm, and thats why it was called the M3. The camera shoots 35mm film and can take 37 exposures on a regular roll. The shutterspeeds go from .....
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  • Contarex + Carl Zeiss Planar 50mm F/2 lens + hood

    Contarex + Carl Zeiss Planar 50mm F/2 lens + hood

    Price: 450,00
    The Contarex Bullseye camera is quite an unique piece of photographic history. Remarkable good build quality and beautiful design. It uses some special Carl Zeiss lenses and combined with the deep square lenshood it just looks very nice. All metal body with nice leather coverings. This kit comes with the .....
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  • Hasselblad 553ELX + A12 filmback + Sonnar 150mm F/4 lens

    Price: Sold
    The Hasselblad 553 ELX is the big brother of the EL/M series bodies. The major difference is the use of regular penlite AA batteries in stead of the older, and hard to get, batteries. This camera is of a later generation and has some better cosmetics as well. This kit .....
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  • Canon AV-1 black + FD 50mm F/1.8 lens

    Price: Sold
    The Canon AV-1 is a very easy to work with 35mm SLR camera, great for starters in film photography. The camera has a built in lightmeter and automatically selects the correct shutterspeeds based on the aperture you have set on the lens. The camera is very basic in its operation, .....
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  • Minolta XG-M + MD Rokkor 50mm F/1.7 lens kit

    Price: Sold
    The Minolta XG-M is a classic 35mm SLR camera that uses the great Minolta MD lenses. This camera is very easy to learn and use and became popular amongst many Minolta fans over the last decade. The camera has a built in lightmeter and can shoot on apeture priority, meaning .....
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