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Showing 9681–9702 of 9710 results
  • Gelto 127 Sub-miniature camera

    Price: Sold
    A nice Gelto camera. A post war variant with a new paragon shutter and NKS tokyo on the speed ring. Lower serial number than variant in mckeown’s guide. Shutter works although slow speeds are a bit hesitant. Focus seems to work fine. Lens is hazy. A great collectible camera. We .....
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  • KW Pilot Super w/ Ludwig Pilotar 75mm f/4.5

    Price: Sold
    A cute KW Pilot camera with a interesting curved shutter. The camera is in good condition with regular signs of previous use. The finder is a bit cloudy due to desilvering mirror and the shutter is working but not fully closing on 1/20 and B. The lens has some haze .....
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  • Ensign Multex camera

    Ensign Multex camera

    Price: 400,00
    Uncommon and very rangefinder camera made in England. Comes with the Multar 3.5 / 50mm. The shutter won’t currently fire, the rangefinder is a bit dim, this most likely can be resolved with a CLA. Normal wear to the leather of the camera. For 127 film so more of a .....
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  • Ensigns auto-Speed + Dallmeyer Dalmac 3.5/4inch Rangefinder

    Ensigns auto-Speed + Dallmeyer Dalmac 3.5/4inch Rangefinder

    Price: 600,00
    A rare camera especially with the coupled rangefinder and most unusual Dallmeyer lens. The model is also interesting in that it has the focal plane shutter. The shutter fires but the release knob is missing. A simple screw or pin could be a replacement. Good lens for it’s age. All .....
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  • Wray London Wide Angle 50mm f/5.6 Prontor

    Price: Sold
    A interesting Brittish lens. Presumably a topogon design for medium format. The lens comes in good condition with obvious signs of previous use. Shutter and lens housing show many paint loss. Prontor Press shutter not running on 1-2-5. 10 to 125 works fine. Glass looks okay with some light cleaning .....
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  • Voigtlander Universal Heliar 36cm F/4.5 large format lens

    Price: Sold
    Impressive Voigtlander Universal Heliar lens. One of the nicest portrait lenses ever made. Uncoated version. Considering it’s age in good condition with regular signs of previous use. Some small ,marks on glass which should not affect images. Some internal dust. Soft focus and aperture are a bit heavy to turn. .....
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  • Ernemann Ernon 10.5cm F/6.8 in focus mount

    Ernemann Ernon 10.5cm F/6.8 in focus mount

    Price: 100,00
    Nice old lens with focus. No mount. Good condition for it’s old age. Some internal dust. We can rate it 7 out of 10
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  • Rapid Rectilinear 4×5 by London Stereoscopic. Black band lens

    Price: Sold
    Nice little brass lens in good condition for it;s age. Few tiny marks on glass some internal dust. Comes with flange and 1 stop. App. 140Mm focal lenght
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  • Goerz Dagor 300mm 6.8 Serie III Dopp.Anastigmat

    Goerz Dagor 300mm 6.8 Serie III Dopp.Anastigmat

    Price: 400,00
    Lens shows regular signs of use. Shutter not working properly
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  • Ernemann Tropen Klapp camera with Ernostar 2,7 / 11cm lens

    Ernemann Tropen Klapp camera with Ernostar 2,7 / 11cm lens

    Price: 1.000,00
    Rare tropical camera with fast 2,7 version Ernostar (though not the fastest Ernostar option available which was f/1.8). The camera shows it’s age and should benifit from good cleaning. It has obvious signs of use. Class seems good. Shutter won’t fire. For collection
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  • Gaumont Paris Stereo camera With Krauss Zeiss Tessar lenses

    Gaumont Paris Stereo camera With Krauss Zeiss Tessar lenses

    Price: 350,00
    All metal stereo camera appr. 1900. Lenses marked Krauss Paris Tessar Zeiss 4.5 / 85mm. Shutter fires but unrestored condition. Aperture and focus turns heavy. Lenses with haze. Cosmetically in very nice condition. For collection or display. Has Grand Prix 1900 marking to front
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  • Unmarked Brass Petzval lens, approx 11cm high

    Unmarked Brass Petzval lens, approx 11cm high

    Price: 150,00
    diameter of glass 4cm Height without hood 8cm, with hood 11cm. Focal lenght app 12cm, but no waterhouse stop slot. Flange missing. RoP defective. Good glass with some minor marks an internal dirt.
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  • Ross Rapid symmetrical 12×10 old brass lens

    Ross Rapid symmetrical 12×10 old brass lens

    Price: 200,00
    Old Ross lens with heavy patina in housing. Glass is good. Some internal dust. Stops and flange missing.
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  • Watkins Pinhole lens 6

    Watkins Pinhole lens 6

    Price: 200,00
    Interesting Pinhole lens in good condition
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  • Steinheil Weitwinkel Aplanat 11mm

    Price: Sold
    Focal lenght of appr 200mm. 11Mm front glass diameter. Nice small Wide angel lens by Steinheil. 4Elemtns design. Aperure turret turns smoothly. Good glass. Nice patina. Good condition considering it’s age. We can rate the lens 8 out of 10
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  • Dallmeyer 13×11 Rapid rectilinear

    Dallmeyer 13×11 Rapid rectilinear

    Price: 350,00
    Rapid rectilinear lens by Dallmeyer with large image circle. Appr. 45Cm focal lenght f/8. In good condition considering it’s age. Brass with patina. Some bumps to lens hood. Good gass. Few minor marks and internal dust. Comes with flange without stops. We can rate the lens 7 out of 10
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  • An early A. ROSS London Petzval lens 3.6 / 200mm

    Price: Sold
    A very early Ross petzval lens, dated around 1855-1860. As seen more often with early Ross lenses the waterhouse stop slot was added later. The name inscription was cut out and repositioned on the barrel next to ste slot. In pretty good condition considering it’s age. Focal lenght appr. 200mm. .....
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  • Voigtlander Brass large format Petzval lens, 1870-ish

    Voigtlander Brass large format Petzval lens, 1870-ish

    Price: 500,00
    Early Voigtlander petzval lens. Marked Voigtlander & Sohn in Wien und Braunsweig. In good condition considering it’s age. But missing flange, stops and hood. Glass with few tiny marks and some internal dust. Smooth focus. Made approx in 1870 Height 10,7cm Glass diameter 5,3cm Focal length +/- 175mm
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  • Ross Petzval lens

    Price: Sold
    Height incl hood app 13cm, without hood app 97mm, diameter of front glass app 56mm. Focal lenght app 210mm. Good condition considering it’s age. Heavy patina. Clear glass with some minor marks. Few minor bumps in hood and back side. Rackonpinion stuck. Flange missing
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  • Dallmeyer 15×12 Rapid rectilinear

    Dallmeyer 15×12 Rapid rectilinear

    Price: 500,00
    Height app 11cm, diameter of front glass app 6cm. App 500mm focal lenghtConsidering it’s age in average condition. Some bumps in hood. Good glass with few marks. No separation. No waterhouse stops or flange. Nice large RR lens
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  • LW kranz Large and heavy Petzval lens

    Price: Sold
    Height incl hood app 19cm. Diameter of front glass app 78mm. Back focal lenght app 20cm. Focal lenght app 28cm, but no slot for waterhouse stops rackonpinion defect. No flange. Good glass. History: Kranz was an opticien working for Voigtl
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  • Ross Cabinet lens No2

    Price: Sold
    A large and fast Ross portrait lens. Petzval like formula. Appr. 1890s. Focal lenght appr. 250mm. Diameter of front glass appr. 80mm. Estimated f/3. It comes without flange or stops. It shares the flange size with the Ross Cabinet 3 which we also have, but sold in combination with the .....
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