ShopJuly 30, 2024
Leica lens hoid ORQPO for the Leitz Summarex 1:1.5 / 8.5cm lens
Price: SoldScarce lens hood for the Summarex 1:1.5 / 8.5cm lens. Complete with lens cap. Pretty well preserved. some general age related wear. some marks mostly to front lens capLeica lens hoid ORQPO for the Leitz Summarex 1:1.5 / 8.5cm lensJuly 30, 2024 -
Hasselblad 51606 ND8 filter for B60, boxed
Price: SoldOriginal Hasselblad B60 sized filter with ND8 strenght. Takes away 3 full stops of light, so perfect if you like to shoot wide open on sunny days but your 1/500th max shutter on the Hasselblad lens is not enough to make the exposure work. When attaching the filter the viewfinder .....Hasselblad 51606 ND8 filter for B60, boxedJuly 30, 2024 -
Leica Leitz frame finder
Price: SoldLeica Leitz frame finder for screw mount cameras. In good user condition but could use an external clean. Impressive item for any Leica collectionLeica Leitz frame finderJuly 30, 2024 -
Leica Leitz 13131 UVa filters in black and chrome, lot of 2
Price: Sold2x Original Leica/Leitz filter with 39mm filter thread. Cuts out UV lighting and of course protects expensive lenses from damage. Both in perfect shape without any marks to glass that will ever harm images. Nice cosmetics on the metal rings.Leica Leitz 13131 UVa filters in black and chrome, lot of 2July 30, 2024 -
Leica Leitz E43 UVa Chrome filter for first version Summilux 1:1.4 / 50mm
Price: €160,00Scarce filter for your early Summilux 50mm lens. In good condition complete with caseLeica Leitz E43 UVa Chrome filter for first version Summilux 1:1.4 / 50mmJuly 30, 2024 -
Leica Leitz FARUX panorama head + extra ring
Price: SoldHard to find Leica Leitx FARUX panorama head with rings for the 5cm and 9cm lenses. Good condition for it’s old age. some beautiful patina. Must have add-on for any serious leica collectionLeica Leitz FARUX panorama head + extra ringJuly 30, 2024 -
Hasselblad Acute Matte focusing screen with Grid and split image. 42170, Boxed
Price: SoldA Hasselblad Acute Matte focusing screen 42170 which is the gridline and split image pattern in original packaging. Screen in excellent shape with minimal wear. A great upgrade if your want to be able to focus and frame more accurately with your hasselblad V camera that still has a standard .....Hasselblad Acute Matte focusing screen with Grid and split image. 42170, BoxedJuly 30, 2024 -
Contax MSB-1 flash bracket grip for Contax 645
Price: SoldOriginal Contax MSB-1 Flash bracket grip which also serves as a left hand grip with release button. Gives you the full flash shoe with TTL option on the grip by attaching it to the body with cables which are also included. In excellent condition with only minimal wear. Uncommon accesory.Contax MSB-1 flash bracket grip for Contax 645July 30, 2024 -
Linhof recessed lens board
Price: SoldLinhof recessed lens board. perfect for wide angle lenses. This board comes in a good vintage condition. regular wear. Lacking cable release attachment. leaving some tiny hole to board which can be fitted with tape. Otherwise good user. Scarce boardLinhof recessed lens boardJuly 30, 2024 -
Contax GF viewfinder for G series 16mm F/8 Hologon
Price: €150,00Champagne finish Contax GF-16mm optical viewfinder with spirit level for the Hologon 16mm lens. The front lens of the finder has some marks which is visible when looking through it a little bit as blurry blobs. Spirit level works fine. still a good usable finder. Can also be used for .....Contax GF viewfinder for G series 16mm F/8 HologonJuly 30, 2024 -
Linhof lens board for Copal 1
Price: SoldLinhof lens board in good user condition. Sized for Copal 1.Linhof lens board for Copal 1July 30, 2024 -
Contax MFS-3 focusing screen for 645, digital sensor masks, boxed
Price: SoldA Focusing screen for the Contax 645 system with the standard focusing marks in the middle, but also with lines to help with framing for digital backs. In good condition with some very light marks. In original box.Contax MFS-3 focusing screen for 645, digital sensor masks, boxedJuly 30, 2024 -
Kodak Portra 400NC 4×5” sheet film, box of 10 sheets, expired 2004
Price: €50,00Kodak Portra 400 natural color version in 4×5” sheet film. Box of 10 sheets. Expired in 2004. Storage unknown. Boxes are sealed. Multiple packs available.Kodak Portra 400NC 4×5” sheet film, box of 10 sheets, expired 2004July 30, 2024 -
Leica lens hood IWKOO for Super Angulon 4 / 21mm, boxed
Price: SoldScarce IWKOO lens hood for the Super-Angulon 4 / 21mm M or LTM lens. Complete with it’s original box and lens hood cover. This lens hood comes in a good user condition. some regular wear and paint loss. No obvious dents. A beautiful add on to your 21mm lensLeica lens hood IWKOO for Super Angulon 4 / 21mm, boxedJuly 30, 2024 -
Hasselblad V lens to Contax 645 body adapter
Price: SoldHard to find adapter: this one lets you mount Hasselblad V series lenses like the famous 80mm F/2.8 Planar or 100mm F/2 Planar to your Contax 645 film camera. Great way to widen your selection of lenses for the legendary Contax 645 system. Of course no auto exposure, lens will .....Hasselblad V lens to Contax 645 body adapterJuly 30, 2024 -
Leica pair of filters for Xenon and Summarit 5cm. one with box. Deep red and green
Price: €64,00A pair of Leica filters for the Xenon and Summarit 50mm lens that mount on the external bayonet. The green gradiant filter unfortunately has a tiny crack but the red filter is in excellent shape with good glass. The green gradiant filter comes with original box but seems of a .....Leica pair of filters for Xenon and Summarit 5cm. one with box. Deep red and greenJuly 30, 2024 -
Leica Leitz M / LTM adapter for 50mm IRZOO / 14097
Price: SoldThis adapter allows you to mount 50mm lenses in Leica screw mount to your Leica M mount camera. with rangefinder coupling. This adapter will activate the 50mm framelines. In good vintage conditionLeica Leitz M / LTM adapter for 50mm IRZOO / 14097July 30, 2024 -
Lot of 3x filters for SUMMAR 5cm lens: uva, deep red, green. two boxed
Price: SoldThree original Leica filters for the Summar 5cm lens. All black rim type and two are boxed. The UV filter has some marks/smudges near the edge of the filters but all three filters seem well preserved for their age and do not show deep scratches. Highly collectible as these are .....Lot of 3x filters for SUMMAR 5cm lens: uva, deep red, green. two boxedJuly 30, 2024 -
Leicaflex SL / SL2 ever ready case, black leather + camera strap
Price: SoldThis Leicaflex SL / SL2 leather ready case comes in a very nice condition. The case seems like it was never used. Good condition leather and stitching and buttons all work well too. Not easy to find in this good a condition.Leicaflex SL / SL2 ever ready case, black leather + camera strapJuly 23, 2024 -
Hasselblad tripod quick release plate
Price: SoldQuick release tripod attachment for V system cameras. This plate is mounted to your regular tripod head with a 1/4” or 3/8” screw. The bottom of your for example 500CM just slides into and auto locks itself. To release the camera you have to press a button. For extra security .....Hasselblad tripod quick release plateJuly 23, 2024 -
2x Small lens container for Leica M lenses
Price: Sold2 Leica M containers for smaller Leica M lenses like the 35mm or 50mm Summicron. In good shape with no cracks. Just some storage wear from age.2x Small lens container for Leica M lensesJuly 23, 2024 -
Hasselblad 41608 B60 UV filter, boxed
Price: SoldUV / skylight filter for the B60 sized lenses from Carl Zeiss Hasselblad. Protects expensive front element and of course cuts away UV lighting from your images. Good condition, with clear case and box.Hasselblad 41608 B60 UV filter, boxedJuly 23, 2024