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Showing 6997–7018 of 9710 results
  • Rollei 35T black OUTLET

    Price: Sold
    A black finish Rollei 35T, sold as a outlet due to some issues with the transport. The camera also sometimes seems to jam, and when it works the transport needs to be dual stroked to finish the advancing. The camera does look very nice otherwise and has no dents, The .....
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  • Canon new F-1 body, beautiful condition

    Price: Sold
    Collectors grade and perfect user Canon New F-1. Speeds and light meter have been machine tested and are all perfect. We installed new light seals so its good to go for years. The cosmetics of this camera are just super, no remarks to be made here.
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  • Leica M4-P body chrome

    Price: Sold
    Collectible M4-P in chrome, so a 70 years edition. This copy however is fully serviced so not only looks like perfect but also shoots like new again. Small traces of fungus on 2nd shutter curtain, this formed because of the fact it was stored and not used for a very .....
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  • Canon AE-1 + nFD 35mm f/2.8

    Price: Sold
    A perfect user AE-1 kit with nice and a bit more rare 35mm lens. Usually these come with a standard 50mm F/1.8. Light meter is accurate. Speeds are well within tolerance. We have installed new light seals as well. Good user kit ready for its next film adventure.
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  • Olympus Magnifying Angle finder for OM cameras

    Price: Sold
    A original Olympus magnifying angle finder with a 1.2x and 2.5x zoom position for precise focusing. In excellent shape in original leather olympus storage case. No fungus or haze.
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  • Olympus M. AC. Control Box + 10m cable + Motor Drive 1 kit for OM

    Olympus M. AC. Control Box + 10m cable + Motor Drive 1 kit for OM

    Price: 300,00
    Very uncommon and seldom seen Motor Drive 1 with control cable and box for use with the OM-1 MD or other single digit OM cameras. Produced for scientific purposes and not produced in large quantities. Used by the previous owner (University) in a wind tunnel setup to control the camera .....
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  • Leica Leitz FLQOO lens hood in black, for Elmar 3.5cm lens

    Price: Sold
    Original Leitz lenshood for early 35mm F/3.5 Elmar LTM lens. Hard to find and especially rare in black version. Solid material with nice light brassed patina on edges. Still nice and round, no dents.
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  • Voigtlander VC meter II Silver Boxed

    Price: Sold
    The Voigtlander VC Meter II is a improved version over the original VC meter, being a bit more slim and having improved electronics. It takes 2 normal LR/SR44 batteries for power which is a lot more easy to find than what some other meters use. The meter comes in original .....
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  • Mixed lot of various Nikon F related accessories and parts

    Price: Sold
    A lot with multiple Nikon F mount related accesories. 3 auto extension tubes (PK 1, 2 and 3) and 1 manual extension tube E2 which you can stop down the aperture with a wire release. TC200 2x tele converter. HN-7 lens hood, L1BC 52mm filter in box, nikon close up .....
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  • Rolleiflex Prism finder for TLR

    Rolleiflex Prism finder for TLR

    Price: 150,00
    Rollei prism produced for the Rolleicord Vb, Rolleiflex T and 2.8F/3.5F models. Comes in leather storage case. The prism has the usual seperation all of their finders of this age are now showing. Its visible during inspection on both the top and bottom but is still usable as-is when its .....
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  • Rollei Bay 2 accessory lot

    Price: Sold
    A lot of Rolley Bay II accesories for the 3.5 Planar/Xenotar models including the 3.5F. Comes with 3 lens hood, 2 rubber and 1 metal. 3 filters, 2x B-2 and 1 Gelb-Mittel (yellow). Hoods with obvious wear and needs a clean. filters are in decent condition.
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  • Hasselblad A12 filmback, OUTLET

    Price: Sold
    A Hasselblad A12 with a interesting 2-tone colour scheme, which someone has taken part of the black paint off the back. The back was produced in 1989. The darkslide can be inserted without any issue. Mechanisms stops at frame nr1 after loading like intended. The seals seem fine but were .....
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  • Hasselblad V extension ring kit 8-16-32-56

    Price: Sold
    A kit of 4 modern slim type hasselblad extension tubes for macro/close-up photography. All in excellent condition and correctly working. Comes without caps.
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  • Hasselblad B50 lenshood for 80mm Planar lens + free fake one

    Price: Sold
    A original Hasselblad Bay 50 lens hood for the Planar 80mm f/2.8 C lens. Later plastic version in good condition with some regular wear. Mounts on camera correctly. A a free bonus you also get a imitation 80mm b50 hood.
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  • Sekonic Litemaster Pro L-478DR

    Price: Sold
    This modern Sekonic Litemaster Pro L-478DR is a modern exposure meter with a big touchscreen for more easy readout and control. The meter was tested on our testing equipment and gives accurate metering results. Cosmetically in good shape with just minimal wear. Comes with pouch and a neck cord.
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  • Canon Speedlite 199A, boxed

    Price: Sold
    A flash made for Canon FD cameras including the new F-1 and A-1, with auto support. Cosmetically in excellent condition and tested working on a Canon NEW F-1. Comes in original packaging, but no further accesories aside from the user manual.
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  • Mamiya metered chimney finder for RB67

    Price: Sold
    A metered chimney finder for the Mamiya RB67 cameras. The finder is in good looking condition externally with just some light wear. The meter is powered by a px625 battery. Meter responds to light and meters but does seem to underexpose 2 stops with a 1.5V px625 battery. This is .....
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  • Huge Nikon F/F2/Nikkormat accessory and parts lot

    Price: Sold
    This lot contains various Nikon related parts and accessories. Including the following items: Photomic Front plate black, Photomic front plate chrome, Nikon F front name plate black, Nikon F front plate chrome, Nikkormat front name plate chrome, battery screw cap (camera unknown), Finder eyepiece FA/FE2, Nikon F2a front nameplate, AS-1 .....
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  • Big lot of various Olympus Pen FT (and some OM) accesories

    Price: Sold
    A big lot of various Olympus Pen F accesories and some OM parts as well. The Pen F items are: 100mm f/3.5 Zuiko lens with original T-45 metal hood, set of extension tubes, original M42 to Pen F adapter, lightmeter for Pen F (untested), eyecup, viewfinder magnifier and original metal .....
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  • Big lot of many Rollei Bay 1 and earlier accessories, some boxed

    Price: Sold
    A big lot of Rollei accesories including bay 1 and some older clamp-on items like a lens hood and lens caps. Bay 1 accesories including are: Filters: orange, yellow, B-2, R5, H1 and UV. 3x Rolleinar 1, 2 and 3, Rolleinar 2 and 1 are older version. Bay 1 lens .....
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  • Hasselblad Dark slide

    Price: Sold
    Spare darkslide for your hasselblad camera. perfect shape. minor bend but fits your back perfectly fine.. easy to lose and hard to find thse separate
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  • Hasselblad focusing screen back for SWC

    Price: Sold
    This focusing screen back for the Hasselblad is very useful for checking correct focus. With it’s very bright screen, used in compination with a standar sized Hasselblad finder the HAsselblad SWC can be an amazing tool for landscape or architectural photography. THis is a late made adapter and comes ina .....
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