ShopMarch 26, 2024
Nikon F plain prism + F36 + Nikkor-HC 50mm f/2 non-AI
Price: €450,00Nikon F Plain prism produced in 1967 with the F36 motor and a Nikkor-HC 50mm f/2 lens. In pretty good cosmetical condition and just a tiny dent on the edge of the prism but still looks excellent. Shutter speeds are within margin but 1/500 and 1/1000 are a full stop .....Nikon F plain prism + F36 + Nikkor-HC 50mm f/2 non-AIMarch 26, 2024 -
Nikon F2 black body + pre-AI 50mm F/2 Nikkor lens, OUTLET
Price: €250,00Nikon F2 in black with matching 50mm F/2 lens. Sold as an outlet item due to some imperfections on our testing benches. The camera can be used to take beautiful film photographs, but please keep in mind the following things: shutter is very irregular on 1/250th and up. This means .....Nikon F2 black body + pre-AI 50mm F/2 Nikkor lens, OUTLETMarch 26, 2024 -
Rolleiflex T black w/ Tessar 75mm f/3.5
Price: SoldThe Rolleflex T is kind of a hybrid camera inbetween the Rolleicord and the more expensive Rolleiflexes. They have a Tessar lens, and the advance crank, but not a automatic film sensing mechanism like the F models. This black T model is in nice cosmetical condition with some light wear .....Rolleiflex T black w/ Tessar 75mm f/3.5March 26, 2024 -
Leica M3 body chrome, single stroke
Price: SoldLeica M3 body in chrome, single stroke version. This camera was serviced by Will van Maanen in early 2023. When we first got in this camera we noticed a slight unevenness in the higher speeds. We sent back the camera to their service center and it was recalibrated to their .....Leica M3 body chrome, single strokeMarch 26, 2024 -
Mamiya 7 rangefinder + Sekor 65mm F/4 lens kit
Price: SoldMamiya 7 rangefinder camera with matching 65mm F/4 lens. Comes in perfect shooting condition. All the speeds are spot on. Light meter is deadly accurate on all EV values. Rangefinder calibrated and well alligned. Cosmetics are very good, only some very light usermarks on the plastic body parts but definately .....Mamiya 7 rangefinder + Sekor 65mm F/4 lens kitMarch 26, 2024 -
Canon AE-1 Program + FD 50mm F/1.8 lens, CLA
Price: SoldCanon AE-1 with matching 50mm lens. Just serviced by our junior technician Levi. Everything was disassembled, cleaned, calibrated and rebuilt back up. Camera is good to go for a while again and shoots perfect on all speeds. New light seals, damper, greases. Lens focuses smoothly and works perfect. Good optics .....Canon AE-1 Program + FD 50mm F/1.8 lens, CLAMarch 26, 2024 -
Hasselblad camera carry strap, wide version
Price: SoldWide shoulder or neck strap for your Hasselblad V series camera. Since its much wider than the standard leather one, this one is very ergonomical and a must if you plan on carrying your heavy kit for longer periods of time. Metal clips work on models like the 500C, 500CM, .....Hasselblad camera carry strap, wide versionApril 2, 2024 -
Leica Leitz IROOA lens hood
Price: SoldOriginal Leitz IROOA lenshood. Metal lens hood that clamps on the following (E39) Leica lenses: 50mm F/2, 50mm F/2.8, 50mm F/3.5, 35mm F/2, 35mm F/2.8 and 35mm F/3.5.Obvious user marks but still decent condition. Some normal paint chipping on edges and a larger mark on one of the sides. Not .....Leica Leitz IROOA lens hoodApril 2, 2024 -
Hasselblad 86mm UV filter, screw in type
Price: €33,00Hasselblad UV filter. 86mm screw in type, so also suited for other branded lenses. Good optics, some very faint coating marks but these will never harm images. age related wear on the metal ring.Hasselblad 86mm UV filter, screw in typeApril 2, 2024 -
Rolleiflex Bay 1 Rolleinar kit, number 2 and 3, cased
Price: SoldClose focus filter kits for the Rollei Bay 1 lens sizes. Number 2 is the perfect middle ground, 3 is for very close by work. Lenses can be attached to eachother when not in use and stored in the original leather cases. Good glass, some normal tiny marks but these .....Rolleiflex Bay 1 Rolleinar kit, number 2 and 3, casedApril 2, 2024 -
Leica SBOOI optical viewfinder for f=5cm lenses
Price: SoldPerfect condition optical viewfinder for Leitz 50mm lenses. Bright lines inside the finder for easy composing, much larger than the early LTM built in finders. Good optics, no haze or fungus and nice sharp and bright lines. Good cosmetics, only normal usermarks but very nice for its age.Leica SBOOI optical viewfinder for f=5cm lensesApril 2, 2024 -
Leica Leitz 16545 ELPRO for Macro Elmarit-R 100mm APO lens + 12528
Price: SoldThe original Leica 16545 Elpro attachment for making the the APO-Macro-Elmarit-R 100mm f/2.8 able to reproduce 1:1 lifesize macro. Excellent shape with minimal wear and also comes with the 12528 metal hood attachment for the Elpro. Optics nice shape with no remarks. Comes in original Leica leather case.Leica Leitz 16545 ELPRO for Macro Elmarit-R 100mm APO lens + 12528April 2, 2024 -
Hasselblad lens hood 60 for 100-250 CF lenses, boxed
Price: SoldThis lens hood is suited for all Carl Zeiss lenses with a focal length of 100 to 250mm and the B60 front bayonett mount. Not only blocks unwanted stray light but also does a good job preventing scratches to your expensive lens. Some normal usermarks on the plastic. Complete with .....Hasselblad lens hood 60 for 100-250 CF lenses, boxedApril 2, 2024 -
Asahi Pentax Helicoid Extension tube K
Price: SoldVariable Extension tube for the Pentax PK system. Original item and in good condition. some regular wear and focus is perfectly smoothAsahi Pentax Helicoid Extension tube KApril 2, 2024 -
Mamiya Camera strap for M645 models
Price: SoldOriginal Mamiya camera strap with correct clips for the 645 models. Will fit M645, 645, 645J and 1000S models.Mamiya Camera strap for M645 modelsApril 2, 2024 -
Hasselblad 45129 Quick release tripod adapter + 45148 Adapter plate for XPAN
Price: SoldOriginal Hasselblad quick release tripod adapter. Works as following: You mount this adapter on any normal tripod, you can use either 1/4” screw or 3/8” screw. The camera like a 500C, 500CM, 501, and even H series bodies can slide into this adapter and automatically will lock tight in place. .....Hasselblad 45129 Quick release tripod adapter + 45148 Adapter plate for XPANApril 2, 2024 -
Leica 18764 Leather Neck Strap, vintage brown, boxed (never used)
Price: SoldLeica neck strap, made of leather. Color: vintage brown. Smells amazing and was probably never used since it looks perfect and is still nice and firm in the packing form. Comes with box. A perfect match for your Leica M camera.Leica 18764 Leather Neck Strap, vintage brown, boxed (never used)April 2, 2024 -
Nikon 52mm filters, 2x L37C UV and 1x L1BC correction
Price: Sold3 Original Nikon filters in 52mm screw in size. 2x L37C uv filters and 1x color correction filter L1BC. All in cases, 1 in box. Good optic condition.Nikon 52mm filters, 2x L37C UV and 1x L1BC correctionApril 2, 2024 -
Nikon F3 focusing screen, type C, red dot
Price: SoldFocusing screen for Nikon F3 with + mark in the middle. Type C, with red dot marking on the side of the screen. No marks on the screen that influence usuability. BoxedNikon F3 focusing screen, type C, red dotApril 2, 2024 -
Hasselblad B50 lenshood for Sonnar 150mm F/4 T lens
Price: SoldOriginal plastic lenshood for Hasselblad 150mm F/4 Sonnar portrait lens. Some normal usermarks but still mounts onto lens fine. Must have accessory for your kit!Hasselblad B50 lenshood for Sonnar 150mm F/4 T lensApril 2, 2024 -
Rollei SL66 extension tube for macro
Price: SoldRollei extension tube for the SL66 camera. Perfect alternative to expensive macro lenses. With this piece you can achieve even closer focus than the bellows on the camera itself already can. Prestine condition.Rollei SL66 extension tube for macroApril 2, 2024 -
Leitz LTM to M lens adapter for 28-35 or 135mm framelines
Price: SoldOriginal Leitz adapter to mount LTM lenses to a M mount body. Will load 35 and 135mm framelines on cameras that feature those. Of course also perfectly usuable with different focal length lenses for camera’s without framelines or when adapting someting to digital.Leitz LTM to M lens adapter for 28-35 or 135mm framelinesApril 2, 2024