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Showing 6601–6622 of 9710 results
  • Fuji GW690 / GSW690 dark brown soft case

    Price: Sold
    A protective soft case for the Fujifilm GW690 or GSW690 models. Good shape and the zipper works correctly. Usefull for when transporting or storing your Fujica camera.
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  • Minolta PF Rokkor 250mm F/5.6 Mirror lens for MD

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    Compact and lightweight telephoto mirror lens for the Minolta MD mount. Nowadays often used with adapters on digital cameras, it also covers GFX format sensors. High quality optics and good sharpness, of course with the introduction of soap-bubble/onion ring bokeh in the background. Usually these mirror lenses have a F/8 .....
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  • Schneider Symmar-S 150mm f/5.6 Multicoating in Copal 0 shutter

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    Nice standard lens for on 4×5 cameras with enough possibilities for adjustments. The Schneider Symmar-S 150mm f/5.6 comes in a Copal 0 shutter and has been fully tested on our shutter speed tester. The speeds are accurate and the speed and aperture dial operate smoothly. Optics in good shape with .....
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  • Schneider-Kreuznach Variogon 140-280mm F/5.6 for Hasselblad V

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    A large zoomlens for your Hasselblad V series body. Beautiful focal length range to work with with a relative fast F/5.6 aperture over the whole range. Very good optics and not bad at all for a zoomlens, similar as the old primes by Carl Zeiss for the system. Made by .....
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  • Leica Leitz Hektor 135mm F/4.5 black for LTM

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    LTM Hektor 135mm F/4.5 lens with beautiful patina. These black painted lenses on brass age just so well when they are used a bit. Nice shiny paint but some brassing coming through on the focusing ring. Aperture works as intedend. Focus action slightly heavy but nice and even through the .....
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  • Leica Leitz Elmarit 135mm F/2.8 lens for Leica M, boxed

    Price: Sold
    Fast 135mm F/2.8 lens for Leica M in amazing well preserved condition. The cosmetics are very good and there is only very little usermarks on the barrel of the lens. The optics of the lens are great as well, no scratches on the glass, no fungus or dust inside. A .....
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  • Voigtlander Apo-Macro-Lanthar 125mm F/2.5 macro lens for Nikon AI-S, OUTLET

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    Voigtlander 125mm F/2.5 APO Macro lens for Nikon AI-S coupled cameras. Usually one of the best performing macro lenses you can get for your analog or high resolution DSLR. Top tier optics made by Cosina in Japan. Unfortunately this lens has some issues and needs to be checked and repaired .....
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  • Nikon Nikkor 105mm 2.5 AI-s lens

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    Famous portrait lens in the Nikon community, used to shoot the Afghan girl by Steve Mccurry. Perfect balance between form factor and performance, F/2.5 is more than plenty enough light and bokeh for most applications anyway. This AI-S version comes in a good user condition. It has some regular wear .....
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  • Pentax SMC 100mm F/4 macro lens for bellows use

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    A special macro lens by Pentax to be used with either bellows focusing system, variable helicoid or fixed extension tubes. This lens does not have an inbuilt focusing mechanism and this is achieved by extending the lens from the body with a separate device like the bellows. Can also be .....
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  • Carl Zeiss Sonnar 90mm F/2.8 T* for Contax G1/2

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    The longest lens for the Contax G1 and G2 system. Sonnar lens design which produces razor sharp images but a beautiful bokeh in the out of focus elements. Compact little lens and very affordable compared to others for the system. Lens is tested and found to be working perfect. Focus .....
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  • Jupiter-9 85mm f/2 black Vintage USSR lens in Leica screw

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    A Black finish Jupiter 9 lens which has a Sonnar optical formula, made in M39 Leica screw mount. Nice barrel with only light wear. Focus is smooth but a bit on the heavy side. Aperture ring turns smooth, some oil on blades which does not affect quality. Optics in good .....
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  • Schneider Componon-S 80mm F/4 enlarging lens, boxed

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    Standard enlarging lens for medium format negatives. Can project up to 6×7 and was often found as standard on many enlargers. Beautiful sharpness and the perfect reproduction of your negative. Nice clicks on aperture, everything works as intended. no fungus or haze inside. Comes with original box and clear lens .....
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  • Nippon Kogaku Micro-Nikkor 55mm F/3.5 Pre-Ai + M2 1:1 Tube

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    Razor sharp but very affordable macro lens for Nikon F cameras. Good optics and perfectly working focus throw. Aperture is snappy, no oil on the blades. Everything works as intendend. Some light haze inside the optics, but this won’t harm image quality. Combined with a M2 tube for 1:1 reproduction, .....
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  • Carl Zeiss Distagon T* 50mm F/4 CF FLE for Hasselblad V, serviced shutter

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    A freshly serviced 50mm F/4 Distagon for the Hasselblad system. This is the modern CF version with floating element. B60 front filter size. The shutter has been disassembled to the last screw and everything is built back up in factory specs. The lens feels and runs like new again. Perfect .....
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  • Canon FD 50mm f/1.4 chrome nose

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    An early chrome nose version of the Canon FD 50mm f/1.4. This version does not yet have SSC coating which makes for slightly more low contrast lens with a nice looking optical performance. Smooth focus with good dampening. Aperture working correctly and moving snappy. Optics in good condition with a .....
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  • KMZ Jupiter-12 35mm f/2.8 red P for Kiev/contax

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    A pretty early example of the Jupiter 12 in Contax/Kiev mount, made in 1957 by KMZ. The lens is marked 3.5cm 1:2.8 and is also red P coated. The chrome barrel is in good looking shape with minimal wear. The focus feels a bit dry and is also slightly uneven .....
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  • Leica Summicron 35mm F/2 chrome 8-elements with goggles for M3

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    A beautiful example of the goggled Summicron 35mm lens. This lens was designed specially for the M3 since that did not feature built in framelines for 35mm lenses. This lens later also came available without the goggles to work on models like the M2. This goggled version won’t work correctly .....
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  • Schneider Xenon 35mm F/2 lenshead

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    Schneider Kreuznach lenshead, made in Germany. 35mm F/2 Xenon design. Very clean optics for its age. Aperture is missing 1 blade, that seems to be stuck in the system, however the rest of the aperture is still working flawlessly and gives quite a rather nice round opening still. Maybe can .....
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  • Sony SEL 30mm F/3.5 macro lens silver for NEX / E-mount

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    Little yet very nifty and amazingly sharp macro lens for the Sony E-mount system. Covers all the APS-C sized cameras like the NEX series and A5000, A6000 etc. Does also work on Sony A7 bodies because it automaticaly detects and switches to crop mode. The AF on this lens works .....
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  • Nikon Nikkor 28mm F/3.5 AI lens

    Price: Sold
    Nikon AI 28mm F/3.5 lens in good user condition. The optics of this copy are more than great, no real issue to mention here apart from some normal dust inside. no fungus, no haze and no coating damage. Focus is super well dampened and nice and even through the whole .....
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  • Leica 11809 Elmarit-M 28mm F/2.8 V4 lens, boxed

    Price: Sold
    Produced in 1994 version of the V4 Leica Elmarit-M 28mm f/2.8, in very nice boxed condition. The lens looks practically brand new and has no noticable marks of use on the lens barrel. The 12547 lens hood has only the tiniest of marks from use, and also comes with the .....
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  • Yashica ML 24mm F/2.8 for Contax CY mount

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    The Yashica ML 24mm f/2.8 is a very well regarded and somewhat scarce lens in the Yashica lineup. The barrel looks good with some light paint wear on mainly the front barrel. Focus is smooth but has some slight unevenness when focusing from infinity towards close focus. Aperture works correctly .....
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