ShopJanuary 16, 2024
Nikon F2 + Waist level finder DW-1 + Micro-Nikkor 50mm 1:3.5
Price: €350,00Chrome finish F2 with DW-1 waist level finder and Micro-Nikkor 50mm f/3.5 lens. In good cosmetical condition without dents, just some wear around the strap lugs and some marks on the bottom plate. Shutter was tested on our testing equipment and is accurate up to 1/250. 1/500 and above have .....Nikon F2 + Waist level finder DW-1 + Micro-Nikkor 50mm 1:3.5January 16, 2024 -
Rolleicord V w/ Xenar 75mm f/3.5
Price: SoldA Rolleicord V in good shape with just some discoloration on the leather of the front board. this is the pre-Vb variant without interchangable finder. Shutter accurate on all speeds. Optics in excellent without fungus or haze. Comes with leather case. Strap on case defective of age.Rolleicord V w/ Xenar 75mm f/3.5January 16, 2024 -
Leica Minilux w/ Summarit 40mm f/2.4
Price: SoldPerfect condition Minilux with the 40mm F/2.4 lens. Silver finish in perfect condition, almost like new, just some tiny scratches on the bottom plate. All settings work as intended. No LCD bleed. No issues with lens. Flash works ok. Comes in original leather case.Leica Minilux w/ Summarit 40mm f/2.4January 16, 2024 -
Pentax MX chrome + SMC 50mm F/1.7 kitlens
Price: SoldPentax MX in good user condition. Some normal usermarks. Machine tested and found to be perfet on all speeds below 1/500th. The fastest speeds, 1/500 and 1/1000th sometimes are a bit uneven, we recommend not using them when its not nessescary. Exposure meter within tolerance. Good light seals. All other .....Pentax MX chrome + SMC 50mm F/1.7 kitlensJanuary 16, 2024 -
Rolleiflex SL66 body, OUTLET
Price: SoldRollei SL66 with issues, hence sold as an outlet item. We rejected this camera when testing it on our machines for the following reasons: the front panel is a bit crooked, we suspect impact damage or wrong handling. Focus gets a bit stiff when all the way retracted because of .....Rolleiflex SL66 body, OUTLETJanuary 16, 2024 -
Mamiya 6 MF + G 75mm F/3.5 L lens
Price: SoldA freshly serviced Mamiya 6 MF rangefinder with 75mm F/3.5 standard lens. The MF version stands for Multi Format, this one is able to shoot panoramic images with a dedicated insert kit. The 75mm F/3.5 has perfect optics and all speeds are spot on. Camera was fully serviced by Amsterdam .....Mamiya 6 MF + G 75mm F/3.5 L lensJanuary 16, 2024 -
Nikon F4 + MB-21, OUTLET
Price: SoldNikon F4 body with issues hence sold as an outlet item. Comes with the MB-21 grip which makes it a F4s set. Reason for rejection/outlet condition: Gets power but does not release, jams after loading film and gives red error led, indicating an issue with either film transport or the .....Nikon F4 + MB-21, OUTLETJanuary 16, 2024 -
Bronica SQ-Ai body, for parts/repair, OUTLET
Price: SoldBronica SQ-Ai camera sold as outlet model. Sold for parts or repair. The focusing screen of the body is very scratched up, it does the job but has some obvious visible marks. Camera does not fire in current condition, probably an electronic issue. Comes without the battery insert. Comes with .....Bronica SQ-Ai body, for parts/repair, OUTLETJanuary 16, 2024 -
Leica M6 Titanium kit with matching Summilux 50mm F/1.4, collectible, boxed
Price: €7.500,00This special edition Leica M6 comes in a beautiful conditon with matching titanium Summilux 50mm lens and the 2 original boxes. The titanium finish really is a beautiful funish if you ask us, the ostrich leather is also an original feature for this M6 version. The 50mm F/1.4 lens is .....Leica M6 Titanium kit with matching Summilux 50mm F/1.4, collectible, boxedJanuary 16, 2024 -
Nikon F4s body (MB-21), power issue, OUTLET
Price: SoldNikon F4 with standard MB-21 battery compartment. Perfect cosmetic condition. Unfortunately this F4 is experiencing some power supply related issues. Its not the supplied MB-21 grip, but seems to be in the cameras circuit itself. We have tested with multiple ( F4s/F4e grips) but camera sometimes does not get power .....Nikon F4s body (MB-21), power issue, OUTLETJanuary 16, 2024 -
Leica MD-2 body black chrome
Price: SoldLeica MD-2 in good user condition. Speeds have been checked on our machine and are all within factory tolerance. The leatherette on the back door is missing, purely a cosmetic flaw. Winding, counter and rewinding all work as intended. a good working Leica for Visoflex or wide angle hyper focal .....Leica MD-2 body black chromeJanuary 16, 2024 -
Hasselblad PME45 metered prism finder, Boxed
Price: SoldLate type Hasselblad PM45 prism finder with integrated exposure meter in excellent condition. Just light sings of previous use. The meter was fully checked by our inhouse technician and readings are all within tolerance. Optics and perfect shape. The prism comes boxed and have seen just little use in it’s .....Hasselblad PME45 metered prism finder, BoxedJanuary 23, 2024 -
Hasselblad A12 film back, black
Price: SoldThis Hasselblad 6×6 film back comes in black finish. has been thoroughly inspected by our inhouse technician and functions are perfectly fine. Good spacing. seals checked. Nice cosmetics however few spots of paint loss. Nice add-on to any black Hasselblad kitHasselblad A12 film back, blackJanuary 23, 2024 -
Bronica ETR 135 N 35mm film magazine
Price: SoldA 35mm back for the Bronica ETRS with normal aspect ratio, so gives a 36×24 frame in horizontal orientation. Counter works correctly and good seals.Bronica ETR 135 N 35mm film magazineJanuary 23, 2024 -
Abrahamsson Rapid winder (Leicavit) for Leica M4P/M6/M7/MP
Price: SoldCopy of the famous Leicavit rapid winder. Fits under models: M4P-M6-M7-MP camera and was made by Abrahamsson in Canada. Black machined metal, has a very nice build quality. Not the brass feel of the original but a perfect user for only a fraction of what an orignal Leica would set .....Abrahamsson Rapid winder (Leicavit) for Leica M4P/M6/M7/MPJanuary 23, 2024 -
Hasselblad short cable release for ELX/ELM
Price: €25,00Short cable release for electornic hasselblad cameras like the ELX and ELM.Hasselblad short cable release for ELX/ELMJanuary 23, 2024 -
Battery compartment for Nikonos camera
Price: SoldReplacement battery cover for Nikonos cameras. In box.Battery compartment for Nikonos cameraJanuary 23, 2024 -
Rollei Baj.3 accessory lot
Price: SoldA lot of various Rollei Bay 3 accessories. All quite worn and with obvious signs of earlier use, but still a good addition to a user Rollei 2.8F kit for example. Includes: Sky light filter, Warming filter, Yellow contrast filter for B&W photography and 2 Bay III lenshoods. Some tiny .....Rollei Baj.3 accessory lotJanuary 23, 2024 -
Rolleiflex TLR strap clips, lot of 4
Price: SoldLot of 4 strap clips for making your own custom Rollei strap.Rolleiflex TLR strap clips, lot of 4January 23, 2024 -
Rollei quick tripod adapter for SL66
Price: SoldTripod adapter for quick mounting of your SL66 to a tripod. Camera is locked into place by turning the knob in 1 smooth yet solid motion. Handy accessory if you like to take off the camera and mount to tripod without the need for a plate stuck on the camera .....Rollei quick tripod adapter for SL66January 23, 2024 -
Hasselblad 93mm UV + Yellow contrast filter + Retaining ring
Price: SoldUV filter and Yellow contrast filter for black and white photography. 93mm drop in size for lenses like 40mm CF and 50 FE. These filters are clamped in place with 2 additional metal rings, one of which is included. (front one, lens part is not included). Filters in perfect shape .....Hasselblad 93mm UV + Yellow contrast filter + Retaining ringJanuary 23, 2024 -
Leica XOONS Lenshood for Summarit 50mm F/1.5 lens
Price: SoldOld and very solid square lenshood for the early Summarit 50mm F/1.5 Leica lens. Comes in remarkable good condition, mounts well and only has very little tiny usermarks.Leica XOONS Lenshood for Summarit 50mm F/1.5 lensJanuary 23, 2024