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Showing 5897–5918 of 9706 results
  • Carl Zeiss Sonnar 140mm F/2.8 for Contax 645 + GB-73 lenshood, boxed

    Price: Sold
    The longer Carl Zeiss Sonnar lenses are often chosen for portraits with very pleasant out of focus rendering. The Contax 645 also had some Sonnar lenses and this 140mm f/2.8 is a nice focal length for portraits. This Sonnar 140mm lens is in very nice condition with almost no signs .....
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  • Schneider Variogon 140-270mm F/5.6 for Hasselblad V, OUTLET

    Price: Sold
    This lens is sold as an OUTLET product. There is some fungus inside the lens and a small edge of separation. Glass a bit dirty and therefor could use some cleaning. Shutter not tested for accuracy but sounds slow and sluggish. Does fire but not correct at slower speeds. Focus .....
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  • Mamiya RZ67 Sekor Macro 140mm f/4.5 Z, OUTLET

    Mamiya RZ67 Sekor Macro 140mm f/4.5 Z, OUTLET

    Price: 80,00
    Mamiya RZ67 fit Sekor Z Macro 140mm f/4.5 lens with some issues that results it being sold as a outlet. The shutter does work but optically has seperation in the rear group which looks like a lot of haze but is mainly visible around the edges. The view through the .....
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  • Mamiya Sekor Macro Z f=140mm 1:4.5 for RZ67, OUTLET

    Price: Sold
    This 140mm Mamiya lens is suited for use on the RZ67 line camera’s. It has some good cosmetics and looks nice from the outside. On the inside a severe haze can be seen on inspection. Its very present and will cause some softer images and blooming of the highlights. It .....
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  • Mamiya Macro Sekor C 140mm f/4.5 for RB67

    Price: Sold
    This macro 140mm lens for the RB67 comes in good condition with regular signs of previous use. The barrel has some paint wear. Shutter accurate on all speeds as verified by the shutter speed tester. Optics in reasonable condition with some internal dust and dirt which does not effect the .....
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  • Mamiya Macro Sekor 140mm f/4.5 C for RB67

    Price: Sold
    The 140mm Sekor C for Mamiya RB67 is a lens optimised for closeup use with extension tubes and such. Of course it can also be used as a normal lens which is slight longer than a normal lens. This example is in good looking condition with a good working shutter .....
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  • Mamiya Macro M 140mm f/4.5 M/L-A For RZ67

    Price: Sold
    The 140mm M Macro for RZ67 is a lens that is mostly optimised for close-up use with good resolving sharpness. It also gives you a floating element for optical corrections when using extension tubes for optimal optical performance. The lens is in good working condition with light signs of use .....
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  • Schneider-Kreuznach Variogon 140-280mm F/5.6 for Hasselblad V

    Price: Sold
    A large zoomlens for your Hasselblad V series body. Beautiful focal length range to work with with a relative fast F/5.6 aperture over the whole range. Very good optics and not bad at all for a zoomlens, similar as the old primes by Carl Zeiss for the system. Made by .....
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  • Contax Carl Zeiss Sonnar 140mm f/2.8 for Contax 645

    Price: Sold
    This Carl Zeiss Sonnar 140mm f/2.8 lens has been made for the Contax 645 medium format system. Barrel with only minimal wear. The lens was tested on a Contax 645 body and autofocus and aperture works correctly. Optics are in excellent shape. Excellent portrait lens for the Contax 645 system.
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  • Rapid Rectilinear 4×5 by London Stereoscopic. Black band lens

    Price: Sold
    Nice little brass lens in good condition for it;s age. Few tiny marks on glass some internal dust. Comes with flange and 1 stop. App. 140Mm focal lenght
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  • Mamiya RZ67 Sekor Z 140mm F/4.5 W Macro lens + No.1 & No2. extension tubes

    Price: Sold
    The Mamiya Sekor Z 140mm F/4.5 W is a macro lens made for use on the Mamiya RZ67 system. The RB and RZ are with their bellows system of course capable for shooting up close already. This lens is optimized to capture all those crisp details on a huge 6×7 .....
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  • Carl Zeiss Sonnar 2.8 / 140 T* For Contax 645

    Price: Sold
    Portrait lens for the Contax 645 camera. In good condition with regular sings of previous use. Good glass without any remarks. Manual focus turns smoothly. aperture ring turns snappy. At this moment we do not have a Contax 645 in house so we are unable to test AF and aperture .....
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  • Som Berthiot 4.5 / 145mm lens, C-mount

    Som Berthiot 4.5 / 145mm lens, C-mount

    Price: 250,00
    Berthiot tele lens for 16mm movie format. made for C-mount movie cameras such as the Bolex H16. Early lens and it shows it’s age with obvious patina. The focuys turns a bit stiff. aperture is smooth. Glass in usable condition but some haze. dirt to rear element, hard to reach .....
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  • Som Berthiot Tele-Cinor 145mm f/4.5 C mount

    Som Berthiot Tele-Cinor 145mm f/4.5 C mount

    Price: 150,00
    The lens comes in good condition considering the age of the lens. Smooth focus and nicely working aperture. Glass in good condition with light cleaning marks. We can rate it 8 out of 10.
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  • Hasselblad Zeiss Sonnar 4 / 150 T* CF lens

    Price: Sold
    CF Version of the Carl Zeiss Sonnar 1:4 / 150mm lens for Hasselblad. The lens comes in a good condition with regular wear to housing from previous use. Smooth focus. Good aperture. Shutter runs accurate at all speeds. Glass in excellent shape. Nice portrait lens to fit the Hasselblad 500C/M .....
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  • Schneider Kreuznach Symmar 150mm f/5.6 in Synchro Compur 1 shutter

    Price: Sold
    A perfect user 150mm F/5.6 lens for 4×5” photography. When we first got in this lens and shutter it did not fire correctly. We have performed a small service on the shutter and this now runs smooth and perfect again on all speeds, every time. Great and budget friendly first .....
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  • Bronica Zenzanon-PS 150mm f/4 for SQ series

    Price: Sold
    Nice portrait lens for the Bronica SQ system. The Zenzanon-PS 150mm is in good condition with some regular wear on the barrel. The name ring on the front has 2 holes probably from a previous service. The shutter runs accurately on all speeds as verified by our shutter speed tester. .....
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  • Mamiya N 150mm 1:4.5 L

    Price: Sold
    It will be hard to find more compact 150mm lenses for medium format 67 cameras then this 150mm. Not only is this lens relatively small, it’s also incredibly sharp. The only downside this lens has is the minimum focus distance of 1.8m which makes it a bit hard to use .....
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  • Mamiya 150mm f/4 for M645

    Price: Sold
    A Mamiya 645 mount 150mm f/4 portrait lens that resembles 85mm in 35mm terms. Barrel in good looking shape and focus turns smoothly with good dampening. The aperture works correctly without oil on the blades. Optics in good shape without haze or fungus.
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  • Mamiya Sekor 150mm F/3.5 N for M645

    Price: Sold
    A 150mm f/3.5 Mamiya portriat lens in the modernised N version. Good looking barrel with minimal wear. Aperture working correctly. Optics in excellent shape with no remarks. Hood isnt loose.
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  • Schneider Tele-Xenar 1:4.5 / 150mm lens, C-mount, haze

    Price: Sold
    Movie lens for 16mm film camera. Obvious age related wear. some internal haze otherwise a nice lens. Focus and aperture smooth but slightly heavy. C-mount, nice match with early Bolex movie camera
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  • New!
    Carl Zeiss Sonnar 150mm F/4 chrome for Hasselblad V, worn

    Carl Zeiss Sonnar 150mm F/4 chrome for Hasselblad V, worn

    Price: 160,00
    Zeiss Sonnar 150mm f/4 C in chrome finish without T* coating for the Hasselblad V system, in a bit worn exterior condition, but still working perfectly otherwise. The barrel has many wear from use over the years. Focus turns smoothly but there does seem to be a bit of play .....
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