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Showing 5237–5258 of 9779 results
  • Lot of 4 Soviet cameras, Junost, Zorki 5, FED 10 and Zenit 3M

    Price: Sold
    A lot of soviet cameras with two pretty uncommon examples for the collectors. The Junost is a fixed lens rangefinder camera with a central shutter. The FED 10 is a similar camera with a fixed industar 61 lens. The Zorki 5 comes with a industar 61 lens and the Zenit .....
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  • Lot of 3x TLR cameras: Voigtlander, INKA, Altiflex. as found

    Price: Sold
    Lot of 3x Twin lens reflex cameras. Collectors items. sold as found.included are Atak, INKA (shutter fires) Voigtlander Brillant (shutter fires) and Altiflex (shutter fires) Beautiful collectors items. Not further tested This is an Outlet item.Outlet products are sold as-is. Unless stated otherwise these have not been fully cleaned nor .....
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  • Lot of 3x TLR cameras: Babyflex, Flexaret and Druoflex 1, As found

    Price: Sold
    Lot of 3x Twin lens reflex cameras. Collectors items. sold as found.included are; Kinax Babyflex (shutter fires, though hesistant), Meopta Flexaret Automat (unable to test) Atak Druoflex 1 (shutter fires but hesistant). BEautifu collectors items. was part of a large collection. sold as found This is an Outlet item.Outlet products .....
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  • Lot fo 4x CORONET camera. including Midget, 3-D and more

    Price: Original price was: €200,00.Current price is: €140,00.
    Collectors lot of 4x CORONET cameras. Included are: Coronet MIDGET (shutter sounds as it fires. bit worn) Coronet Popular Twelve with CORONAC lens made in england (beautiful bakelite design, TLR, Shutter fires), Coronet 3-D stereo camera, (shutter does not fire, crack to bottom, sticker with 100euro value on it..)Coronet 44 .....
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  • Lot of 4x Olympus PEN and TRIP 35, as found

    Price: Sold
    Nice collectors lot of 4x Olympus cameras. Sold as found. included are:Olympus PEN EE-2 (shutter fires)Olympus PEN-EE (shutter fires, loose panel around finder)Olympus Pen EE-3 (shutter fires)Olympus trip 35 (shutter fires). Nothing tested for accuracy or exact functionality. Sold as found as collectors items This is an Outlet item.Outlet products .....
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  • Lot of two Soviet cameras with Bellows and lens, Collectors items

    Price: Sold
    This lot contains two ex Soviet cameras. both with Bellows. First is a Zenit-E with a CCCP marked bellows unit. The lens is a special Bellows version of the German Carl Zeiss AUS Jena Tessar 2.8 / 50mm lens. special bellows version without focus mount and deeply recessing back, probably .....
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  • Lot of 6x Subminiature cameras: VP Twin and Pionier DEKO

    Price: Sold
    Beautiful lot of 6x Bakelite subminiature cameras. Included are 4x VP Wtin and two premier DEKO. two in red bakelite color. nice cismetics for it’s age but nothing tested for functionality. These are collectors items. very beautiful and decorative. visual inspecction shows two with missing red windows to back and .....
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  • Lot of 6 Subminiature cameras. Collectors items

    Price: Sold
    Lot of SIX highly decorative subminiature cameras. Was part of a large collection and here sold as found.Included are: COLLY, FOTAX Mini, UNIVEX, FILIUS camera, Pack 126 Europafoto camera, Unnamed baby box untested, sold as collectors items. Collectors items, not thoroughly tested This is an Outlet item.Outlet products are .....
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  • Lot of Olympus PEN and TRIP. 4x

    Price: Sold
    Lot of various Olympus Pen and Trip 35 cameras. Was part of a large collection. Sold as found.. Included are Olympus Trip 35, two of them. shutters fire. Olympus Pen-EE, shutter fires. Olympus Pen-EE-2. defective. top plate loose. Add-on. Olympus pen tripod mini Pen-UP. Collectors items! Not thoroughly tested . .....
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  • Lot of 7x Colorful cameras, for collection/fun

    Price: Original price was: €100,00.Current price is: €50,00.
    These cameras are marked Instantload cartridge . for 126 film which is no longer available. Several in Pink and blue. also purple and black. Sold as found but nice collectors set This is an Outlet item. Outlet products are sold as-is. Unless stated otherwise these have not been fully cleaned .....
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  • Lot of 11x 8mm movie cameras.

    Price: Sold
    Collection of 8mm movie cameras. including Bolex, Sankyo, Bauer, Mansfield, Holiday, CIMA, Camex erscam, Eumig, Sekonic Dualmatic 50, Yashica 8 and Sankyo 8-s. some with interchangable lenses. Nothing tested. was part of a large collection and sold as found This is an Outlet item.Outlet products are sold as-is. Unless stated .....
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  • Lot of 4 Polaroid SX70 type cameras, 1000, 1500, 2000 and Presto!

    Price: Original price was: €100,00.Current price is: €70,00.
    A lot of 4 Polaroid cameras that all take SX70 type film. The lot consists of a 1000, 1500, 2000 and a Presto. The 1000 also comes with its original Polatronic 1 Flash. Some slight battery corrosion in the battery compartment. The cameras were tested for basic functionality with a .....
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  • Lot of 4 Polaroid 600 Series cameras, 610, 635CL, Sun 635 SE and 660AF

    Price: Sold
    A nice lot of 4 Polaroid 600 series cameras. The 660AF is more or less the most highend normal 600 type camera with autofocus built in. The Sun 635 SE is a special edition with red faceplate and nametag which looks rather stylish. The 610 is one that shoots with .....
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  • Lot of 6 Meyer/Pentacon M42 lenses

    Price: Sold
    A big lot of Meyer and Pentacon lenses with M42 mount, consisting of the following lenses: Pentacon 28mm f/2.8 Electric Pentacon 50mm f/1.8 auto Meyer Primotar E 50mm f/3.5 Meyer Orestor 135mm f/2.8 Meyer Primotar 180mm f/3.5 Meyer Orestegor 200mm f/4. 135mm Orestor and 180mm Primotar with some internal fungus. .....
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  • Lot of 4 Polaroid SX70 type cameras 1000, 1000SE, Onestep and 3000

    Price: Sold
    A lot of 4 Polaroid cameras for SX70 film cartridges. The lot consists of a 1000, 1000SE, 3000 and a Onestep. The Onestep also comes with a flash with no battery leakage inside. All 4 cameras eject the darkslide when film is inserted. Further functionality not tested. Nice addition to .....
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  • Lot of 5 Polaroid 600 Type cameras, Pronto600, Spirit 600, Lightmixer 630, Supercolor 635 and 636 Closeup

    Price: Sold
    A lot of 5 different 600 film type series. Consists of Pronto600, Spirit 600, Lightmixer 630, Supercolor 635 and 636 Closeup. All 5 cameras eject film but not further tested. Cosmetical all in decent shape wtih no further remarks. Nice lot for your polaroid collection . Sold as found. clearance .....
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  • Lot of Various Soviet 35mm cameras, Siluet, Vilia and Smena SL

    Price: Sold
    A lot of 5 35mm viewfinder cameras with fixed 40mm triplet lenses. Not tested for exact functionality but they do seem to click except for the elektro model. Cosmetics good without damage. Clearance lot sold as found This is an Outlet item.Outlet products are sold as-is. Unless stated otherwise these .....
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  • Lot of 4 Polaroid SX70 type cameras; 500, 1000, 2000 and The button

    Price: Original price was: €100,00.Current price is: €70,00.
    Lot of 4 Polaroid 1000 type like cameras that use SX70 film. Cameras all eject when film is inserted. The button camera does however seem to eject your whole cartridge as it clicks on it own. Other cameras fine. Great for your polaroid collection or for use, not thoroughly tested .....
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  • Lot of 4 interesting compact cameras

    Price: Original price was: €150,00.Current price is: €105,00.
    This lot contains 4 interesting compact cameras. Collectors items. these where part of a hiuge collection and have not been tested. Electronic functions untested. Included are: Konica UP. in green. waterproof. Pentax PC606W in a nice blue yellow finish.Samsung Fino 21C in a transparant housing. and the most interesting flower .....
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  • Lot of 3 Leica lenses in bad condition.

    Price: Sold
    These Leica lenses have seen better days. Included are: Summitar 50mm 1:2 LTM No526419. with a strong separation and obvious brassing, also the aperture is heavy. Parts only.Second a Summar 50mm. lettering hard to read (lost paint) brassing. chip to front glass, made black. haze. ugly. last the Focotar 4.5 .....
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  • Big lot of beautiful bakelite cameras. Collectors dream, 15x

    Price: Sold
    Big lot of 15 old bakelite cameras. Many variants. beautiful collectors items. Included are:Pouva start with white front, Shutter firesDUFA Pionyr, made in czechoslovakia, does not clickOriginal Tricomat Modell P56 exportmodell, shutter does fire.Agilux Agiflash, Shutter fires. finder window missingVEB Rheinmetall Perfecta, beautiful design, shutter clicksPouva Start, shutter fires.Zeiss Ikon .....
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  • Lot of 5x LOMO Lubitel TLR camera’s, including some rare variants

    Price: Sold
    This lot contains 5x Lomo Lubitel Soviet TLR cameras. was part from a large collection. sold as found and just briefly inspected. Included are KOMSOMOLETS, Lubitel 2 in alternative script. 2x regular Lubitel 2 and a Lubitel 166B. also icluded a box and leatehr case one of the lubitel 2 .....
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