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Showing 4973–4994 of 9706 results
  • Mamiya Sekor C 65mm F/4.5 lens for RB67 series, OUTLET

    Price: Sold
    Mamiya RB67 lens with 65mm focal length and F4.5 aperture. Works out to be around a 33mm when translated to 35mm film, so a nice wide standard. Lens has good optics, no haze or fungus inside, just some dust specs. Reason for being in the outlet: shutter is sticky and .....
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  • Mamiya M 65mm F/4 L-A, floating element, lens for RZ67

    Price: Sold
    The M 65mm f/4 L-A is a more advanced optical formula than the normal Sekor Z lens, and features a floating element construction with a setting ring for optimal sharpness on all focus ranges. Good looking barrel with minimal wear from normal use. The shutter is working accurately on all .....
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  • Leitz Wetzlar Elmar 65mm F/3.5 black in 16464k Chrome focus mount, visoflex

    Price: Sold
    This combination of a focusing mount and the Elmar 65mm can be used on a visoflex unit. The lens has very good close focus capabilities and is a bit underestimated for its performance. The lens has a manual aperture that must be closed after focusing to its desired setting. The .....
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  • Mamiya N 1:4 / 65mm L lens for Mamiya 7II

    Price: Sold
    Nice add-on for your Mamiyia 7 or 7II. The 65mm equals appr 35mm focal lenght on 35mm format. The lens comes in an excellent condition with just light sings of previous use. Smooth focus and good aperture. Shutter is accurate at all times. Glass all excellent. one bigger mark to .....
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  • Leica Leitz Elmar 65mm f/3.5 + 16471J + OTZFO

    Price: Sold
    Made for Visoflex. The lens comes in good condition with regular signs of previous. The aperture ring turns smoothly. The barrels show some wear like marks on the chrome. Glass looks good, slight spot of edge haze on element but probably of no effect to pictures. Comes with tbe 16471J .....
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  • Mamiya M 65mm f/4 L-A lens for RZ67

    Price: Sold
    This Mamiya 65mm L-A for the RZ67 is a pretty late model for the RZ67 with a floating element construction for optimal image quality. Aperture has half-clicks. The barrel is in good shape with just some light damage on the outside of the filter thread but still takes filters. The .....
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  • Leitz Canada Elmar 3.5 / 65mm + OTZFO focusing mount

    Price: Sold
    Leica 65mm elmar lens designed for use with the Visoflex mirror finders. Comes with the needed OTZFO focus adapter. Aperture must be closed down by hand between focusing and taking the shot. Aperture can be set from 3.5 to 22. This copy comes in very nice cosmetic condition. Almost no .....
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  • Canon FD 70-210mm F/4 lens

    Price: Sold
    Constant F/4 aperture zoomlens for Canon FD cameras. Very well built, internal zoom, the lens does not get any longer when zooming in and it has a constant F/4 aperture. Back in the day it was very expensive but nowadays still very affordable and a great addition to your kit .....
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  • Canon FD 70-210mm F/4 lens

    Price: Sold
    Very affordable zoomlens for Canon FD cameras. Very well built, internal zoom, the lens does not get any longer when zooming in and it has a constant F/4 aperture. Back in the day it was very expensive but nowadays still very affordable and a great addition to your kit for .....
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  • Angenieux Zoom 70-210mm F/3.5 for Minolta MD

    Price: Sold
    Angenieux zoom lens for Minolta MD. Constant F/3.5 aperture over the whole zoomrange. Top quality lenses made in France. Nice geared zoom operation that is not too lose or heavy. Focusing ring is nice and smooth as well, with a slight increse of tightness when entering the yellow marked macro .....
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  • Nikon AF-S 70-300mm F/4-5.6 G ED VR, boxed

    Price: Sold
    The Nikon AF-S 70-300mm F/4-5.6 G ED VR is a great performing telephoto zoom lens suited for the Nikon DSLR camera’s. It works both on APS-C DX and fullframe FX sensor camera’s and has a built in AF-S motor. This lens is loved for its great image quality for a .....
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  • Nikon Zoom Series E 70-210mm F/4 AI-S, OUTLET

    Price: Sold
    This E series 70-210mm by Nikon has a constant F/4 aperture. Its suited for use on the Nikon F mount and has a AI coupling for modern lightmeters. The lens has a constant F/4 aperture meaning it doesn’t get darker when zooming in or out. The lens features a large .....
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  • Angenieux Zoom 70-210m F/3.5 for Nikon F, OUTLET

    Price: Sold
    Angenieux 70-210 zoomlens with constant F/3.5 aperture, suited for use on Nikon F / AI cameras. Beautiful and nowadays quite sought after lenses again with perfect optics and nice color rendition. This copy has a light fungus inside and is a bit worn cosmetic wise. Zoom and focus are still .....
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  • Contax Carl Zeiss Vario-Sonnar 70-210mm F/3.5 lens C/Y mount, worn

    Price: Original price was: €150,00.Current price is: €120,00.
    Interesting Carl Zeiss Zoom lens for COntax SLR cameras. Unfortunately the lens comes in poor condition. We see a scratch to front. some haze. and a bump to filter thread. Probably still gives acceptable results though loss of contrst can be expected. Some obvious wear to barrel. Smooth focus and .....
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  • Leica Leitz Vario-Elmar-R 70-210mm F/4 E60 3-cam

    Price: Sold
    A constant F4 zoom for the Leica R system made in collaboration with Minolta. The lens is a push-pull zoom with a built-in lens hood and takes 60mm filters. Cosmetically in excellent condition with light signs of use on mostly the lens hood. The focus and zoom action both are .....
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  • Leica Vario-Elmar-R 70-210mm F/4 E60 3-cam lens

    Leica Vario-Elmar-R 70-210mm F/4 E60 3-cam lens

    Price: 150,00
    The Leica Vario-Elmar-R 70-210mm f/4 is a constant aperture push-pull zoom lens made by Minolta to Leica R specification. Optically these are quite undervalued lenses, often looked down upon. Thsi copy has a good looking barrel with just light wear. Lens hood slides out nicely and stays in place. Focus .....
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  • Nikon AF-P 70-300mm F/5-6.3 VR DX zoom, boxed

    Price: Sold
    This autofocus zoomlens by Nikon is made for their digital SLR camera’s. It won’t work on fullframe bodies. This is the VR model which allows you to shoot handheld in low light situations. The AF-P is the latest generation AF motor and won’t work with some of the older models. .....
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  • Carl Zeiss Vario-Sonnar T* 70-210mm F/3.5 for Contax Yashica, OUTLET

    Price: Original price was: €150,00.Current price is: €90,00.
    This 70-210mm is suited for C/Y mount. It’s sold as an outlet product without warranty. The lens has fungus and haze inside on multiple elements. Probably will clean up when done by someone with some lens repair experience. Zoom and aperture work as intended, no issues with the aperture system. .....
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  • Schneider Super Angulon XL 5.6 / 72mm in Copal 0.0 large format lens

    Price: Sold
    The Schneider Super Angulon XL 72mm F/5,6 is a well known wide angle lens suited for large format photography. Landscape photographers love this lens for its great sharpnes, microcontrast and image rendering. On a 35mm camera this lens would have an equivalent of 19mm. This lens also has the largest .....
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  • Plaubel Weitwinkel Orthar 7.3cm f/6.8 lens blocks in pouch

    Price: Sold
    This Orthar 73mm lens is a wide angle lens usable in the old Plaubel cameras by just changing the front and rear group and will work in the original shutter. Cosmetically in good condition considering their age. Some light paint wear, also to the flocking on the elements but should .....
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  • Carl Zeiss Jena Biotar 1:1.5 / 7,5cm T Arri std

    Carl Zeiss Jena Biotar 1:1.5 / 7,5cm T Arri std

    Price: 1.000,00
    The lens has started it’s life as a slim version Biotar but has received a new focus mount for use on Arriflex standard 35mm movie camera. It ha a double helicoid focus mount for close focus ability (pretty similar to Macro-Kilar 90mm lenses). There are no distance markings on the .....
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  • Kinoptik Apochromat Paris 1/2 f=75mm, Cameflex mount

    Kinoptik Apochromat Paris 1/2 f=75mm, Cameflex mount

    Price: 2.000,00
    This Kinoptik Apochromat Paris 75mm F/2 lens is suited for use on the Cameflex mount. Made in Paris. This lens covers 35mm movie format, when adapted to modern digital camera will also cover fullframe video as well. Some regular wear on its barrel and gears. Focus is a bit heavy .....
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