ShopApril 30, 2024
Leica Summicron-R 50mm F/2 R-only with built in hood
Price: SoldBeautiful copy of the Leica R summicron 50mm F/2, second version with the built in hood. This is an R only model so does not work on all R bodies, but is a perfetct match for your R4-R6 for example. Good optics with amazing clean inside, no fungus or haze. .....Leica Summicron-R 50mm F/2 R-only with built in hoodApril 30, 2024 -
Asahi Opt. Super-Takumar 50mm f/1.4 Pentax M42, 8-elements
Price: SoldThe 8 element variant of the famous Pentax Super Takumar 50mm f/1.4 lens for M42 mount. The barrel with just some normal wear from age like minor paint loss. Focus is smooth with good dampening. Aperture works correctly with nice clicky apeture ring that can be switched to both manual .....Asahi Opt. Super-Takumar 50mm f/1.4 Pentax M42, 8-elementsMay 7, 2024 -
Leitz Wetzlar Summicron 1:2 / 50 v3, Leica M
Price: SoldThis is the third version of the Summicron 50mm lens for Leica M. Made in Germany. Later 6-bit encoding so it’s digital ready as well. The lens comes in a good user condition. Regular wear. some paint loss to barrel. Smooth focus and snappy aperture. Glass in excellent shape. upon .....Leitz Wetzlar Summicron 1:2 / 50 v3, Leica MNovember 15, 2022 -
Lot of 4 Isco Gottingen lenses for Exakta mount
Price: Sold1. Isco-Gottingen Westron 35/2.8 lens, nice optics regarding its age. Some light haze with very bright torch but overall nice condition. Aperture and focus both work as intended. 2. Tele-Iscaron 135/2.8 lens with good optics. Light cleaning marks but still perfectly usuable. No fungus. Little dust. Focus a bit on .....Lot of 4 Isco Gottingen lenses for Exakta mountNovember 7, 2023 -
Lot of 4x vintage lenses for M42 mount, various issues, OUTLET
Price: SoldLot of 4 M42 mount vintage lenses. Some various issues. Sold as-is for repair or project purposes. Some of them are usuable with caution: Meyer-Optik Oreston 50mm F/1.8 lens. Light haze inside, heavy focus but usuable. Aperture does not work, F/1.8 lens only. Jena (carl zeiss) 50mm F/2.8. Fungus inside .....Lot of 4x vintage lenses for M42 mount, various issues, OUTLETMay 21, 2024 -
SMC Pentax 1:1.2 / 50mm K
Price: SoldThe lens comes in good condition with some light signs of previous use. Good optics. Smooth focus and good aperture. Some paint loss to aperture scale and some interenal dust specs. We can rate it 8.5 out of 10SMC Pentax 1:1.2 / 50mm KJanuary 6, 2021 -
Carl Zeiss Distagon 50mm f/4 T* for Hasselblad, OUTLET
Price: SoldThis 50mm for hasselblad V system comes in black finish. It is sold as an outlet item because the slow speeds are inaccurate and will need a service. The focus is also a bit heavy. Optically in acceptable shape with some slight scratches on front element. Although probably usable as-is .....Carl Zeiss Distagon 50mm f/4 T* for Hasselblad, OUTLETNovember 7, 2023 -
Nippon Kogaku Nikkor-S 50mm F/1.4 AI’d
Price: SoldEarly fast 50mm Nikkor lens. Marked Nippon Kogaku Japan, Nikkor-S model. Beautiful warm glass and the classic barrel design which just looks amazing on a F or F2 kit. Also will meter and work correctly on later models since its factory converted to AI mount. Classic rendering lens with a .....Nippon Kogaku Nikkor-S 50mm F/1.4 AI’dNovember 14, 2023 -
Hasselblad Carl Zeiss Distagon 50mm f/4 CF FLE
Price: SoldCarl Zeiss Distagon 50mm f/4 CF FLE version with floating element. The FLE has a improved design for better sharpness on all focus ranges. This Distagon comes in very good condition with regular wear . The focus is smooth with good dampening. Shutter is accurate on all speeds as tested .....Hasselblad Carl Zeiss Distagon 50mm f/4 CF FLENovember 21, 2023 -
Lot of 4x Olympus OM 50mm F/1.8 standard lenses, OUTLET
Price: SoldLot containing 4x Olympus OM 50mm F/1.8 lenses. All with some issues inside. Most are related to slow closing apertures or a bit stiff focus. Some are a bit dirty inside. Need cleaning. For the slow aperture ones, 3 out of the 4, goes that they are good user lenses .....Lot of 4x Olympus OM 50mm F/1.8 standard lenses, OUTLETApril 4, 2023 -
Dallmeyer Pentac 2.9 / 2inch
Price: €300,00The lens comes in ugly and unrestored condition. The aperture is defect and oxidation marks to coating, haze. Requires restoration. Rare version Pentac lensDallmeyer Pentac 2.9 / 2inchJanuary 6, 2021 -
Carl Zeiss Biogon 53mm f/4.5 lens, OUTLET
Price: SoldThis Carl Zeiss Biogon 53mm f/4.5 wide angle lens unfortunately has a defective shutter. Optically however are in good shape. The shutter will need a full service before being usable again. Shutter blades are currently closed and aperture does work. Some minimal marks to front element, off centre. The rear .....Carl Zeiss Biogon 53mm f/4.5 lens, OUTLETJune 18, 2024 -
Carl Zeiss Biogon 1:4.5 / 53mm lens for Linhof
Price: SoldThis is an early Carl Zeiss Biogon 53mm wide angel lens with 6×9 coverage. It has been made for early Linhof cameras but here it comes on a modern lens board for Linhof M679 camera from the 1990s. This lens boar is not compatible with other Linhof Technica cameras. Considering .....Carl Zeiss Biogon 1:4.5 / 53mm lens for LinhofMay 15, 2021 -
Pentax 67 SMC 55mm f/4
Price: SoldAbsolutely lovely condition Pentax 67 SMC 55mm f/4 in the newest version that fits the later 67 and also 67 II era. Excellent looking barrel with only minimal wear. Focus turns smoothly with good dampening. Aperture works correctly without oil on the blades. Comes with caps and a free bonus .....Pentax 67 SMC 55mm f/4October 1, 2024 -
Nikon Nikkor 55mm 1:1.2 AI lens
Price: SoldThis fast Nikon Nikkor 1:1.2 / 55mm lens has been produced in the late 1970s just before the introduction of the 1:1.2 / 50mm lens. Native AI version which is pretty hard to find. The lens comes in an excellent condition with some regular sings of previous use. few light .....Nikon Nikkor 55mm 1:1.2 AI lensMarch 15, 2022 -
Mamiya Sekor C 55mm f/2.8 for M645 Outlet
Price: SoldThis Mamiya 55mm comes in a heavily worn condition with remarks. The focus turns heavy, aperture ring turns very heavy as well but aperture blades are snappy. Coupling fork missing for aperture coupling to body. Optics in acceptable condition but with some cleaning marks but no fungus or haze. Sold .....Mamiya Sekor C 55mm f/2.8 for M645 OutletAugust 15, 2023 -
Canon FD 55mm F/1.2 S.S.C. Aspherical lens
Price: €1.500,00The legendary Aspherical 55mm F/1.2 lens for the Canon FD mount. One of the most popular vintage lenses for many photographers and videographers. Of course designed for film use on the Canon F-1 camera’s, but nowadays a very nice option if you are in the market for an amazing and .....Canon FD 55mm F/1.2 S.S.C. Aspherical lensJune 11, 2024 -
Olympus OM Zuiko 1.2 / 55mm
Price: SoldThe lens comes in excellent condition with some regular signs of previous use. Good glass and smooth focus and aperture. We can rate it 8.5 out of 10Olympus OM Zuiko 1.2 / 55mmJanuary 6, 2021 -
Contarex Zeiss Planar 1:1.4 / 55mm lens
Price: SoldThis Contarex lens comes in a worn condition but still is a good user. It shows obvious sings of previous use with many marks to chrome barrel. The glass is good and it gives beautiful results. with flashlight some faint scratches are found and some internal dust, few coating spots .....Contarex Zeiss Planar 1:1.4 / 55mm lensOctober 18, 2021 -
Nikon Nikkor-SC 55mm F/1.2 Pre-Ai lens
Price: SoldFast Standard Nikon lens made in the early 1970s. Non-ai version. The lens comes in a good condition. some regular sings of previous use. Smooth focus throw, works well but feels slightly dry despite it isnt. Snappy aperture. light paint loss to barrel but way above average for its age. .....Nikon Nikkor-SC 55mm F/1.2 Pre-Ai lensApril 12, 2022 -
Sinaron Digital 55mm F/4.5 lens on Sinar DB lensboard, no shutter
Price: €450,00This Sinar Sinaron 55mm F/4.5 lens is especially designed for use in the Digital DB system. This lens has no built in copal shutter and requires to be used on a DB shutter unit. Glass is in excellent condition, no haze, no oil, no fungus or other issues. Board and .....Sinaron Digital 55mm F/4.5 lens on Sinar DB lensboard, no shutterJanuary 10, 2023 -
Nippon-Kogaku Micro-Nikkor 55mm F/3.5 macro lens, pre-AI
Price: SoldThe 55mm F/3.5 Nikkor lens is the perfect allround macro option. Works on most Nikon F mount cameras, non-AI so will only meter correctly on Nikkormat/F/F2 etc era models, but of course a great lens to adapt to digital as well. Often used with digital mirrorless scanning setups to digitize .....Nippon-Kogaku Micro-Nikkor 55mm F/3.5 macro lens, pre-AIJanuary 2, 2024