ShopSeptember 5, 2023
Rolleicord + Rolleiflex lot, OUTLET
Price: SoldThis lot contains 2x Rollei TLR cameras. One is a Rolleiflex with Tessar 75mm F/3.5 lenses. This camera does fire but it was not tested for accuracy. Some regular marks on the housing of the camera. Leather a bit peeling off. Some dust inside lenses. Aperture and speed dails turn, .....Rolleicord + Rolleiflex lot, OUTLETSeptember 5, 2023 -
Leica Leitz Summicron 50mm F/2 Collapsible, M mount
Price: SoldThe perfect kit lens for a Leica M3 or M2. Often confused with the Elmar 50mm, this one is a full stop brighter without being that much more heavy or larger. Aperture ranges from F/2 to F16 and focus goes down to 1m. When collapsed its a very compact lens .....Leica Leitz Summicron 50mm F/2 Collapsible, M mountSeptember 5, 2023 -
Leica Leitz Macro-Elmarit-R 60mm F/2.8, 3-cam version
Price: SoldPerfect allround macro lens for the Leica R system. Without the 1:1 ring this lens can reach 25cm as close focusing range, with a 1:1,25 reproduction rate, so perfect to capture the smallest details whilst still having a standard focal length. Good performing lens with a nice balance between optical .....Leica Leitz Macro-Elmarit-R 60mm F/2.8, 3-cam versionSeptember 5, 2023 -
Canon FD 200mm f/2.8 IF nFD
Price: SoldThe Canon FD 200mm f/2.8 newFD is a later model with internal focusing construction which is a optically updated formula with increased optical performance. It is a very sharp lens with a compact build. The lens has a built-in hood. It has a slight dent but not effecting functionality. The .....Canon FD 200mm f/2.8 IF nFDSeptember 5, 2023 -
Photosniper Outfit in case incl. camera and Helios lens
Price: SoldThe photosniper kit is fitted with a Zenit ES camera, a 300mm telephoto lens with gun stock, a helios standard lens and other accessoires such as filters, a camera case and strap. The photosniper lens is mounted on a gun stock like construction so you can comfortably take handheld shots .....Photosniper Outfit in case incl. camera and Helios lensSeptember 5, 2023 -
Minolta Auto Meter IVf light meter
Price: SoldMinolta flash and ambient light meter for in the field or studio. Nice large LCD for easy to understand readout. Some lightmeters have way to many features most people don’t use anyways, this one keeps it simple yet has everything you need. You can select multiple metering modes an get .....Minolta Auto Meter IVf light meterSeptember 5, 2023 -
Rollei Rolleinar 1 Bay III for 2.8F, Boxed
Price: SoldThis rolleinar set for the Bay III mount is ideal for taking portrait pictures with your Rolleiflex as it allows you to come a little bit closer than usual. This example looks to be in good shape optically with very slight edge haze in the rolleipar which is not of .....Rollei Rolleinar 1 Bay III for 2.8F, BoxedSeptember 5, 2023 -
Exakta 66 extension tube set for vertical model. also mount for horizontal 66
Price: SoldA set of exakta extension tubes for both the vertical and horizontal Exakta 66 cameras from ihagee. Pretty uncommon accesories for pretty hard to find cameras as well. Both sets reach around 8-10cm in length of extension.Exakta 66 extension tube set for vertical model. also mount for horizontal 66September 5, 2023 -
Seagull 4A-1 Chinese made TLR camera, boxed
Price: SoldThis Seagul camera still comes in it’s original poackaging. This one seems to be new old stock and was probably never used. The body is in a nice stealth all black finish. The shutter sounds accurate on all speeds except 1 to 8 where it stays open. It hasn’t been .....Seagull 4A-1 Chinese made TLR camera, boxedSeptember 5, 2023 -
Nikon DR-3 angled eye piece
Price: SoldAngled finder eye piece for small round Nikon viewfinders like the F2, FM, FE and first F3 (not F3HP). Can be used in vertical and horizontal perspectives and has a built in diopter to adjust to your eyes. Great tool for macro work or low to the ground tripod compositions.Nikon DR-3 angled eye pieceSeptember 5, 2023 -
Nikon F Exposure meter model 3 (for use with Plain F prism finder)
Price: SoldThis exposure meter attachment is used on the Nikon F camera with plain prism installed. It clips on the front of the camera with 2 metal hooks like the later metered prism finders. Silver version, looks great on a collection camera. Tested but as to be expected the lightmeter function .....Nikon F Exposure meter model 3 (for use with Plain F prism finder)September 5, 2023 -
Nikon AR-4 double cable release
Price: €30,00Double cable release to be used with Nikon bellows systems. One of the pins is released before the other, so the aperture of the lens that is mounted on the bellows has time to open first before the cameras shutter is released. Rare to find original Nikon accessory.Nikon AR-4 double cable releaseSeptember 5, 2023 -
Nikon F2 motor MD-1 + battery pack MB-1
Price: SoldNikon F2 motordrive kit in outstanding cosmetical condition. Perfect for a serious Nikon F ethousiast or collector. The kit does have some very light usermarks but is way above average, especially regarding its age. The drive is not tested on a camera or machine. The battery compartment looks clean, no .....Nikon F2 motor MD-1 + battery pack MB-1September 5, 2023 -
Olympus Trip 35, lot of 4 outlet
Price: SoldClearance lot of 4x Olympus Trip 35 cameras The cameras were quickly glanced over by us and all 4 seem to give the red flag when blocked off from light but weren’t tested any further. All seals in original untouched condition. They all are in similar cosmetical condition. As found .....Olympus Trip 35, lot of 4 outletSeptember 5, 2023 -
Leica R4 and R7 for parts or repair, OUTLET
Price: SoldThis lot of 2 Leica R cameras is sold for your own repair attempt or their parts. The Leica R7 has a power issue and is therefore not tested extensively. The Leica R4 has some irregular exposures, also a spring of aperture preview lever near lensmount has come out. No .....Leica R4 and R7 for parts or repair, OUTLETSeptember 5, 2023 -
Nikon DG-2 Eye Piece Magnifier, boxed
Price: SoldLike new DG-2 eye piece magnifier for many Nikon cameras with the small round eyepiece like Nikkormat, FM, FE, F3. Note; will not work on cameras with larger round eyepieces like Nikon F3HP and later. Very good condition, in original box.Nikon DG-2 Eye Piece Magnifier, boxedSeptember 5, 2023 -
Pentax M42 lens to PK mount adapter, genuine
Price: SoldThis original Pentax adapter from Pentax allows you to attach M42 lenses to your PK mount camera. The adapter is in good condition with small signs of use. Lock is in good condition. Nice way to use a helios on your PK camera for example.Pentax M42 lens to PK mount adapter, genuineSeptember 5, 2023 -
Moment. Soviet copy of Polaroid
Price: €150,00The Moment is a soviet copy of the earlier Polaroid roll film cameras. It looks quite impressive with the red/brown leather covering. It has a T26 135mm f/6.8 lens mounted in a shutter. The shutter doesn’t fully work on all times where it sticks. Exact accuracy not tested. Camera considered .....Moment. Soviet copy of PolaroidSeptember 5, 2023 -
Leica E39 UV and Yellow filter, kit of 2 in cases
Price: SoldLot of 2 original Leica filters in 39mm / E39 size. Silver UV filter and black ring Yellow contrast filter for black and white photography. Some dust specs but no deep scratches or damages to glass. Perfect user conditions.Leica E39 UV and Yellow filter, kit of 2 in casesSeptember 5, 2023 -
Lot of 3x Mamiya M645 film inserts 120
Price: SoldA lot of three Mamiya 645 120 inserts for the original 645 cameras. 2 in cases and one loose. Good if you want to swap film quickly or just have spare inserts or have a 220 insert that you want to swap to 120.Lot of 3x Mamiya M645 film inserts 120September 5, 2023 -
Mamiya rubber lens hood M77 No.1 for RB67/RZ67
Price: €20,00This is a later model lens hood from mamiya not branded RB or RZ but these were made the lenses with focal length of 127 until 250mm with 77mm filter thread. In nice condition with good rubber and not misformed. Ideal for the Mamiya RB or RZ user.Mamiya rubber lens hood M77 No.1 for RB67/RZ67September 5, 2023 -
Mamiya RB67 rubber lens hood for 127-250mm lenses
Price: SoldMamiya made rubber lens hoods for their RZ and RB lenses that can be uses for the 127 until 250mm lens. These are marked RB67 but can of course be also used for the RZ67 lenses. In nice condition. Multiple available, price per piece.Mamiya RB67 rubber lens hood for 127-250mm lensesSeptember 5, 2023