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Showing 4467–4488 of 9848 results
  • Nikon F3 focusing screen type E

    Price: Sold
    Nikon F3 focusing screen type E : Matte/Fresnel field with 3mm fine ground matte spot, 12mm reference and etched horizontal and vertical lines. General good condition. comes with case
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  • Bronica Speed Grip E for ETR series cameras

    Price: Sold
    Speed grip E with hotshoe for the Bronica ETR, ETRC, ETRS and ETRSi. The grip is cosmetically in good condition.
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  • Nikon 135mm F/3.5 AI lens

    Price: Sold
    Great compact portrait lens for Nikon F camera’s. A bit more affordable than the F/2.8 version but optically just as great. Comes with a very firm built in hoods whichs stays into place perfectly. Optics are very good, no dust specs, no haze and no fungus inside. Nice dampened focus .....
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  • Canon FD 20mm f/2.8 nFD

    Price: Sold
    The Canon nFD 20mm f/2.8 is a nice wide angle lens with a bright aperture of f/2.8. This FD 20mm lens is in good user condition with some obvious signs of previos use, mostly visible near the hood mount. Focus is smooth and well dampened. Aperture working correctly. Optics in .....
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  • Canon FD 24mm f/2 OUTLET

    Price: Sold
    This Canon nFD 24mm f/2 has some issues but is usable as is with some precautions. Service recommended. The optics have a slight fungus and dust but good otherwise with no obvious damage. The focus is smooth with a tiny bit of play in the barrel. The aperture is working .....
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  • Polaroid SX-70 Sonar AF, OUTLET

    Price: Sold
    A true classic. The SX-70 is a beautiful designed folding instant camera by Polaroid. Shoots SX-70 films. Not tested for operation, sold as found. 1 of the front hinges is bent and therefore there is some flex on the body. Mirror down, finder is dark and can not be seen .....
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  • Canon lens FD 300mm f/4 L, worn

    Price: Sold
    This Canon 300mm L lens has seen some use and shows obvious wear all over the barrel. Paint loss and scuffs. The hood still opens and locks with ease. The focus is very smooth with a minimal noticable play in the ring. Aperture works like intended. Optics are in good .....
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  • Bronica Zenzanon-PG 50mm f/4.5 for GS-1 OUTLET

    Bronica Zenzanon-PG 50mm f/4.5 for GS-1 OUTLET

    Price: 150,00
    The 50mm Bronica Zenzanon-PG was the widest lens made for the GS-1 system, resembling around 24mm in 35mm terms. The lens takes 95mm filters. This lens is in excellent cosmetical condition with good working shutter on all times and the focus turns smoothly with good dampening. The aperture also works .....
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  • Voigtlander Color-Heliar 75mm F/2.5 lens for Nikon AI-S, boxed

    Price: Sold
    In like new condition 75mm Color-Heliar lens to fit Nikon F mount cameras. The cosmetics are as good as they get, looks like it came out the factory yesterday. Glass in perfect condition. focus is super smooth and aperture is nice and clicky. A very thin and light layer of .....
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  • Photosniper in metal case Tair-3 phs + Zenit-ES

    Price: Sold
    The Photosniper lens is made in the USSR and designed to be used with the M42 mount cameras from Zenit. The kit comes as well with the Zenit-ES camera. We have tested the cameras shutter, it does fire but was not further tested for accuracy. Lens works well, focus and .....
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  • Nikon Zoom Nikkor 80-200mm F/4.5 AI lens

    Price: Sold
    Nikon AI 80-200mm zoomlens with constant F/4.5 aperture over the whole range. Very good cosmtic condition, nice vivid markings on barrel. Focus and zoom operation are super smooth and work as intended. Aperture is snappy, no oil on the blades. Glass in good condition, some regular dust specs inside but .....
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  • Mamiya Sekor 180mm f/4.5 for RB67 OUTLET

    Price: Sold
    This 180mm Mamiya Sekor for RB67 is sold as a outlet item due to remarks. Good cosmetics but there is fungus on multiple elements in the front and rear group. The shutter runs well but the fast speeds of 125 and higher are around half to a full stop off. .....
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  • Pentacon 135mm F/2.8 lens in M42 mount

    Pentacon 135mm F/2.8 lens in M42 mount

    Price: 60,00
    Short telephoto prime with fast F/2.8 aperture. Great portrait lens with dreamy image rendering in bokeh. The front lens of this camera has some coating damage on the rear, causing maybe a light decrease in contrast. Some regular dust specs inside the lens. Focus is smooth and aperture is working .....
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  • Nikon Nikkor-P 180mm f/2.8 non-AI

    Price: Sold
    A Nikkor-P 180mm f/2.8 in non-AI lens mount, probably originally made for the Nikon F or F2. Cosmetically in pretty nice condition with only some minor wear on the lens hood. Nice all metal construction with rubber focus ring. Focus is smooth with good dampening. Aperture working correctly. Lens hood .....
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  • Bronica Zenzanon-PG 50mm f/4.5 for GS-1

    Price: Sold
    The 50mm Zenzanon-PG is the widest lens made for the 6×7 Bronica GS-1 system, working to around a 24mm. It takes 95mm filters. This example is in good working condition with a accurate shutter as verified by our shutter speed tester. Aperture ring turn a bit stiff but works perfectly .....
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  • Mamiya Sekor C 55mm f/2.8 for M645 Outlet

    Price: Sold
    This Mamiya 55mm comes in a heavily worn condition with remarks. The focus turns heavy, aperture ring turns very heavy as well but aperture blades are snappy. Coupling fork missing for aperture coupling to body. Optics in acceptable condition but with some cleaning marks but no fungus or haze. Sold .....
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  • Nikon NIkkor-NC 24mm f/2.8 non-AI

    Price: Sold
    The Nikkor 24mm f/2.8 is a early lens from nikon that features a floating element which was very innovative for the time. This is a non-AI version from around the time of the Nikon F. It’s cosmetically in good looking condition with only some light paint wear on the focus .....
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  • Schneider PA-curtagon 35mm f/2.8 shift lens, Canon EF converted

    Schneider PA-curtagon 35mm f/2.8 shift lens, Canon EF converted

    Price: 300,00
    This shift lens from Schneider Kreuznach has originally been made for Leica R but has been converted to Canon EF mount. Cosmetically in good condition with some light wear. Smooth focus and good working preset aperture. Good optics and smooth mechanics. Comes with lens hood and Canon EF rear cap.
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  • Arco Anastigmat Tele-Snowva 135mm f/3.8 for Leica screw mount

    Arco Anastigmat Tele-Snowva 135mm f/3.8 for Leica screw mount

    Price: 120,00
    This lens from Arco is a third party lens made for Leica screw mount. It is a 135mm f/3.8 Tele-Snowva which comes in very well made fully chrome brass barrel making it weigh quite a lot for it’s size. Cosmetics are nice with very little wear. Focus is smooth but .....
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  • Nikon Nikkor 28mm F/3.5 AI lens, OUTLET

    Price: Sold
    Like new in terms of cosmetics and mechanical operation, unfortunately with a noticable haze behind the front element. Can be cleaned by skilled technician. Great littile wide lens for your Nikon kit after cleaning.
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  • Rollei Rolleinar 1 for bay. II

    Price: Sold
    This Rolleinar 1 kit is suited for use on the bay II cameras like the 3.5F. It enables you to focus in closer and have a paralax corrected view in the TLR finder. Some regular usermarks, mostly some visible dust between the lenses. Wont really influence image quality but is .....
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  • Rollei Bay II filter kit, yellow and uv

    Price: Sold
    Rollei Bay II filter kit. Including a UV filter, with slightly warmer glass, gives a nice warm rendering to your images. And a Yellow contrast filter, gives a nice boost in contrast when shooting black and white film. Glass in good condition, no scratches that influence image quality. In metal .....
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