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Showing 4181–4202 of 9779 results
  • Kern Switar 1:1.4 / 25mm H16 RX, C-mount lens

    Price: Sold
    Fast 25mm F/1.4 C-mount lens for Bolex cameras. Very little compact lens with perfect build quality, made in Switzerland. Nice clicks to aperture, still firm ring. Aperture itself opens and closes as intended. Focus is not too heavy and turns fairly even through the whole range. Optics have some internal .....
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  • Kern Yvar 2.8 / 16mm AR, C-mount lens

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    Very small lens with 16mm focal length and F/2.8 aperture, suited for use on Bolex system. Beautiful designed depth of field indicator built in the barrel of the lens, when you close down the aperture yellow marking appear above the focusing distance scale, indicating your near and far end of .....
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  • Mamiya N 43mm F/4.5 L lens for Mamiya 7 (no finder)

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    The 43mm F/4.5 lens is the widest lens you can get for your Mamiya 7 rangefinder system. Equivalent of around a 21mm lens when translated to 35mm format. Razor sharp lens from corner to corner that is often used in documentary, landscapes, architecture and even fashion photography, to capture wide .....
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  • Nikon AF Nikkor 80-200mm F/2.8 ED lens (push-pull zoom)

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    This push & pull zoomlens ranges from 80mm to 200mm and has a constant F/2.8 aperture. Good performing and professional grade zoom lens suited for many applications. By todays standards its not the fastest focusing lens around but does the job just fine if you know how to use it. .....
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  • Rollei-HFT Distagon 50mm F/4 lens for SL66

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    Wide angle lens for the Rollei SL66 system. Based on the famous Carl Zeiss 50mm Distagon lens, but made by Rollei with HFT coating. Lens gives the perspective of a 28-30mm when translated to 35mm film format. The widest you can go before you get unnatural perspectives or less well .....
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  • Carl Zeiss Sonnar 180mm f/2.8 MMG for Contax/Yashica

    Carl Zeiss Sonnar 180mm f/2.8 MMG for Contax/Yashica

    Price: 300,00
    The Sonnar 180mm is one of the classic Zeiss formulas and this is a more modern incarnation of this same formula, made for Contax Yashica. This version is a MMG version, so made in west germany and is the later MM version. The lens is in excellent condition both mechanically .....
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  • Angenieux Zoom 70-210mm F/3.5 for Minolta MD

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    Angenieux zoom lens for Minolta MD. Constant F/3.5 aperture over the whole zoomrange. Top quality lenses made in France. Nice geared zoom operation that is not too lose or heavy. Focusing ring is nice and smooth as well, with a slight increse of tightness when entering the yellow marked macro .....
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  • Iscorama anamorphic lens in Exakta mount with Canon FD mount converter

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    Here we have the legendary Iscorama. The full kit with integrated 50mm lens. Nowadays very sought after among videographers but very hard to find. The lens comes in Exa mount. which appears a heavy upgraded variant made of brass. Since Exakta mount is not that popular nowadays we have add .....
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  • Leica M6 body chrome, recent CLA

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    The Leica M6 is a world famous rangefinder that recently even got revived back into production by Leica themself. The M6 is probably the most sought after rangefinder at this time. The camera can shoot up to 37 frames on 35mm film. Its the perfect balance between mechanical operation and .....
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  • Bronica SQ-AI with AE Prism finder + Zenzanon PS 80mm F/2.8 lens

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    The Bronica SQ series are a medium format SLR camera that shoots 120 film. The SQ in the name stands for square, so the camera shoots 6x6cm negatives. Very good performer and more affordable option to the Hasselblad 500 series. This camera offers a lot more built in functions also .....
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  • Mamiya C330 Professional F + Sekor 80mm F/2.8 lens blue dot

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    The Mamiya C330 Professional F is a medium format TLR camera with interchangable lens options. Its often compared to the famous Rollei models but has 2 major advantages over those. The first one being a bellows focusing system, you can get crazy close with non-macro lenses already. The second is .....
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  • Contax 167MT + Carl Zeiss Planar 50mm F/1.7 AE

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    The Contax 167MT was introduced in 1986 and has motorised film transport in combination with 2 metering modes, multiple automated modes including P featuring the Contax Yashica mount. This model is in very clean looking condition with very little wear with the battery holder P-5 which allows you to use .....
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  • Minolta X-700 + MD 50mm F/1.4 lens

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    The Minolta X-700 is one of the easiest 35mm SLR cameras to use for starters. The camera is fitted with a fully automatic (P) mode so you just have to focus and take a picture, the camera will figure our exposures for you. If you want to can of course .....
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  • Nikon FE silver + E Series 50mm F/1.8

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    The Nikon FE is a 35mm SLR camera that takes the amazing Nikkor AI and AI-S lenses. The E in the FE name stands for electronic, hinting to the fact this camera does need batteries in order to work. The camera is mainly aimed to be an aperture priority camera, .....
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  • Nikon FG-20 + E 50mm f/1.8 AIS

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    The Nikon FG-20 is a smaller bodied 35mm analog Nikon camera with aperture priority and manual speeds from 1 tot 1000. This example is in good condition and was tested by us on the shutter speed machine. The lightmeter is accurate and the shutter is accurate on all speeds. The .....
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  • Nikon EL2 chrome body

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    Nikon EL body in chrome color in perfect user condition. The camera was machine tested by our technician and its found to be perfectly usuable. The lightmeter is accurate on all EV values. Aperture priority mode working fine with good exposures as well. 1/1000th is a bit un even in .....
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  • Nikon Nikkor 85mm F/1.4 AI-S portrait lens

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    This monster of a lens sucks in light and turns it into a lovely image with beautiful bokeh. The 85mm is a real classic focal length with great capabilities for shooting portraits. This F/1.4 version is a lot bigger than its smaller 85mm F/2 AI brother and has a big .....
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  • Mamiya Carry strap for M645 models

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    Original Mamiya 645 carrying strap suited for models like the 645, M645, M645J and 1000s. Used but good condition with the original clips to attach to body.
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  • Hasselblad 63mm front filter retaining ring for 50/60mm Distagon lenses

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    This metal ring is made to be used on the 50 and 60mm (first gen) hasselblad V series Distagon lenses. These lenses have a bit awkward 63mm front filter thread which is hard to find in screw in filtersize. Therefore this ring can retain Hasselblad 63 filters to the front .....
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  • Rolleiflex leather camera strap for TLR

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    Original leather camera strap suited for many Rolleiflex TLR models. This is the one with the V shaped clips that can be used with a leather case as well. Brown leather in decent condition, regular signs of use. Must have addition to your Rollei!
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  • Hasselblad lens hood for Sonnar 150mm F/4 lens

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    Metal square lenshood suited for use with first generation Hasselblad 150mm F/4 Sonnar lenses. Will not fit on later CF models. Some paintloss on edges and light scratches to surface. Mounts well, great user condition and must have accessory for your Hasselblad V kit.
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  • Rietzchel München Miniature Clack 4×6.5cm Miniature plate camera

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    This Rietzschels Munchen Clack is a cute small 4×6.5cm plate camera from around 1914. The Rietzschel Company was later bought by Agfa where you can derive the Clack name from as this name was used later by Agfa as well but it originated from this company it seems. From a .....
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