ShopFebruary 15, 2022
Canon lens FD 35mm 1:2 S.S.C.
Price: SoldThis Canon FD 35mm 1:2 SSC lens comes in a remarkably well preserved condition. Just minor sings of previous use. The focus turns smooth and the aperture is working correctly. Glass in excellent shape except quite some internal dust. This is the Convex version and hard to find in such .....Canon lens FD 35mm 1:2 S.S.C.February 15, 2022 -
Leica Summicron-M 1:2 / 35 ASPH. E39, Worn
Price: SoldThis Leica Summicron-M 35mm lens is a true user. It has seen excessive previous use and has a worn appearance. It still is a great user lens with the focus tunring very smooth. Glass in good shape but quite some internal dust. not seen on film. Good aperture. Obvious wear .....Leica Summicron-M 1:2 / 35 ASPH. E39, WornMarch 1, 2022 -
Leica Summicron 35mm F/2 for M3, 8-element with goggles
Price: €1.600,00Original V1 Leica Summicron 35mm f/2 8 element lens with M3 goggles with regular signs of use. The barrel of the lens has some marks, and the goggles also have some wear around the edges. Optically the lens is in very good condition with just some tiny leftover haze which .....Leica Summicron 35mm F/2 for M3, 8-element with gogglesSeptember 3, 2024 -
Nikon Nikkor 35mm f/2 AI-s
Price: SoldThis Nikkor 35mm f/2 AIS lens comes in good condition with only light wear. Focus turns smoothly with good dampening. Aperture good working and free of oil. Optics in excellent condition with no remarks.Nikon Nikkor 35mm f/2 AI-sSeptember 10, 2024 -
Pentax Super-Takumar 35mm F/3.5 lens, M42 mount
Price: SoldOne of the smallest and most affordable original Pentax lenses with M42 mount. Perfect allrounder for street- or travelphotography. Great match on M42 mount camera’s like a spotmatic but of course often used to adapt to digital as well. Very sharp little lens with good contrast and color. Not the .....Pentax Super-Takumar 35mm F/3.5 lens, M42 mountSeptember 19, 2023 -
Mamiya-Sekor C 35mm 1:3.5 N
Price: SoldWide angle lens for the Mamiya 645 series cameras. Some balsam separation to rear group but it still gives clear image. Glass and cosmetics in excellent condition otherwsie. Smooth focus and good aperture. Later N version. Nice add-on for any Mamiya 645 kitMamiya-Sekor C 35mm 1:3.5 NSeptember 27, 2022 -
Nikon Nikkor 35mm F/2 AI, small issue
Price: SoldFast 35mm lens for Nikon SLR cameras. AI coupled so works on most light meter systems. Good optics, only a light layer of dust inside but still very clear and no other issues like haze or fungus. Focus is fairly smooth and works as intended. Aperture itself is dry and .....Nikon Nikkor 35mm F/2 AI, small issueJanuary 2, 2024 -
Leica Leitz Elmar 3.5 / 3.5cm screw mount
SoldRecently sold: This Leitz Wetzlar Elmar lens has been made around 1937 and comes in the chrome finish. Pretty well preserved but not perfect. some marks to chrome finish. Smooth focus and aperture. Some haze to optics. Mounted to Sony A7 it gives pretty foggy images so will benifit from .....Leica Leitz Elmar 3.5 / 3.5cm screw mountOctober 14, 2022 -
Voigtlander Nokton VM 35mmF/1.4 version II (MC), boxed
Price: SoldSecond version of the Voigtlander VM 35mm f/1.4 lens for Leica M mount, Multi Coated version. The lens is still in excellent shape and was only very lightly used and does not show any marks of wear. Focus turns smoothly with good dampening as does the aperture ring. Optics in .....Voigtlander Nokton VM 35mmF/1.4 version II (MC), boxedOctober 29, 2024 -
Olympus OM Auto-Zoom 35-70mm F/4 lens
Price: €70,00Standard range zoom lens from Olympus. This S Zuiko Auto Zoom 35-70mm f/4 lens has some regular wear but is still in very good shape. Focus and zoom work smoothly. The aperture is without oil on the blades and closes quickly but seems to have a slight issue with opening .....Olympus OM Auto-Zoom 35-70mm F/4 lensNovember 19, 2024 -
Lot of 6 Meyer/Pentacon M42 lenses
Price: SoldA big lot of Meyer and Pentacon lenses with M42 mount, consisting of the following lenses: Pentacon 28mm f/2.8 Electric Pentacon 50mm f/1.8 auto Meyer Primotar E 50mm f/3.5 Meyer Orestor 135mm f/2.8 Meyer Primotar 180mm f/3.5 Meyer Orestegor 200mm f/4. 135mm Orestor and 180mm Primotar with some internal fungus. .....Lot of 6 Meyer/Pentacon M42 lensesNovember 7, 2023 -
Nikon Nikkor 35mm F/2.8 AI lens, worn
Price: SoldGood user copy of the Nikkor 35mm F/2.8 AI lens. It has some flaws when inspecting but still gives a perfect image. Good optics without damage to glass, just some dust in the rear group. This is visible with a bright torch but won’t really harm images. Dent in front .....Nikon Nikkor 35mm F/2.8 AI lens, wornFebruary 13, 2024 -
Nikon Nikkor 35mm F/1.4 AI-S lens
Price: SoldThe fast 35mm Nikkor lens, this AI-S F/1.4 version is searched for because of its dream like image performance when used wide open. When stopped down a bit the lens becomes just as sharp as most other Nikkor lenses. The F/1.4 often is critisized about its chromatic abberations when shot .....Nikon Nikkor 35mm F/1.4 AI-S lensMarch 5, 2024 -
Canon Serenar 35mm f/3.5 LTM
Price: SoldCompact Canon Serenar 35mm f/3.5 lens in Leica screw mount. Well made brass barrel. with just light wear. Focus turns smoothly with good dampening. Aperture works correctly. Optics in good shape, but a small amount of haze remains after cleaning and a etched spot of fungus in the coating. Still .....Canon Serenar 35mm f/3.5 LTMFebruary 11, 2025 -
Mamiya Sekor C 35mm f/3.5 N for M645
Price: SoldOne of the most wide lenses for the M645 system, this 35mm just about resembles 21mm on 35mm film. This is the revised N version which has updated cosmetics. The barrel is in good shape with minimal paint loss on the front ring. Focus turns smoothly with good dampening but .....Mamiya Sekor C 35mm f/3.5 N for M645May 21, 2024 -
Novoflex Noflexar 35mm F/3.5 macro lens for Nikon F
Price: SoldThis Noflexar 35mm F/3.5 lens is suited for Nikon F cameras. Its quite a nifty little lens, since it basically acts like 2 lenses in 1. In the normal position the lens acts like any other 35mm lens where infinity can be reached, but when extended a macro feature can .....Novoflex Noflexar 35mm F/3.5 macro lens for Nikon FMay 23, 2023 -
Olympus OM 35mm F/2.8 Auto-W
Price: SoldThis Olympus 35mm F/2.8 lens is the perfect allrounder and a great match on your OM-1 or OM-2 camera. Nice everyday type of lens and ideal for travels. Nice smooth focus, aperture clean and snappy. Optics are good, no issues inside the lens apart from some tiny dust specs. Lens .....Olympus OM 35mm F/2.8 Auto-WMay 23, 2023 -
Leica Leitz Summicron 1:2 / 35 M 8-elements M2 version
Price: SoldThis is the first version of the Summicron 35mm lens. Made for M2 but will work on all other Leica M camera’s as well. This is the legendary 8-elements version Summicron lens made in 1959. Focus to 0.7meterThe lens comes in a good condition considering it’s age. Some general wear. .....Leica Leitz Summicron 1:2 / 35 M 8-elements M2 versionJanuary 25, 2022 -
Canon FD 35-70mm F/3.5-4.5 zoom lens
Price: SoldThe FD 35-70mm f/3.5-4.5 is a very lightweight standard zoom lens that can serve as a standard lens for people that find the 50mm a little bit too limiting. Budget lens which gives decent results. Focus and zoom rings turn smooth. Aperture works correctly. Optics in good shape with no .....Canon FD 35-70mm F/3.5-4.5 zoom lensNovember 21, 2023 -
Minolta Shift CA 35mm 1:2.8, Boxed
Price: SoldRare and interesting Minolta Shift lens. The lens has the VFC (variable field curvature) as well. A Minolta technology only found on the also rare Minolta VFC 24mm lens. Also interesting about this shift lens is it’s auto aperture, Most shift lenses require the aperture to close down manually before .....Minolta Shift CA 35mm 1:2.8, BoxedOctober 4, 2022 -
Carl Zeiss Planar 35mm F/2 T* lens for G2, mounting issue
Price: SoldThis Carl Zeiss Planar 35mm f/2 lens unfortunately has some impact damage which caused an issue where it no longer can be mounted on a camera. Optically the lens still looks fine with some minimal internal dust but no haze or anything. Aperture also works correctly and no oil on .....Carl Zeiss Planar 35mm F/2 T* lens for G2, mounting issueDecember 10, 2024 -
Canon lens FD 1:2 / 35mm SSC, Concave
Price: SoldThis is the legendary Concave version of the Canon 35mm f/2 lens. It has a better build quality than it’s successor and comes with the beautiful breech lock system with chrome mounting ring. This generation of Canon FD lenses is famous for it’s amazing rendering due to its Super Spectra .....Canon lens FD 1:2 / 35mm SSC, ConcaveDecember 13, 2022