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Showing 3961–3982 of 9779 results
  • Bronica Zenzanon 2.8 / 50mm MC for EC-TL, S2 etc

    Price: Sold
    This Zenzanon 50mm MC is a late model lens for the Bronica S2a or EC-TL system of cameras. This example is in very good condition with minimal signs of use on the barrel. Optically it looks very good with no fungus or haze. The aperture is working fine. A nice .....
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  • Hasselblad Zeiss Distagon 40mm f/4 T* FLE CFE

    Price: Sold
    This Hasselblad Zeiss Distagon is a late CFE model with the blue lines which is in very nice condition. The focus and the other rings operate smoothly. The glass is in excellent condition with no haze or fungus. The flash cover does seem to be missing but the flash contact .....
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  • Nikon AF Micro-Nikkor 60mm F/2.8 lens

    Price: Sold
    Nikon AF 60mm F/2.8 macro lens. Works with all professional SLR and DSLR models that have a built in AF motor in the body. This lens is great for allround macro work like flowers, products and digitizing negatives. The lens has a reasonable fast AF. Manual focus on this lens .....
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  • Hasselblad 42309 PM45 Prism Finder, boxed

    Price: Sold
    This late model blue stripe PM45 prism is in very nice condition. The prism is complete with the eyecup, bottom protector and the box. Optics are clear and with no dust. Eyecup is in nice condition. A very nice addition to your hasselblad camera like the 503CW or others.
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  • Canon 50mm F/0.95 Rangefinder Dream Lens, worn

    Price: Sold
    This legendary 50mm F/0.95 dream lens comes in a decent condition. Rangefinder coupled version. The glass is perfectly usuable, its suffering from the regular cleaning marks and light coating scratches but overall has a very clean optical condition. No fungus, no haze, no separation. There is 1 visible hair inside .....
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  • Bronica AE Prism Finder-S for SQ-AI, no meter, boxed

    Price: Sold
    This prism finder is suited for the Bronica SQ-Ai. This prism finder has a built in lightmeter inside, unfortunately we were not able to get it to working condition and therefore sell this finder as a regular unmetered one. Very nice cosmetic condition. Still does the job perfectly fine for .....
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  • Mamiya RZ67 Roll Film Holder 120, boxed

    Price: Sold
    This filmback for the RZ67 is in need for a small overhaul. The seals are gone and need replacement. We have plenty of these backs that still need need new seals so we have decided to offer this one very affordable and leave the replacement of the seals up to .....
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  • Hasselblad Leather carry strap, thin version

    Price: Sold
    Original leather camera strap from Hasselblad. A thin version, very elegant match for a small lightweight Hasselblad kit. Looks great on 500CM or SWC for example. Never used, good clips.
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  • Rollop II TLr, BOXED

    Price: Sold
    This TLR camera was made in Germany by the Lippische Kamerafabrik. The camera shows some similarities compared to the Rolleiflex but was aimed to be a more affordable TLR camera. Not as good as quality as the Rollei but it was certainly a good user camera. It takes 120 film .....
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  • FED-3 + Jupiter-8 50mm F/2 lens, boxed

    Price: Sold
    This FED 3 rangefinder was made in the USSR, it comes with Jupiter 8 lens and is still in its original box (non-matching sn on box) and looks unused to us so might even be new old stock. The shutter curtains look good and all shutter times all sound accurate .....
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  • KIEV 60 + Volna-3 80mm F/2.8 lens, OUTLET

    Price: Sold
    Russian made camera dating back to the Soviet era. Shoots 6x6cm negatives on 120 format on 120 film. Bulky camera made of metal, but it basically operates like any other SLR, but just a bit oversized. Comes with fast 80mm F/2.8 lens which has good optics and focus. The camera .....
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  • Leitz Lenshood for Summicron 50 and Summaron 35 lenses

    Price: Sold
    Original metal lenshood for use on earlier Summicron 50 and Summaron 35mm M mount lenses. A bit worn, so a good user condition. Still clips on the front fine, but has some scratches to its metal parts and paint. Good addition to a user kit.
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  • Nikon F3 focusing screen type K, in case

    Price: Sold
    Nikon F3 focusing screen, type K. Very good condition, no damages to glass. In original protective case.
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  • Mamiya Left hand grip for M645 series

    Price: Sold
    This L-shaped bracket mounts under your Mamiya 645 camera and lets you release the shutter with your left hand. The vertical grip on the left hand side causes a much more ergonomical use of the camera when shooting with the eye level finder for example, ideal for long days shooting .....
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  • Bronica 2x Close-up lenses 72mm, C.U.L-1 + C.U.L.-2

    Bronica 2x Close-up lenses 72mm, C.U.L-1 + C.U.L.-2

    Price: 30,00
    This lot contains 2 Bronica close up lenses with 72mm filter size. Allows to focus closer on subjects without having to buy and bring a bigger, heavier and more costly macro lens with your kit. Very well preserved condition, no visible marks to glass, in their original leather pouches.
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  • MPP Mark VIII 4×5 Micro Technical camera + Schneider Symmar-S 150mm f/5.6

    Price: Sold
    The MPP Mark VIII is one of the last large format cameras made by the British manufacturer. It was redesigned slightly from the VII model with rounded edges on the lens plates and 2 more bed adjustment positions. The camera is in good looking condition with slight paint loss in .....
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  • Graflex RH8 (6x9cm) 120 roll film holder for 4×5 camera

    Price: Sold
    The RH8 by Graflex is a roll film holder for use on a 4×5” camera. It shoots 8 exposures with a 6x9cm size on 120 film, hence its RH8 naming. There are also 6×7 and 6×6 versions. Good condition, seals seem fine and the winding works as intended.
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  • lot of 5x film holders 4×5 by fidelity and riteway

    Price: Sold
    This lot contains 4x Fidelity Elite and 1x Riteway filmholders for 4×5” film. Basically both models are the same in operation, the riteway has metal handles in stead of plastic. Used but in good condition.
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  • Kodak Vericolor II 100, 120 film (5-pack), expired 1990

    Price: Sold
    5-pack Kodak Vericolor II, 100 ISO, 120 film. Expired in 1990. Storage is unkown.
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  • Nikon FM2n + Nikkor 50mm F/1.4 lens

    Price: Sold
    The Nikon FM2n is a small, compact but very capable 35mm SLR camera. One of our all time favorites. Fully mechanical shutter up to 1/4000th. The camera has a build in lightmeter, which again is really easy to understand: the viewfinder just shows a plus, perfect or minus marks for .....
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  • Nikon R8 Super Zoom, Super8 camera, boxed

    Price: Sold
    The Nikon R8 is a 8mm movie camera. This Super Zoom model comes with a Cine-Nikkor 7.5mm-60mm lens, almost a 10x zoom. The lens has a 52mm front filter thread. The camera is fitted with a power zoom function, so you can make smooth zoom transitions without having to turn .....
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  • Nikon Eye Piece Magnifier DG-2

    Price: Sold
    Magnifier eyepiece for Nikon cameras. Still in original box. Mounts well and still looks very good.
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