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Showing 3895–3916 of 9779 results
  • Fuji GSW690II medium format rangefinder

    Price: Sold
    The Fuji GW690 II is a medium format rangefinder that can shoot huge 6x9cm negatives on 120 film. It operates very similar to the Leica rangefinders and therefore was nicknames the Texas Leica, because everything is bigger in Texas. This camera has a fixed EBC Fujinon 65mm F/5,6 lens that .....
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  • Minolta X300 + MD 50mm F/1.7 lens

    Price: Sold
    The Minolta X-300 is one of the best film SLR cameras for starters. Its reasonable priced and offers great value and usuability for starters. Combined with a sharp and fast 50mm lens its suited for basically every situation, ideal travel camera due its small size and low weight. There is .....
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  • Rollei accessory kit for Bay 1

    Price: Sold
    This accessory kit is suited for use on rollei TLR cameras with a Bay 1 size lens. There is a square metal lenshood in perfect condition. A Rolleinar 2 kit in good condition. A yellow and orange contrast filter and a rolleipol filter. Filters have good glass and are perfectly .....
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  • Yashica T4 black with 35mm F/3.5 lens, boxed

    Price: Sold
    The Yashica T4 is a highly sought after point and shoot camera. The camera is loved for its sharp 35mm F/3.5 autofocus lens and very compact size. The great travel or everyday use camera, fits your coat pocket. The built in flash adds to the 90s point and shoot look .....
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  • Rollei filter pouch for Bay I filters, Rolleinar and hood. 1filter and hood inside

    Price: Sold
    This Rollei filter pouch is in good condition with a H1 and japanese Bay 1 lens hood. The filter could use a clean but the lens hood is in excellent condition and very usefull for any bay 1 camera like the yashica mat 124G or a Rolleiflex T.
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  • Lot Contax filters en hood

    Lot Contax filters en hood

    Price: 50,00
    A set of three contax filters in nice condition. one boxed. GG3 lens hood for 90mm. Also comes with 4 empty contax filter containers.
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  • Lot of 3x 14161 VII filters incl. adapter + ELPRO VII b close up filter

    Price: Sold
    This Leica accessory lot contains 3x a VII series filter incl holder plus some extra’s like an ELPRO close up VIIb filter and an adapter ring to use on a macro bellows. Some mini user marks but all in well preserved condition. Sold as combined lot.
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  • LOMO Lubitel 166B TLR camera, boxed

    Price: Sold
    This Lubitel 166B TLR camera takes 120 film. Its seems to be never used since it was still in a sealed box and the cosmetics are just perfect. Nice collectors piece in combination with its original leather case, box, cable release and strap. The shutter fires but was not tested .....
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  • Seagull 4b-I TLR camera, Boxed

    Price: Sold
    The Seagull TLR cameras were made in China and aimed to be an affordable alternative to the German branded ones. Whilst being very affordable in price they actually offer very good quality lenses. The camera takes 120 film and shoots 12 exposures with a 6x6cm format. The camera uses a .....
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  • Hasselblad left hand side grip

    Price: Sold
    This original Hasselblad accessory mounts under the Hasselblad 500C/500CM series bodies. It lets you hold the camera much more comfortable, specially when working with the eye level prism finders. The release button is coupled so you also release the shutter by the button on this grip. Focusing needs to be .....
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  • Mamiya AE Metered Prism Finder RZ67

    Price: Sold
    This AE Prism for the RZ67 is a good addition for people that want to have a lightmeter in their RZ and no mirrored image. The prism has no foam marks and the lightmeter was tested on our test machine and was found to be accurate. The prism looks good .....
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  • Leica 13411 UV/IR E46 filter

    Price: Sold
    IR/UV cut filter made to be used with cameras like the M8. Protects front of lens and filters out IR light that might be captured by a camera without the correct filters on the sensor itself. E46 size, suited for lenses like Summilux-M 50/1.4 ASPH. Has a small dent in .....
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  • Hasselblad 500C/M body, OUTLET

    Price: Sold
    Hasselblad 500CM sold for parts or repair attempt. The winding mechanism is not working. Seems to be opened before, maybe a failed repair attempt. Good cosmetics, nice body and not dropped or damaged. Some regular paintloss on the tripod plate. Standard focusing screen is installed. WLF needs some help opening .....
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  • Konica Hexar AF, black

    Price: Sold
    The Konica Hexar AF is a 35mm point and shoot camera with razor sharp lens. The Hexanon 35mm F/2 lens is what really makes this camera so good, being a full stop faster than for example the Contax options. This system was mainly bought by professionals who wanted a quick .....
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  • Nikon HR-2 rubber lenshood for 55mm F/1.2 lens, boxed

    Price: Sold
    Lenshood by Nikon suited for fast 55mm F1.2 lens. Comes in nice cosmetic condition with only very light user marks. In original box.
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  • Mamiya RZ67 professional 120 film back

    Price: Sold
    Film back for the Mamiya RZ67. Recently show with film by previous owner and working as intended. We have not replaced the seals but based on previous results they are still fresh and good to go. No spacing issues. Nice addition to your RZ67 kit as a second back.
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  • Mamiya RZ67 winder, OUTLET

    Price: Sold
    OUTLET motor winder for the RZ67. Gets no power so does not work in current condition. For repair or parts. No corrosion on contacts and battery compartment seems fine.
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  • Mamiya Left hand grip for M645 with flash bracket installed

    Price: Sold
    Very nice copy of the left hand side grip for the Mamiya 645 system. This bracket is a must have when working with a (metered) prism finder, much more ergonomic than holding the camera as with the WLF. This bracket is in great condition with a flashbracket with 2 sockets .....
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  • Nikon FM silver body, OUTLET

    Price: Sold
    This Nikon FM is sold as found. The hotshoe is missing (supplied with the camera but has to be reattached). Camera does fire but is not tested for accuracy on its lightmeter and shutterspeeds.
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  • Beaulieu 4008ZM II kit in bag

    Price: Sold
    This Beaulieu camera is sold as found. We have not tested the camera extensively and sell it for an as-is price. The camera comes in a beautiful leather bag which holds the camera, a bunch of film, accessories and a powersupply. We are almost certain the batter/power will not work .....
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  • Pentax SuperA + SMC Pentax-A 50mm F/1.8 lens

    Price: Sold
    The Pentax SuperA is a 35mm SLR camera with built in lightmeter and very good automatic exposure mode. The camera can as well be shot on manual modes but this camera is praised for its excellent Program mode, with this camera everyone can take good exposed film photographs. The camera .....
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  • Canon F-1 body, Outlet

    Price: Sold
    This Canon-F-1 comes in a neat cosmetic condition. some brassing to edges. Shutter however needs attention. Shutter speeds above 1/250th are inconsistent and irregular. capping at fastest speeds. A service is required if you wish this Canon above 1/125. No further tests, Fully mechanical camera, electronics untested. Listed as an .....
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