ShopMarch 14, 2023
Leica Leitz Summicron 35mm F/2 V2 for M mount
Price: SoldThe version 2 of the Summicron 35mm is kind of an underdog lens in the Leica lineup. Often overlooked by later V3 or V4 versions this one is actually a really good performer as well. It was the first black summicron 35 (apart from the very very rare V1 black .....Leica Leitz Summicron 35mm F/2 V2 for M mountMarch 14, 2023 -
Seagull TLR camera with 75mm F/3.5 lens
Price: SoldSeagull is a Chinese camera and lens manufacturer that is mostly known for their affordable TLR models. When looking quick at this camera you can easily mistake it for a Rolleicord for example, they really do look like them. Operation is also very comparable to the original Rollei’s. On the .....Seagull TLR camera with 75mm F/3.5 lensMarch 14, 2023 -
B+W 62mm 103 ND0.9 (3 stops) neutral density filter in case
Price: SoldB+W ND filter that cuts out 3 stops of light. 62mm filtersize. Filters like these can come in really handy when you like to shoot wide open in bright conditions and your shutterspeed is maxing out. B+W filters are known for their excellent quality with very low color shifts and .....B+W 62mm 103 ND0.9 (3 stops) neutral density filter in caseMarch 14, 2023 -
Big lot of 15x Rolleiflex Bay II filters, most in leather cases
Price: SoldBig lot of 15 original baj II filters for the Rolleiflex. Nice complete kit, perfect for shooting black and white or expirimental shots. There is an range of color filters yellow, orange, red, green, UV, softar and a very rare IR infrared filter. All for Baj II, mostly in good .....Big lot of 15x Rolleiflex Bay II filters, most in leather casesMarch 14, 2023 -
KMZ optical viewfinder for 85mm lenses
Price: SoldThis optical viewfinder can be mounted on a cameras hotshoe. It shows the perspective of a 85mm / 8,5cm lens. Ideal for camera’s like the Leica II or III without these framelines built in their finders. Made of durable plastic housing on a solid metal hotshoe foot. Some regular usermarks .....KMZ optical viewfinder for 85mm lensesMarch 14, 2023 -
Camera riser adapter for on tripod, for use with large wide angles
Price: Original price was: €15,00.€7,50Current price is: €7,50.This metal tripod attachment rises the camera 7cm higher from the tripod plate. Very useful when working with a large wide angle lens thats extends under the camera’s bottom plate. This adapter clears the camera a bit higher from the tripod head so the lens fits.Camera riser adapter for on tripod, for use with large wide anglesMarch 14, 2023 -
Pentax LX incl. motordrive + SMC 50mm F/1.7 lens
Price: SoldThe Pentax LX was the pinnacle within their 35mm SLR lineup before switching over to digital. The camera often can be found in comparison lists next to the Nikon F3 and the Canon F-1. Its a top of the line professional grade 35mm camera that uses the legendary Pentax K .....Pentax LX incl. motordrive + SMC 50mm F/1.7 lensMarch 14, 2023 -
Canon IXUS IX240 Limited Edition Gold camera, boxed
Price: SoldTo celebrate the 60th anniversary of Canon they released a golden IXUS IX240 camera. Its presented in a nice case with a custom inlay and a leather case, with a certificate of authenticity. Number 006079. Nice collectors item, camera was not tested but looks great. Was not used by previous .....Canon IXUS IX240 Limited Edition Gold camera, boxedMarch 14, 2023 -
Hasselblad B60 Organge filter -2, in case
Price: SoldOrange filter to enhance contrast in black and white photography. Suited for B60 mount lenses. Has some regular wear on the metal ring of the filter. Thin scratch in glass, wont affect image quality. In original caseHasselblad B60 Organge filter -2, in caseMarch 14, 2023 -
Hasselblad Prism Finder, made by Hendsoldt Wetzlar
Price: SoldThis prism finder is suited for the Hasselblad V series camera’s. It was produced in Germany by Hendsoldt in Wetzlar. The finder is in above average condition regarding its age. There is an ever so light verythin foamline that can be seen when looking into a brightlight. Overall very good .....Hasselblad Prism Finder, made by Hendsoldt WetzlarMarch 14, 2023 -
Canon Magnifier S, Boxed
Price: SoldThis Canon magnifier fits a wide range of vintage Canon SLR cameras like the AE-1, T90, A-1 and many others. Won’t fit the F-1 line though. This magnifier comes in an exvellent condition. just light sings of previous use. complete with it’s original packagingCanon Magnifier S, BoxedMarch 14, 2023 -
Hasselblad adapter B50 – B60, genuine
Price: SoldThis genuine Hasselblad filter adapter allows you to use filters with B60 bayonet on to the lenses with the smaller B50 mount. It comes in a good user condition. some paint loss and general wear. Essentional add-onHasselblad adapter B50 – B60, genuineMarch 14, 2023 -
Zunow 1:1.1 / 38mm Tele Cine lens, D-mount
Price: €600,00Zunow is a legendary lens maker from Japan, Most famous for it’s fast lenses for Leica and other rangefinder lenses. It was the first to make an f/1:1.1 / 50mm lens for rangefinder, Before even the Nikkor 1:1.1 / 50mm for it’s Nikon S series cameras which already was inroduced .....Zunow 1:1.1 / 38mm Tele Cine lens, D-mountMarch 14, 2023 -
Nikon FM3a body, with box
Price: SoldThe Nikon FM3a is a modern legend. This is the successor of both the Nikon FM2 and FE2 cameras.. With it’s hybrid shutter it can work correct at all shutter speeds without a battery. But with batteries inserted the meter and Aperture priority modes become available as well. Highly interesting .....Nikon FM3a body, with boxMarch 14, 2023 -
Canon AE-1 Program + Canon FD 50mm 1:1.4
Price: SoldThe Canon AE-1 Program is the more advanced sibling of the Canon AE-1. It differs as it offers a fully automatic exposure mode as you can set the lens at it’s automatic aperture setting and the camera at automatic shutterspeed setting.Canon AE-1 Program + Canon FD 50mm 1:1.4March 14, 2023 -
Nikon FE + 28mm 1:2.8 Series E
Price: SoldThe E in the FE name stands for electronic, thats how this camera differentiates itself from it’s siblings in the Nikon F line-up. The Nikon FE has an electronically controlled shutter which gives this camera the possibility to shoot with an automatic aperture priority exposure mode. This camera is in .....Nikon FE + 28mm 1:2.8 Series EMarch 14, 2023 -
Zeiss Ikon ZM body silver
Price: SoldThis is a silver version of the famous Zeiss Ikon ZM camera. It comes with an original “limited edition” leather protective case. This camera is a great alternative to the Leica M7 or Hexar RF, also housing a built in light meter and aperture priority mode. Shutter speed goes up .....Zeiss Ikon ZM body silverMarch 14, 2023 -
Yashica-24 + 80mm 1:3.5 Yashinon
Price: SoldBefore Yashica introduced the 124 and 124G models which could use both 120 and 220 film they had two different models for the different film types. The Yashica-12 used 120 film and the Yashica-24 used 220 film. While information can be found online about using 120 in the Yashica-24 we .....Yashica-24 + 80mm 1:3.5 YashinonMarch 14, 2023 -
Minolta X700 kit with 2.8 / 28mm MD lens
Price: SoldThe Minolta X-700 is the ideal camera for starting film photographers. It allows the photographer to be creative with light and depth of field but can also help a bit with getting the correct exposures. The camera can shoot on Program mode, meaning it will figure out all exposure settings .....Minolta X700 kit with 2.8 / 28mm MD lensMarch 14, 2023 -
Bronica ETRSi + Zenzanon 75mm F/2.8 incl. WLF & 120 back, boxed
Price: SoldThe Bronica ETRSi is a medium format SLR camera that takes 6×4.5 images on 120 film. The camera is often compared to the Mamiya 645 series but this one has 1 major advantage: interchangable filmbacks. When you have mutiple backs you can easily change between different filmstocks, same as shooting .....Bronica ETRSi + Zenzanon 75mm F/2.8 incl. WLF & 120 back, boxedMarch 14, 2023 -
Bronica Zenzanon-PS 150mm F/4 for SQ, dent
Price: SoldThis 150mm zenzanon lens is suited for use on the Bronica SQ series cameras. It works out to be around an 85mm lens when converted to 35mm format, ideal for shooting portraits. Nice compact telephoto lens that allows for nice shallow depth of field images. Very sharp rendering lens. This .....Bronica Zenzanon-PS 150mm F/4 for SQ, dentApril 4, 2023 -
Rolleiflex TLR in leather case, OUTLET
Price: SoldRolleiflex TLR in leather case. Camera was not extensively tested and might need some work. The viewing lens is a bit foggy. Overall cosmetics of the camera are decent, not perfect and need some proper clean. Viewfinder screen a bit scratched like always. Wheels for speed and aperture turn very .....Rolleiflex TLR in leather case, OUTLETApril 4, 2023