ShopOctober 14, 2022
Contax T2 Titanium Black w/ Sonnar 38mm f/2.8 T* Boxed
SoldRecently sold: A Titanium black finish T2 with nice Zeiss Sonnar 38mm f/2.8 lens. The camera comes in excellent condition with light signs of previous use. The body looks well cared for. Only a small mark near the flash. All electronic functions including flash work like intended and the camera .....Contax T2 Titanium Black w/ Sonnar 38mm f/2.8 T* BoxedOctober 14, 2022 -
Canon NEW F-1 + nFD 50mm f/1.8
SoldRecently sold: The camera comes in good working condition with regular signs of previous use. The body has some wear in places like brassing on edges. The shutter runs accurately on all speeds and the lightmeter is working accurately. The finder is clear with split prism focusing screen (type PE). .....Canon NEW F-1 + nFD 50mm f/1.8October 14, 2022 -
Voigtlander Prominent + Nokton 1:1.5 / 50mm
SoldRecently sold: The Prominent was intended to compete with the very best, and it did in terms of finish and optics. But it really didn’t, because it was a bad design to begin with. It is a large heavy camera, slow and awkward to use. Voigtlander should have known better .....Voigtlander Prominent + Nokton 1:1.5 / 50mmOctober 14, 2022 -
Hasselblad 503CW Chrome kit + Zeiss Planar 2.8 / 80 CFE
Price: SoldHere we have a very late Hasselblad 503Cw kit. The body comes with original packaging and has been made in 2009! Comes with the latest CFE version Carl Zeiss Planar 2.8 / 80mm lens and a super bright Acute Matte D focusing screen with split image. THe waist level finder .....Hasselblad 503CW Chrome kit + Zeiss Planar 2.8 / 80 CFEOctober 4, 2022 -
Nikon F2 + DE-1 Plain prism + Nikkor 1:2 / 50mm, Boxed
Price: SoldNikon took a look at the well built and very durable Nikon F and modified all the parts that would make the camera even more practical in use: it got a higher top speed, an open swinging backdoor, a better placed shutter button and a bigger variaty of prism finders. .....Nikon F2 + DE-1 Plain prism + Nikkor 1:2 / 50mm, BoxedOctober 4, 2022 -
Canon AT-1 + Canon FD 28mm 1:2.8 S.C
Price: SoldAlmost exactly the same as the popular Canon AE-1 both inside and out, the Canon AT-1 misses the shutter priorite exposure mode but has an needle match lightmeter which a lot of people prefer over the shutterspeed priority system of the Canon AE-1. This camera is in good condition but .....Canon AT-1 + Canon FD 28mm 1:2.8 S.COctober 4, 2022 -
Nikon FE chrome + Nikon Nikkor 50mm 1:2 AI
Price: SoldA high quality Nikon SLR with an electronic shutter. the Nikon FE is a beautifully designed camera with a nice clear finder, an integrated lightmeter and because of the electronic shutter an aperture priority exposure mode. This chrome Nikon FE is in beautiful external condition with little wear marks, there .....Nikon FE chrome + Nikon Nikkor 50mm 1:2 AIOctober 4, 2022 -
Konica Big Mini Mermaid boxed
Price: SoldAlmost everybody with a bit of knowledge about point & shoot cameras knows the Konica Big Mini, a small compact camera with an amazing lens. What not a lot of people know is that Konica also made a waterproof version of this camera: the Konica Mermaid waterproof Big Mini. Great .....Konica Big Mini Mermaid boxedOctober 4, 2022 -
Voigtlander Prominent II + Voigtlander 1:2/50 Ultron
Price: €300,00Some people call this the best designed rangefinder system with interchangeable lenses ever produced. The Voigtlander Prominent II has an internal Synchro-compur leave shutter, a coupled rangefinder & viewfinder window that is twice as big a it’s predecessor and much more. This camera is in good external condition but it .....Voigtlander Prominent II + Voigtlander 1:2/50 UltronOctober 4, 2022 -
Bronica SQ-AI kit + Zenzanon PS 1:2.8 / 80mm
Price: SoldThe Zenza Brionica SQ-AI was the last in line of the popular SQ series cameras. This medium format camera has been introduced in 1990 and takes square pictures in 6×6 format on 120 film. The Bronca SQ-AI is an excellent Hasselblad alternative This Bronica SQ-AI kit comes in an excellent .....Bronica SQ-AI kit + Zenzanon PS 1:2.8 / 80mmOctober 4, 2022 -
Leica M7 0.72 body in chrome, boxed
Price: SoldThe Leica M7 has been introduced in 2002 and was the first Leica rangefinder camera with electronic controlled shutter and aperture priority mode. It has the larger shutter dial as seen on the M6TTL and two mechanical times, 60 + 125. This Leica M7 comes in an excellent condition. Just .....Leica M7 0.72 body in chrome, boxedOctober 4, 2022 -
Olympus OM-2 + Olympus 50mm 1:1.8 Zuiko MC
Price: SoldWhen Olympus introduced the OM-1 in in 1972 it was a big change in the camera market as the SLR market at the time was dominated by bigger an heavier cameras like the Nikon F. It came as quite a surprise when they updated the small and lightweight Olympus OM-1 .....Olympus OM-2 + Olympus 50mm 1:1.8 Zuiko MCSeptember 27, 2022 -
Contax G1 + 28mm 1:2.8 Carl Zeiss *T Biogon
Price: SoldOne of the luxury camera of the 1990’s. The Contax G1 is incredibly well built, has a very high quality feel because of it’s titanium body and produces amazing photo’s due to the high quality Carl Zeiss lenses that were made for these cameras. Combine that with a fully automatic .....Contax G1 + 28mm 1:2.8 Carl Zeiss *T BiogonSeptember 27, 2022 -
Leica M4-P, fresh service
Price: SoldThe P in M4-P stands for professional. It was the successor of the Leica M4-2 and added 28 and 75mm framelines to the already existing line-up of 35m, 50 and 90mm. It is basically an M6 without a lightmeter. The camera comes in good condition, some regular wear. Some mark .....Leica M4-P, fresh serviceSeptember 27, 2022 -
Mamiya 645 + Mamiya Sekor C 80mm 1:2.8
Price: SoldMamiya’s first design for a 6×4,5 medium format camera and they got it correct right away. It’s small, lightweight (especially with the WLF like this camera has), very easy to opperate and gives lovely images. This camera is in good condition and has very little usage marks. The leather starts .....Mamiya 645 + Mamiya Sekor C 80mm 1:2.8September 27, 2022 -
Hasselblad 500C/M + Planar 80mm F/2.8 kit
Price: SoldThe Hasselblad 500C/M is one of Hasselblads most popular camera’s. Combined with the first generation 80mm Zeiss Planar lens which renders beautiful images this is a true dream to use. The camera is very pleasant in use and all functions are as simple as it can get. It takes 6x6cm .....Hasselblad 500C/M + Planar 80mm F/2.8 kitSeptember 27, 2022 -
Rolleiflex 3.5F, 12-24 version, no meter
Price: SoldThis 3.5F version comes without lightmeter block installed on the top. This was probably taken of and replaced with a regular nameplate once, that’s why there is no serial on top of the camera. This variant has the ”importe d’allemagne” badge on the waste level finder. The camera also has .....Rolleiflex 3.5F, 12-24 version, no meterSeptember 27, 2022 -
Nikon F3 kit + Nikon Nikkor 50mm 1:1.8 AI
Price: SoldNumber 3 in the professional Nikon F line-up. The Nikon F3 made a couple of big changes compared to the Nikon F and F2. The body was a bit smaller and lighter, it had a semi-automatic exposure controll and a built-in lightmeter. Whereas the Nikon F and F2 were reliant .....Nikon F3 kit + Nikon Nikkor 50mm 1:1.8 AISeptember 27, 2022 -
Minolta XD 5 + Minolta MD 50mm 1:2
Price: SoldIn the 1970’s Leica designed a camera together with Minolta which resulted in the Minolta XD7 and the Leica R4. The Minolta XD5 is the younger brother of the XD7 and is almost identical, the metal topcover got replaced for a plastic one, there is a little less information visible .....Minolta XD 5 + Minolta MD 50mm 1:2September 27, 2022 -
Mamiya M645J + Mamiya-Sekor C 1:2.8 80mm
Price: SoldWhen comparing the two Mamiya medium format SLR’s from the 70-80’s the Mamiya RB67 and M645 are quite the opposite. The RB67 has every feauture you can think of but is very big and heavy while the Mamiya M645 offers a compact, lightweight and portable camera while keeping the most .....Mamiya M645J + Mamiya-Sekor C 1:2.8 80mmSeptember 20, 2022 -
Canon AE-1 + FD Canon 28mm 1:2.8
Price: SoldThis is one of the couple of cameras everybody seems to recommend to beginning analog photographers. It has a nice selection of lenses, an internal lightmeter and a shutterspeed priority automatic exposure mode. The body is in good cosmetic condition, it has a couple of scratches here and there but .....Canon AE-1 + FD Canon 28mm 1:2.8September 20, 2022 -
Bronica SQ-AI kit + Zenzanon PS 1:3.5 50mm
Price: SoldIn 1990 Bronica introduced the SQ-Ai as the updated version of the SQ-A. It has the capability to do off the film flash metering and use a motor-drive. A great 6×6 alternative to the well known Hasselblad. The camera is in great condition, there are very little usage marks and .....Bronica SQ-AI kit + Zenzanon PS 1:3.5 50mmSeptember 20, 2022