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Showing 2377–2398 of 9710 results
  • Carl Zeiss CFi 150mm F/4 Sonnar T* for Hasselbad V

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    This Carl Zeiss Sonnar 150mm F/4 lens is suited for most Hasselblads medium format SLR’s. Its a nice portrait focal length, the 35mm equivalent is around a 75mm F/2.8 lens. The front has a 60mm bayonett ring for attaching all sorts of accessories and filters. Very good optics and the .....
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  • Leica Leitz Elmarit-R 1:2.8 / 135 lens, 3-cam

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    The 135mm Elmarit lens is a favorite of many Leica portrait photographers. It compress your subject quite a bit and makes everyone look fantastic. It can be used for headshots and wider portraits and gives amazing bokeh. It will fit and meter correctly to all Leica R cameras from the .....
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  • Nikon Nikkor 105mm F/2.5 AI portrait lens

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    This great compact portrait lens by Nikon has a focal length of 105mm and a fast aperture of F/2.5 whilst keeping Nikons most used 52mm filtersize. Its a well known and respected performer amongst Nikon users. It is able to create nice soft backgrounds and produces lovely colors. It has .....
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  • Carl Zeiss Jena Biometar 2.8/80 MC DDR lens P6 with Mamiya 645 adapter

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    This Carl Zeiss Jena Biometar lens fits Mamiya M645 cameras with the adapter included, stop down metering only. The lens comes in good condition with light signs of previous use. The barrel looks well cared for with only minimal wear. Glass all excellent. Interesting lens for Mamiya 645 but without .....
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  • Beautyflex + 80mm 1:2.8 Canter F.C

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    Made in Japan the Beautyflex offers a nice alternative to Rolleilex TLR’s with f/2.8 lenses. Because these cameras are quite rare they are often interesting cameras for collectors. This Beautyflex is in good cosmetic condition but it does show it’s age at certain places. Mechanically it is fully functional. Even .....
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  • Leitz Canada Summilux 1:1.4 / 35 + Hood, Leica M

    Leitz Canada Summilux 1:1.4 / 35 + Hood, Leica M

    Price: 2.250,00
    This second type Summilux 35mm lens for Leica M is famous for it’s rendering. It is not the sharpest lens wide open but gives a beautiful character. At f4 and F5.6 still an amazing bokeh is present but also with a very pleasant sharpness. A highly recommended vintage Leica optic .....
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  • Leica Summicron-R 35mm F/2 E55 3-cam verison, worn

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    This fast wide angle lens by Leica was originally made for the Leica R system. Introduced in 1977 and produced till 2009 roughly 30.000 copies were made. This copy is a 3-cam version in used condition. There is quite some paintloss on the barrel of the lens. There is a .....
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  • Hasselblad HC 35mm F/3.5 lens (only 4600 clicks)

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    This wide angle prime lens by Hasselblad can be used on their H system cameras. Works both on film and digital due its large image circle. Has a decent autofocus speed and very good optics. Manual focus ring is also a pleasure to use. This lens is in used condition .....
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  • Nikon zoom Nikkor 35-200 1:3.5-4.5 AIS

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    This Nikon zoom lens has an impressive range from wide angle to tele. It is however rather bulky but a decent performer. The lens comes in a user condition. bit dirty appearance but good functional. Smooth focus and zoom. Snappy aperture. Good optics.Excellent allround econimical Nikon zoom lens
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  • Leica Elmarit-R 1:2.8 / 28mm, 3-cam lens, Leitz Wetzlar

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    This Leica Leitz Elmarit 28mm lens is the 3-cam version. It will fit and meter correctly to all Leica R cameras from the very first Leicaflex models up to the Leica R9. This Elmarit lens has been made in the late 1970s and comes in a well preserved condition for .....
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  • Leica M2 + Leitz Elmar 50mm F/2.8 M, recent CLA

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    The Leica M2 is the successor of the famous Leica M3. It was marketed as a more affordable version of the M3 with some light changes to the operation and looks. But the most important change was the addition of the 35mm framelines and there for making it really wanted .....
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  • Minolta CLE + Leica 40mm 1:2 Summicron-C

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    In the 1970’s Leica and Minolta worked together to design a new compact rangefinder camera with a lightmeter and an M-mount lens bayonet. This design became the Minolta CLE and Leica CL. The Minolta CLE can use the same lenses as the popular Leica M models, has an aperture priority .....
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  • Nikon FM3a + Nikon Nikkor AI 50mm 1:2

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    The grand finale of the Nikon FM camera line-up. The Nikon FM cameras were incredibly designed fully mechanical cameras with the Nikon F lens mount and internal lightmeters. Because of the cameras are fully mechanical they are easy to service and don’t have to rely on batteries for their shutter .....
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  • Nikon F4 body w/ MB-23 grip (Nikon F4e)

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    The Nikon F4 was the first succesful SLR with autofocus and conquered the new era of the professional SLR’s soon after its introduction in 1988. It shoots at almost 6 frames per second and uses the Nikkor AF lenses but also can be used with the older manual focus nikkors .....
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  • Olympus OM40 Program + Olympus F. Zuiko 50mm 1:1.8 MC

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    Olympus had a consumer and a professional OM SLR camera line-up of which the OM40 Program is the top of the line model in the consumer grade models. It offers a variaty of features like aperture priority and program exposure modes, DX reading and two metering modes. This camera is .....
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  • Olympus OM-2n + Olympus Zuiko 50mm 1:1.8

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    The first upgrade of the Olympus OM-2 produced from 1979 onwards was this OM-2n. The OM-2n shows a warning when using exposure compensation and the camera got a newly designed shutter because it’s predecessors had a hard time reaching the 1/1000 shutterspeed. This camera is in slightly used but very .....
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  • Mamiya C330 + Mamiya-Sekor D 105mm 1:3.5

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    Mamiya adressed the biggest issues that people have with TLR cameras: the minimum focuse distance and the fixed lenses. Mamiya changed the standard TLR design by giving the Mamiya C cameras a bellows focus system which allowed for an incredible close minimum focus distance and gave the camera a mechanism .....
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  • Rolleiflex T in grey + Rolleikin, boxed

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    The Rolleiflex T is a medium format TLR camera that can shoot 6×6 negatives on 120 film. This is a beautiful version of the T with gray leather coverings that match very well with the silver and black painted metals around the camera. This camera comes with a Carl Zeiss .....
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  • steky outfit with extra lens and flash, in wooden cases

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    Very complete Stecky subminiature camera. The camera comes with it’s wooden case and leather camera case. It comes with the filter and standard lens. But also the Tele lens which comes in it’s own wooden case. The Flash is included as well and some document and empty film packaging. Shutter .....
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  • GEC – Transistomatic Radio and Camera in one

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    How cool is this! A transistor radio with a camera built in. Beautiful design and hard to find. Not tested but good cosmetics. Collectors camera and the perfect seasonal gift
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  • Lot of 3 books about Hasselblads history and operation

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    This lot contains 3 english written books with loads of information about Hasselblads products in them. There is 2 from H. Freytag and 1 from Les Barry. The Les Barry one incudes some of their very first models as well such as the 1600F, 1000F and first SWC, this is .....
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  • the ROLLEI 16, in outfit case + 2x Rollei Mutar

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    Beautiful sub miniature camera made by Rollei. Complete bundle in presentation case. Comes with strap and flash and some filters and manuals. Also a Rollei Mutar wide and Tele converter. The camera comes in a well preserved condition. Collectors grade model. Film however is hard to obtain for this model. .....
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