ShopJanuary 24, 2023
Canon T90 body with FD 50mm F/1.8 lens
Price: SoldThe Canon T90 is a 35mm SLR camera with Canon FD lensmount. It actually was the last SLR from canon to have a manual focus operation and the FD mount.They then switched to the new EOS cameras with EF mount. Due its late release date in the FD era it .....Canon T90 body with FD 50mm F/1.8 lensJanuary 24, 2023 -
Canon F-1n with AE finder + FD 50mm F/1.8 SSC lens
Price: SoldThe Canon F1n is the lastest in their professional FD mount lineup with the classic SLR design. This New version was an upgraded one with slightly different cosmetics as well, the finish is a matte black coating compared to the old deep black paint ones. This kit comes with the .....Canon F-1n with AE finder + FD 50mm F/1.8 SSC lensJanuary 24, 2023 -
Canon AE-1 kit + 1.8 / 50mm
Price: SoldThe Canon AE-1 is one of the most popular cameras of today. Check out all the articles about getting started into film photography, the Canon AE-1 is the most recommended starter camera ever. And for a reason. It’s timeless design, combined with a very intuitive operation. Amazing bright finder and .....Canon AE-1 kit + 1.8 / 50mmJanuary 17, 2023 -
Asahiflex + Asahi-Kogaku 50mm F/3.5 lens, OUTLET
Price: Sold1950s SLR made in Japan. This camera is sold as display piece or for a restauration job. Bit dirty cosmetics. The shutter fires but is very slow and certainly not accurate. shutter curtain remains partly open due to too low shutter tension. The filmwinding is a bit stiff and springs .....Asahiflex + Asahi-Kogaku 50mm F/3.5 lens, OUTLETJanuary 17, 2023 -
Nikon F black body, OUTLET
Price: SoldThis Nikon F is sold as OUTLET product without warranty. Great for display purposes or for parts / repair. The shutter does fire sometimes but the mirror is very lazy and slow and does not comedown every time. Jams because of that. Some separation in the prism of the finder. .....Nikon F black body, OUTLETJanuary 17, 2023 -
Mamiya M645 kit + 2.8 / 80mm Sekor + WLF
Price: SoldThe Mamiya 645 system is a very popular and affordable way to get into medium format photography. They are very simple to use cameras and are not that hard to get to know when comming from a 35mm SLR for example. The camera shoots 16 6×4.5cm negatives on 120 film. .....Mamiya M645 kit + 2.8 / 80mm Sekor + WLFJanuary 17, 2023 -
Leica Minilux Zoom with Vario-Elmar 35-70mm lens
Price: SoldThe Leica Minilux models are 35mm point and shoot cameras with autofocus. This Zoom version has a 35-70mm Vario-Elmar F/3.5-6.5 lens. This focal length is ideal for all kinds of photography but mainly a good weather travel zoom camera. The camera has a decently fast autofocus system, built in flash, .....Leica Minilux Zoom with Vario-Elmar 35-70mm lensJanuary 17, 2023 -
Nikon F90X + AF Nikkor 28-105mm F/3.5-4.5D lens kit
Price: SoldThe Nikon F90x is a very automated semi professional 35mm SLR camera with autofocus. The camera has loads of handy automated feautres like DX reading, automatic transport, autofocus, many auto or semi automatic exposure modes, selftimer, multiple lightmetering methods and more. The camera was originally aimed at enthousiast hobby or .....Nikon F90X + AF Nikkor 28-105mm F/3.5-4.5D lens kitJanuary 17, 2023 -
Hasselblad 905 SWC + A12 film magazine & viewfinder
Price: €5.500,00In 1954 Hasselblad introduced their first wide angle camera called the Supreme Wide Angle. Through the years hasselblad continuously updated this model but always kept the same camera and lens design all the way up to the last model which was produced until 2009: the Hasselblad 905 SWC. We acquired .....Hasselblad 905 SWC + A12 film magazine & viewfinderDecember 29, 2023 -
Leica M4-P body chrome (70 year edition), fresh CLA & Boxed
Price: SoldThe Leica M4-P was the last fully mechanical rangefinder camera by Leica before releasing the famous M6. The camera has no built in lightmeter but does have all the framelines you will get with the M6. This M4-P is in like perfect condition with the original box. Rare chrome version. .....Leica M4-P body chrome (70 year edition), fresh CLA & BoxedDecember 29, 2023 -
Contax G1 + 45mm F/2 Planar T* champagne kit, boxed
Price: SoldThe Contax G1 is a autofocus rangefinder styled system camera that shoots 35mm film. The camera makes use one of the best lens options around: Carl Zeiss. Zeiss actually made a special line for these cameras and were able to put autofocus in their lenses whilst keeping them very small. .....Contax G1 + 45mm F/2 Planar T* champagne kit, boxedJanuary 17, 2023 -
Hasselblad 500 ELX body
Price: SoldAccording to Hasselblad the 500ELX was aimed for the professional photographer. It’s perfect for studio use since it is fully motorized and fast and simple to operate. Batteries for this model however ar no longer in production making the Electronic Hasselblad cameras less popular nowadays. This ELX comes with a .....Hasselblad 500 ELX bodyJanuary 17, 2023 -
Rollei 35s
Price: SoldThe Rollei 35 S is one of the smallest 35mm cameras ever made. It is a very advanced and fully mechanical camera with a collapsible Carl Zeiss Sonnar 2.8 / 40mm lens. Shutter speeds and aperture are controlled fron the front. This is not a rangefinder but the camera is .....Rollei 35sJanuary 17, 2023 -
Bronica ETRC + Zenzanon 50mm F/2.8 MC
Price: SoldThe Bronica ETRC is basically like any other ETR camera but with a fixed filmback. The back can not be taken off and changed mid roll. This camera there for is the perfect one to compare against the Mamiya 645. Very similar in operation and size. Shutterspeeds go from 1/500th .....Bronica ETRC + Zenzanon 50mm F/2.8 MCJanuary 17, 2023 -
lot of 4x subminiature camera
Price: SoldThis lot contains 4 subminiature camera which are a beautiful add-on to any camera collection. Included cameras are the Mycro IIIa which comes boxed and with leather case. The shutter fires. Well preserved condition. A mini camera made in hong kong (shutter wont fire, bit worn) Monolta 16 camera. Shutter .....lot of 4x subminiature cameraDecember 13, 2022 -
Boxed Zenza Bronica ETRSi with AE III prism finder + Zenzanon-PE 1:2.8 75mm
Price: SoldAfter many popular models Bronica finished the ETR line with the ETRSi. This model got a couple of improved features like mirror lock-up, through the lens flash metering and an off the film exposure mode. This camera is in beautiful condition as is the matching AE III prism finder. There .....Boxed Zenza Bronica ETRSi with AE III prism finder + Zenzanon-PE 1:2.8 75mmDecember 13, 2022 -
PIC, The amazing NEW Circular camera
Price: SoldThe amazing NEW Circular camera – takes 16 pictures on a standard 127 film (127 film is no longer in production).” According to it’s box it’s also the all-round family camera which needs no special knowledge” The PIC is the UNIQUE (according to box)( All-Round camera ideal for snap-happy holidays. .....PIC, The amazing NEW Circular cameraDecember 13, 2022 -
Kalloflex TLR with Kowa 75mm F/3.5 lens, OUTLET
Price: SoldThe Kalloflex is a Japanese made TLR that shoots 6×6 images on 120 film. It offers great image quality for an affordable price, back when it came out it was actually called the poor mans rolleiflex. Originally made in Japan it was aimed at the top of the TLR market .....Kalloflex TLR with Kowa 75mm F/3.5 lens, OUTLETDecember 13, 2022 -
Hasselblad 500C/M + 80mm F/2.8 & A12 chrome kit
Price: SoldThe most sought after Hasselblad of this moment. The 500C/M is based on the 500C and has interchangable focusing screens. This camera is outfitted with a grid focusing screen making it ideal for composing compositions with a lot of straight lines. The camera also comes with a more modern version .....Hasselblad 500C/M + 80mm F/2.8 & A12 chrome kitDecember 13, 2022 -
Tahbes Synchrona + Flash unit, Boxed
Price: SoldThis beautiful camera has been made in Holland. It’s pretty uncommon but with the original boxes and flash ithis tahbes is very hard to find. The shutter fires. Further functions untested. The camera comes in a well preserved condition with some general wear. Beautiful decorational piece and a perfect giftTahbes Synchrona + Flash unit, BoxedDecember 13, 2022 -
Leica IIIg + 5cm F/3.5 Elmar lens kit, fresh CLA
Price: SoldThe Leica IIIg was the last LTM camera before Leica fully switched over on just producing the M bodies. Made between 57 and 60 only a few have been made compared to the earlier II and III models. Once of the most important feautures of the Leica IIIG is that .....Leica IIIg + 5cm F/3.5 Elmar lens kit, fresh CLADecember 13, 2022 -
Alfa camera, Deep blue
Price: SoldThis camera has been made in Poland and comes in the hard to find deep blue finish. Beautiful cosmetic condition. fuctions not tested. Nice collectors camera and a perfect giftAlfa camera, Deep blueDecember 13, 2022