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  • Rollei HFT Planar 80mm F/2.8 lens for 6000 system, missing shutter blade, OUTLET

    Rollei HFT Planar 80mm F/2.8 lens for 6000 system, missing shutter blade, OUTLET

    Price: 80,00
    80mm F/2.8 standard focal length lens for Rollei’s 6000 series medium formar SLRs. This 80mm F/2.8 is designed by Zeiss but made by Rollei. When we bought a large part of the original Rollei factory some years back we noticed some of the optics are interchangable between Hasselblads/Zeiss versions and .....
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  • Rollei HFT Sonnar 150mm f/4 for 6000 series

    Rollei HFT Sonnar 150mm f/4 for 6000 series

    Price: 200,00
    A slightly later model HFT Sonnar 150mm f/4 for Rolleiflex 6000 series with updated aperture ring design. Cosmetically in good condition, focus rubber has been reglued at some point and some residue is visible. Focus turns buttery smooth with good dampening. Shutter works accurately on all speeds and aperture also .....
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