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Buy fresh & expired films

Here at Fotohandel Delfshaven we offer a wide variety of film from brands like Kodak, FujiFilm, CineStill and Foma. We are doing our very best to keep prices as affordable as possible. We sell all the famous films like Kodak Portra, Kodak Gold 200, Kodak Ultramax 400, Ilford HP5 and the budget friendly yet amazing Fomapan films. Have a browse through our selection below! The stock you see on this page represents availability in the store as well.

Through our partners at Cameralisatie we offer a professional film development & scanning service. High resolution scans for all formats and films.

We have a constantly changing offer in expired 120 and 35mm films. In the store we have jars to pick from with much more choice, priced as low as €5.00 per roll.

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Showing 111–132 of 202 results
  • Fujichrome MS 100/1000 (RMS) slide film / 120 (5-pack), expired 2000

    Price: Sold
    Fujichrome RMS or MS 100/1000 is pretty rare film to find these days, being a variable speed daylight balanced E6 slide film. Expired 2000-9, always kept in a cool place since purchase but storage before unknown. Still in the seal wrappers but original box we had to throw away due .....
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  • FujiFilm Professional NeoPan 1600 / 135-36 (6-pack), expired 2006

    Price: Sold
    6 Rolls of 35mm Fujifilm Neopan 1600 film, expired 2006/4. All in original packaging and cold stored since purchase by previous owner somewhere mid 2010s, storage before was also refrigerated from a professional photographer. This unique film is getting harder and harder to find these days, with a unique contrasty .....
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  • FujiColor NPH 400 portrait film / 120 (4-pack), expired 2005

    Price: Sold
    4 rolls of Fujifilm NPH 400 (Pro 400H) 120 film, expired 2005-2. Still in wrappers and the original packaging box. Cool stored by previous owner since he got them somewhere mid 2010s.
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  • FujiFilm Neopan 1600 / 135-36, 5-pack, expired 2012

    Price: Sold
    5 rolls of Fujifilm Neopan 1600 35mm film, one in original packaging. Expired in 2012/7. Came from the same lot so it is assumed the other rolls are also similar or the same expiry date. Cold stores by previous owner. Very hard to find these days.
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  • FujiFilm NeoPan 400 / 135-36 (10-pack), expired 2015

    Price: Sold
    Fujifilm Neopan 400 is truely a unique looking 400 iso black and white film that is still sorely missed by a lot of people. This expired 2015-5 film is from one of the last production batches, purchased new by it’s previous owner and always kept in a cool dry place. .....
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  • FujiFilm Neopan Acros 100 / 120 (5-pack), expired 2015-3

    Price: Sold
    New old stock expired pack of Fujifilm Neopan Acros 100, from more or less the last batch produced before they discontinued the original Acros before bringing out Acros II which is produced elsewhere. Always stored in a cool place. Sold per box of 5, multiple packs available, all from same .....
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  • Kodak 2253 ISO 400 Slide Film (E-6), 35mm 30.5m / 100ft bulk roll

    Price: Sold
    Kodak 2253 is quite an unusual film to find these days. Said to be ex-government stock, this around 2004 expired bulk roll is 30.5m or 100 ft long. The film was at some point sold by FPP as Retrochrome 400 film, where sources can be found online for. Bought by .....
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  • FujiFilm Neopan Acros 100 / 135-35 (10-pack), expired 2013

    Price: Sold
    Sealed 10 pack of Fujifilm Neopan Acros 100 35mm film, expired 2013-10. Stored in a cool place by the previous owner. Very nice sharp and low grain black and white film.
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  • FujiFilm NeoPan 400 / 135-36 (12-pack), expired 2015

    Price: Sold
    12 rolls of Fujifilm Neopan 400, expired in 2015, so from the last batches made of this film. A truely unique film that is sadly never coming back and hard to find this late production expired film. Cool stored by the previous owner that bought them new.
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  • Kodak Portra 160 / 120 (5-pack), expired 2017

    Price: Sold
    5 pack of Portra 160 film, expired in 05/2017. Still all sealed in packaging in the original box, cool stored.
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  • Impossible Polaroid SX-70 instant films, 5x color, 2x B&W, expired

    Price: Sold
    Lot of 7 packs expired Impossible Project SX-70 films. 5x color and 2x BW versions. Expired on various dates. Purchased from factory as b-stock originally. Stored in cool cellar but performance remains unknown.
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  • FujiFilm Pro 400H / 120 (5-pack), expired 2008

    Price: Sold
    Propack of Fujifilm Pro400H in 120 format, expired in 2008-11. Still in sealed packaging and cool stored by previous owner that got it in the mid 2010s. Storage before unknown. Multiple packs available.
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  • FujiFilm Reala 100 / 220 film (5-pack), expired 2006

    Price: Sold
    5 pack of 220 format Fuji Reala 100 color negative film. Still in sealed boxes and stored in a cool place by the previous owner.
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  • Kodak Portra 160NC / 120 (5-pack), expired 2011-9

    Price: Sold
    5 pack of Porta 160NC film, from one of the last batches made before the NC and VC line was discontinued in favour of a single Porta 160 variant. NC gives smooth and natural skin tones. Stored in a cool place, still in original box and sealed rolls.
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  • Kodak Supra 100 / 135-36 (5-pack), expired mid 2000s

    Price: Sold
    The exact expiry date is unknown. But based on other packs of this lot we think somewhere around 2003-2006 era. 5 rolls of 35mm film with 100 ISO, 36 exposures per roll.
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  • AGFA Optima 124 / 135-24 (10-pack), expired 06/93

    Price: Sold
    Agfa Optima is a Professional color negative film introduced by Agfa Germany begin 90s. This still sealed 10 pack is expired in 06-1993, so will probably need some overexposure just to be sure. Storage was cool since the previous owner got it somewhere in the mid 2010s but unknown before .....
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  • FujiFilm Reala 100 / 120 (5-pack), expired 2014

    Price: Sold
    Propack of 5 120 format rolls of Fujifilm Reala 100 iso C41 color film. Bought new by previous owner and always cool stored. Very late production as Reala got discontinued in 2013.
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  • Kodak Portra 400NC / 120 (4-pack), expired 2003

    Price: Sold
    4 rolls of Portra 400NC expired in 05/2003; cool stored since purchase by last owner around 2016, storage before that unknown. Still sealed in their wrapper and come in 5 pack box.
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  • Kodak Supra 800 / 135-36 (6-pack), expired mid 2000s

    Price: Sold
    800 ISO color negative film in 35mm format. Expired around 20 years ago. Exact date unknown but it was stored in cool garage box. Maybe over expose it with 1-2 stops to compensate the date. Fine grain 800 speed film. 6 rolls with 36 shots eachs roll.
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  • AGFA Ultra Color 100 / 135-36 (10-pack), expired 2004

    Price: Sold
    Agfa Ultra is high color saturation colour negative film. This 10 still sealed 10 pack of 35mm rolls with 36 exposures is expired in 12/2004. Storage was in a cool place since the previous owner got it but storage before this is unknown. Very unique rendering film, almost like shooting .....
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  • Kodak Technical PAN 25 ISO black and white bulk film, 35mm x 150 ft (45.7m), expired 2000

    Price: Sold
    Kodak Technical Pan is a very high resolution 25 ISO speed black and white film, and is quite hard to find these days especially in these 150 ft / 45.7m bulk rolls which would make around 25-30 rolls depending on your bulk loader. The film was freezer stored until a .....
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  • Kodak Elite Color 200 / 135-36 (5-pack), expired 2008

    Price: Sold
    Sealed 5 pack of Kodak Elite Color 200 35mm film, expired 03-2008. Cool stored since purchase of previous owner. Storage before that was from a bigger batch of these that were also cool stored. Very interesting colour film that is quite hard to find these days.
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