Fotohandel Delfshaven
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Buy fresh & expired films

Here at Fotohandel Delfshaven we offer a wide variety of film from brands like Kodak, FujiFilm, CineStill and Foma. We are doing our very best to keep prices as affordable as possible. We sell all the famous films like Kodak Portra, Kodak Gold 200, Kodak Ultramax 400, Ilford HP5 and the budget friendly yet amazing Fomapan films. Have a browse through our selection below! The stock you see on this page represents availability in the store as well.

Through our partners at Cameralisatie we offer a professional film development & scanning service. High resolution scans for all formats and films.

We have a constantly changing offer in expired 120 and 35mm films. In the store we have jars to pick from with much more choice, priced as low as €5.00 per roll.

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Showing 199–202 of 202 results
  • 6-Pack of Expired Mystery 120 films, holiday gift

    Price: Sold
    Looking for a fun holiday gift for a film photographer, or never knowing what film stock to choose yourself? Let us surprise you with a selection of random expired 120 films! We have a big collection of various expired 120 films and tought it would be nice to let people .....
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  • Lot of 8x Minox film

    Price: Sold
    This lot contains 8 various films for use in the Minox cameras. There is some Minicolor 100, Spyfilm 100 B&W and Minocolor 2. Of course all expired but still fun to expiriment with. Storage was unkown. Sold as lot of 8 , two bags opened but the cases are still .....
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  • Kodak Portra 400NC 70mm bulkfilm 100ft / 30.5m, expired 2009

    Price: Sold
    This Kodak bulk film roll is especially made for 70mm bulkfilm backs such as the Hasselblad A70. Kodak Portra 400 NC was one of the most beloved color negative films for professionals. This film expired in june 2009 and the previous owner stored them cool. A bulkfilmloader for 70mm film .....
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  • 1x Fuji FP 100C, instant color film. Expired 2005

    Price: Sold
    one pack of Fuji Fujicolor FP 100C instant color film. Expired 2005 Expired film may give unexpected results, we are unable to give any warranty. boxes may have damage. might be dirty and might be a bit smelly. some water damage from unfreezing
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