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Showing all 2 results
  • 25x unknown color film in metal canisters, long expired (1970)

    25x unknown color film in metal canisters, long expired (1970)

    Price: 36,00
    Box of 25 35mm cartridges with 32 ISO colour film loaded in them. Which film exactly is unknown but the expiry date is 1970 so we don’t expect it to usable still. The cartridges are individually packed in metal canisters and look quite good still so could be reloaded with .....
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  • Kodak Tmax P3200 / 135-36, single roll, expired 07-2024

    Kodak Tmax P3200 / 135-36, single roll, expired 07-2024

    Price: 13,00
    A batch of ”freshly expired” Kodak Professional P3200 Tmax film in 35mm format. 36 exposures per roll. Only expired last June so can be exposed box speed with good results still. Beautiful film for darker situations, fine grain for being a 3200 ASA film. Multiple rolls available. this item can .....
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